The Sugar desktop is designed for use by children. The Sugar desktop is designed for use by children. The Sugar desktop is designed for use by children. Education Applications for education users This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use. openSUSE:Slowroll Slowroll = a derivative codestream of openSUSE:Factory that uses automated rules to limit the rate of change to the codebase Release manager: bmwiedemann openSUSE:Slowroll:Base base snapshot from Tumbleweed This provides an easy-to-use redirect for both sources and binaries in openSUSE:Slowroll:Base:N, switching every cycle (every month) openSUSE:Slowroll:Base:2 staging area for new Base snapshot from Tumbleweed Before a version bump, I collect i586 and bootstrap binaries here. These are missing in released Tumbleweed snapshots, but are needed for building packages. Also binaries required for DVD builds, because product-builder cannot use those from download-on-demand (dod) openSUSE:Tumbleweed Tumbleweed Tumbleweed is the openSUSE Rolling Release This OBS Project represents the content of the currently published snapshot. The newer repository for next publish can be found in openSUSE:Factory standard repository. sugar The sugar package The sugar package. sugar-activities The sugar-activities package The sugar-activities package. sugar-artwork The sugar-artwork package The sugar-artwork package. sugar-base The sugar-base package The sugar-base package. abiword The abiword package The abiword package. etoys A media-rich model, game, and simulation construction kit and authoring tool Squeak Etoys was inspired by LOGO, PARC-Smalltalk, Hypercard, and starLOGO. It is a media-rich authoring environment with a simple powerful scripted object model for many kinds of objects created by end-users that runs on many platforms, and is free and open source. It includes graphics, images, text, particles, presentations, web-pages, videos, sound and MIDI, etc. matchbox-common The matchbox-common package The matchbox-common package. matchbox-desktop The matchbox-desktop package The matchbox-desktop package. matchbox-keyboard The matchbox-keyboard package The matchbox-keyboard package. matchbox-window-manager The matchbox-window-manager package The matchbox-window-manager package. sugar-analyze The sugar-analyze package The sugar-analyze package. sugar-bounce-activity The sugar-bounce-activity package The sugar-bounce-activity package. sugar-cartoonbuilder The sugar-cartoonbuilder package The sugar-cartoonbuilder package. sugar-clock The sugar-clock package The sugar-clock package. sugar-connect The sugar-connect package The sugar-connect package. sugar-datastore The sugar-datastore package The sugar-datastore package. sugar-drgeo-activity The sugar-drgeo-activity package The sugar-drgeo-activity package. sugar-fiftytwo The sugar-fiftytwo package The sugar-fiftytwo package. sugar-finance The sugar-finance package The sugar-finance package. sugar-flipsticks-activity The sugar-flipsticks-activity package The sugar-flipsticks-activity package. sugar-help The sugar-help package The sugar-help package. sugar-imageviewer The sugar-imageviewer package The sugar-imageviewer package. sugar-implode The sugar-implode package The sugar-implode package. sugar-infoslicer The sugar-infoslicer package The sugar-infoslicer package. sugar-jigsaw-puzzle-activity The sugar-jigsaw-puzzle-activity package The sugar-jigsaw-puzzle-activity package. sugar-joke-machine-activity The sugar-joke-machine-activity package The sugar-joke-machine-activity package. sugar-jukebox The sugar-jukebox package The sugar-jukebox package. sugar-labyrinth The sugar-labyrinth package The sugar-labyrinth package. sugar-log-activity The sugar-log-activity package The sugar-log-activity package. sugar-maze The sugar-maze package The sugar-maze package. sugar-memorize The sugar-memorize package The sugar-memorize package. sugar-moon The sugar-moon package The sugar-moon package. sugar-paint-activity The sugar-paint-activity package The sugar-paint-activity package. sugar-pippy The sugar-pippy package The sugar-pippy package. sugar-playgo The sugar-playgo package The sugar-playgo package. sugar-presence-service The sugar-presence-service package The sugar-presence-service package. sugar-read The sugar-read package The sugar-read package. sugar-readetexts-activity The sugar-readetexts-activity package The sugar-readetexts-activity package. sugar-record The sugar-record package The sugar-record package. sugar-slider-puzzle-activity The sugar-slider-puzzle-activity package The sugar-slider-puzzle-activity package. sugar-speak The sugar-speak package The sugar-speak package. sugar-tamtam-common The sugar-tamtam-common package The sugar-tamtam-common package. sugar-tamtam-edit The sugar-tamtam-edit package The sugar-tamtam-edit package. sugar-tamtam-jam The sugar-tamtam-jam package The sugar-tamtam-jam package. sugar-tamtam-mini The sugar-tamtam-mini package The sugar-tamtam-mini package. sugar-tamtam-synthlab The sugar-tamtam-synthlab package The sugar-tamtam-synthlab package. sugar-toolkit The sugar-toolkit package The sugar-toolkit package. sugar-turtleart The sugar-turtleart package The sugar-turtleart package. sugar-viewslides The sugar-viewslides package The sugar-viewslides package. sugar-write The sugar-write package The sugar-write package. sugar-xoirc The sugar-xoirc package The sugar-xoirc package. sugar-xomail The sugar-xomail package The sugar-xomail package. telepathy-gabble The telepathy-gabble package The telepathy-gabble package. telepathy-salut The telepathy-salut package The telepathy-salut package. xapian-bindings The xapian-bindings package The xapian-bindings package. xapian-core The xapian-core package The xapian-core package. xsettings-client The xsettings-client package The xsettings-client package. squeak-vm The squeak-vm package The squeak-vm package.