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wihap_assoc_req: polling not supported: capinfo=0x%x wihap_assoc_req: WEP flag mismatch: capinfo=0x%x wihap_assoc_req: rates mismatch. wihap_assoc_req: from station %s wihap_deauth_req: unknown station: %s wihap_disassoc_req: unknown station: %s wihap_data_input: no TODS src=%s, fctl=0x%x wihap_data_input: incorrect bss: %s wihap_data_input: dropping unassoc src %s wihap_ioctl: i shouldn't get other ioctls! wihap_mgmt_input: len=%d MGMT: unknown (stype=0x%x) assoc resp: assoc req: probe req: reassoc resp: reassoc req: ann traf ind beacon: deauth: auth: disassociation: probe resp: ftype=0x%x (ctl=0x%x) ne2000_attach%s: setup failed %s: where did the card go? ne2000_detect%s: remote transmit DMA failed to complete ne2000_write_mbuf: negative len%s: %d silo overflow%s, %d ibuf overflow%s com: unknown uart %s: console : ns8250, no fifo : ns16450, no fifo : ns16550, no working fifo : ns16550a, 16 byte fifo : st16650, no working fifo : st16650, 32 byte fifo : ti16750, 64 byte fifo : pxa2x0, 32 byte fifo (SIR)comattach: bad fifo type%s: can't establish soft interrupt.comprmcomstartcomcninit: mapping failed version %d.%d%s %s: unsupported OHCI revision %s: reset timeout %s: SMM does not respond, resetting ohci, legacy support%s: blocking intrs 0x%x %s: unrecoverable error, controller halted %s: resume detect %s: %u scheduling overruns ohci_add_done: addr 0x%08lx not foundohci_rem_ed: ED not foundohci_abort_xfer: not in process contextohci_root_ctrl_startOHCI root hubohci_setintr: 0 interval %s: isoc TD alloc failed ohci_device_isoc_abort: early return rd%drdattach: device name too long RAM diskfictitiousrd_idleAll breakpoints used. Already set. Too many breakpoints. Not set. No breakpoints set Map Count Address %s%p %5d %-12sdb_commandCount missing Bad modifier Ambiguous No such command Malloc debugging not enabled. the kernel did not panic procscalloutallbreaksextentsmallocobjectpanicpoolprocregistersuvmexpwatchescrashhaltrebootpoweroffmachineexaminesearchdeletebreakdwatchwatchstepcontinueuntilnextmatchtracecallshowboothelphangmandmesgddb> Bad function %#n Argument missing Too many arguments ELF[ %s symbol table has bad start address %p ] ELFbad magic[ %s ELF symbol table not valid: %s ] bad e_machine.strtab.symtabsymtab unaligned[ using %lu bytes of %s ELF symbol table ] symtab corrupted= 0x%lx %c\%03o%-*ld%-*lo%-*lr%-*lu%-*lx%-*lz: %*d%*o%*r%*u%*x%*zAddress missing Value missing Syntax error Symbol not found Divide by 0 Negative shift amount ^R String too long Bad escape Bad character Bad character in number End of stack trace. --db_more-- -%*lo-%#*lo-%*lu-%#*lu-%*lx-%#*lxFaulted in traceback, aborting... Starting stack trace... %-12s%#*ln %s+%#lr[after %6d] bsd[ no symbol table formats found ] No slots left for %s symbol tableUnable to find symbol table slot for %s.invalid symbol table name%s %s%s Sifting table %s: db_printsym [%s:%d]+%sBreakpoint at Stopped at RUN AT LEAST 'trace' AND 'ps' AND INCLUDE OUTPUT WHEN REPORTING THIS PANIC! DO NOT EVEN BOTHER REPORTING THIS WITHOUT INCLUDING THAT INFORMATION! After %d instructions (%d loads, %d stores), radixmaxoffmaxwidthtabstopslinesUnknown variable No value All watchpoints used. No map. Too many watchpoints. No watchpoints set Map Address Size %s%p %8lx %lx Unknown size %#8n = %#8n Nothing written. () Score: %lu/%lu db_hangman/etc/firmware/%s%s: address %s dp8390_initdp8390_start: no header mbuf%s: NIC memory corrupt - invalid packet length %d : failed to clear NIC buffer at offset %x - check configuration %s: device enable failed arc4_stirextract_entropyrndrdcd9660_lookupcd9660_inactive: pushing activecd9660_reclaim: pushing activeRRIP without PX field? RRIP with incorrect flags?RRIP with incorrect NM flags? IEEE_P1282RRIP_1991AIEEE_1282SPcd9660_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'scd9660root_deviceCD001%/@%/C%/Eisoinodefhtovp: directory crosses block boundary %d[off=%d/len=%d] fhtovp: bread error %d fhtovp: crosses block boundary %d fhtovp: lbn exceed volume space %d cd9660_strategy: spectag VT_ISOFS, isofs vnode elf32_load_fileOpenBSDexec_elf32_makecmds#!/dev/fd/%dswapperfork initcfpendcannot mount rootcannot find root vnodepagedaemonfork pagedaemonreaperfork reapercleanerfork cleanerupdatefork updateaiodonedfork aiodoned/sbin/init/sbin/oinit/sbin/init.bak/dev/consolewarning: /dev/console does not exist warning: /dev/console error %d initexecinit: couldn't allocate argument spaceexec %s: error %d init: not found no initinitclocks: unable to register softclock intrfileplfdescpldup2: fdallocclosefkqeueplknoteplkqreaduser mapping failed kernel mapping failed %d init died (signal %d, exit %d)waitppwaitWARNING: thread `%s' (%d) exits with status %d unable to allocate kthread_qlockmgr: make up your mindlockmgr: not holding exclusive locklockmgr: unknown locktype request %dlockmgr: non-zero exclusive countlockmgr: locking against myselflockmgr: upgrade exclusive locklockmgr: processor %lu, not exclusive lock holder %lu unlockinglockmgr: pid %d, not exclusive lock holder %d unlockinglockmgr: draining against myself lock type %s: EXCL (count %d) by processor %lupid %d with %d pending not locked lock type %s: SHARED (count %d)malloc: allocation too largemalloc: out of space in kmem_map%d,rwlockrw_enter: locking against myselfphysbufphysio%-16s %-8s %18p %s %5d %5d %5d %d %#10x %-9.9s %-16s COMMANDSTRUCT PROC *UAREA * PID %-10s %18s %18s %18s VMSPACE/VM_MAP PID %-16s %-8s %18s %s EMULWAIT-CHANNELWAIT-MSGFLAGSWAITPPIDPGRPUID PID %5s %5s %5s S %10s %-9s %-16s usage: show all procs [/a] [/n] [/w] /a == show process address info /n == show normal process info [default] /w == show process wait/emul info procinit: mallocprocplzombieplucredplpgrpplsessionplpcredplchgproccnt: procs < 0idlestopzombiedeadonprocADVLOCKCTTYINMEMNOCLDSTOPPPWAITPROFILSELECTSINTR SUGID SYSTEM TIMEOUT TRACED WAITEDWEXITEXECPWEUPCFSTRACESSTEPSUGIDEXECNOCLDWAITNOZOMBIEINEXECSYSTRACECONTINUEDSWAPINBIGLOCKPROC (%s) pid=%d stat=%s flags=%b pri=%u, usrpri=%u, nice=%d forw=%p, back=%p, list=%p,%p user=%p, vmspace=%p estcpu=%u, cpticks=%d, pctcpu=%u.%u%, swtime=%u user=%llu, sys=%llu, intr=%llu mawn%c%5d %-10.10s %18p %18p %18p plimitplsigaplpauseissignal procfs debuggingpid %d was killed: %s sorry, pid %d was killed: %s coredump%s.corehashinit: bad cntsysctlsysctl_disklockkern_sysctl%s,denied attempt to set clock forward to %ld denied attempt to set clock back %ld seconds nanosleep?%9d %2d/%-4d %8x %s ticks now: %d ticks wheel arg func smashed stack in %spreempt: cpu_preempt not yet implementedsetrunnable not configured unsupported >>> %s probe returned %d >>> probing for %s* mapply: no match function for '%s' device>>> %s probe won >>> no winning probe root device %s not configured %s at %s%s (root)config_make_softcconfig_make_softc: allocation for device softc failed%s%dconfig_make_softc: duplicate %sexpandcreatconfig_make_softc: %sing dev arrayconfig_make_softc: device name too long%s detached config_detach: forced detach of %s failed (%d)config_defer: can't defer config of a root deviceconfig_defer: can't allocate defer structurewrit%s%d%c: %s %sing fsbn %d of %d-%d (%s%d bn %d; cn %d tn %d sn %d)disk_attach: can't allocate storage for disklabeldisk_detach: disk_count < 0disk_unbusy: %s: dk_busy < 0 rootdev=0x%x rrootdev=0x%x rawdev=0x%x cannot open disk, 0x%x/0x%x, error %dfilesystem type %d not known.. assuming ffs dk_mountrootcannot read disk label, 0x%x/0x%x, error %droot filesystem has size 0bufq_default_alloc: no memoryextentplextntextent_free: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_free: region not foundFLWANTEDWANTEDNOCOALESCEFIXEDextent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), flags=%b 0x%lx - 0x%lx extent_print: NULL extentklogmtx_enter: ipl not implementedphpoolpcgpoolpool_init: too much uptimepool_get: %s: page emptypool_put: %s: page header missing page %p, nmissing %d, time %lu,%lu POOL %s: size %u, align %u, ioff %u, roflags 0x%08x alloc %p minitems %u, minpages %u, maxpages %u, npages %u itemsperpage %u, nitems %u, nout %u, hardlimit %u nget %lu, nfail %lu, nput %lu npagealloc %lu, npagefree %lu, hiwat %u, nidle %lu empty page list: full page list: partial-page list: no current page cache %p: allocfrom %p freeto %p hits %lu misses %lu ngroups %lu nitems %lu group %p: avail %d %p no log curpage %p %s: pool(%p:%s): page inconsistency: page %p; at page head addr %p (p %p) pool(%p:%s): page inconsistency: page %p; item ordinal %d; addr %p (p %p) kernel %sassertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d%s: table is full panic: splassert: %s: want %d have %d spl assertion failure in %slogprikprintf%llx%llobug in kprintf: bad base0123456789ABCDEF(null)0123456789abcdefaddchangeddbdisableenableexitfindlistquittimezoneverbose--- more --- 0%o*UNKNOWN**FOUND*%3d free slot (for add) Unknown devno (max is %d) %3d at disable %s flags 0x%x ???%3d %s count %d (pseudo device) %s [] ? Unknown argument %3d can't change free slot change (y/n) ?%3d %s changed flags changed out of memory. already disabled Error unknown state %3d can't disable free slot %3d %s can't disable pseudo device %3d can't enable free slot %3d %s can't enable pseudo device command args description [count] number of lines before more enter ddbdev add a device8|10|16 base on large numbersdevno|dev change devicesattr val|devno|dev disable devicesattr val|devno|dev enable devicesdevno|dev find devices this message list configuration leave UKC[attr [val]] show attributes (or devices with an attribute)[mins [dst]] set timezone/dst don't know toggle verbose bootingUnknown routine /%c/ Unknown attribute Unknown pseudo routine /%c/ Value missing for attribute %s ? Not same device type No more space for new devices. No device of this type exists. Clone Device (DevNo, 'q' or '?')Insert before Device (DevNo, 'q' or '?')Device not complete number or * is missing Argument expected Dev expected 8|10|16 expected DevNo or Dev expected Attr, DevNo or Dev expected timezone = %d, dst = %d Unknown command disautoconf verbose %sabled Unknown command, try help User Kernel Config UKC> Continuing... sys_ioctlselectpipelkpiperdpipewrpipeclpipeplttckoutqttwritettyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d load: %d.%02d not a controlling terminal no foreground process group runningrunnableiowait cmd: %s %d [%s] %ld.%02ldu %ld.%02lds %d%% %ldk empty foreground process group putc: required clalloc b_to_q: required clalloc WARNING: mclpool limit reached; increase kern.maxclustersmbplmclplm_copym0: null mbufm_copym0: m == NULL and not COPYALLm_copym0: off %d, len %dm_copydata: off %d < 0m_copydata: null mbuf in skipm_copydata: null mbufm_copydata: len %d < 0m_apply: len %d < 0m_apply: null mbuf in skipm_apply: null mbufm_apply: off %d < 0m == NULL in m_pulldown()unixsockplsoclose: NOFDREFsoaccept: !NOFDREFsbappendaddrsbappendcontrolsemi-panic: sbcompresssbdropsbcreatecontrol: message too large %d acceptuipc 1uipc 2uipc 4uipc 3piusrrequnp_attachunp_bindunp_connect2unp_disconnectbremfree: lost tailbufplgetblkallocbuf: buffer larger than MAXBSIZE requestedgetnewbufbiowaitbiodone alreadynchplcluster_read: DONE bpcluster_callback: too little memoryClustered Block: %d addr %x bufsize: %ld Child Block: %d addr: %x Clustered write to wrong blocksvop_generic_revokealloperation %s not listed in %s. vfs_op_descsvfs_opv_init: bad operationvfs_opv_init: operation vector without default routine.nameilockfpllf_findoverlap: defaultrelookup: null namerelookup: lookup on dot-dotvnodesvfslock%s_mountroot failed: %d vnodefree vnodefree vnode isn'tvgetvrele: cannot lockvclean: deadlockvclean: cannot reclaimvclean: not cleanvgonemissing bdevvgonel: not cleanmissing aliasVNONVREGVDIRVBLKVCHRVLNKVSOCKVFIFOVBADtype %s, usecount %u, writecount %u, holdcount %u,vprint flags (%s)|VALIASED|VBIOONSYNCLIST|VBIOONFREELIST|VBIOWAIT|VXWANT|VXLOCK|VSYSTEM|VTEXT|VROOTkinfo: vp changed WARNING: some file systems would not unmount retrying unmount of %s failed with error %d syncing disks... giving up done %d softdep vwakeup: neg numoutputvinvalbufvinvalbuf: flush failedvinvalbuf: dirty bufsvflushbufvflushbuf: dirtyvflushbuf: not dirtybgetvp: not freebrelvp: NULLsyncersched_sync: fsync failedmounted on: %s syncer vnodesys_mountmount: lost mountunmount: dangling vnodesys_statfssys_fstatfssys_getfsstatsys_getfhsys_fhopensys_fhstatsys_fhstatfsvn_lockvop_islockedvop_lookupvop_createvop_mknodvop_openvop_closevop_accessvop_getattrvop_setattrvop_readvop_writevop_leasevop_ioctlvop_pollvop_kqfiltervop_revokevop_fsyncvop_removevop_linkvop_renamevop_mkdirvop_rmdirvop_symlinkvop_readdirvop_readlinkvop_abortopvop_inactivevop_reclaimvop_lockvop_unlockvop_bmapvop_printvop_pathconfvop_advlockvop_reallocblksvop_strategyvop_bwritedead_read: lockdead_write: locktag VT_NON, dead vnode dead_badop calledchkvnlockfifowfifortag VT_NON, fifo with %ld readers and %ld writersfifo_badop calledspec_read typespec_write typespec_ioctlspec_fsyncspec_fsync: not dirtyspec_close: not specialtag VT_NON, dev %d, %d spec_badop calleddos2unixtime(): month value out of range (%ld) denodedeget(): pcbmap returned %d detrunc(): can't truncate root directory, clust %ld, offset %ld deextend: file too largemsdosfs_reclaim(): pushing activemsdosfs_inactive(): pushing activeextendfile(): attempt to extend root directory extendfile: pcbmapmsdosfs_lookup. .. doscheckpath(): .. not a directory? RRaArrAamsdosfs_sync: rofs mod dev %d, %d, %s msdosfs_createmsdosfs_write(): bad file typemsdosfs_renamemsdosfs_rename: lost to startdirmsdosfs_rename: lost from startdirmsdosfs_rename: updating .. in root directory?msdosfs_mkdirmsdosfs_readdirmsdosfs_strategy: spectag VT_MSDOSFS, startcluster %ld, dircluster %ld, diroffset %ld (LOCKED)bpf_detachd: descriptor not in listbpf: ifpromisc failedbpfbpfwritebpf_mcopybpfattachtoo many interfacesif_attachhead: mallocif_attach: mallocif_clone_listifioctlifconfif_getgroupif_getgroupmembersegressif_group_egress_buildifpromisc%s: can't handle af%d lo%dlooutput: no header mbufifmedia_add: can't malloc entryifmedia_set: no match for 0x%x/0x%x ifmedia_set failedrn_addmask: mask impossibly already in tree Mask for route not entered Non-unique normal route, mask not entered rn_delete: inconsistent annotation rn_delete: couldn't find our annotation rn_delete: couldn't find us %s %p at %p rn_delete: Orphaned Maskrn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set rn_initrn_init 2raw_usrreqrtentplrtfreertfree: %p not freed (neg refs) rtfree 2ifafreertrequest deletertinit: wrong ifa (%p) was (%p) rttmrplrt_timer_queue_destroy: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_remove_all: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_add: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_timer: rtq_count reached 0 route_outputroutebad channel ignored; freq %u flags %x number %u invalid channel freq %u flags %x invalid channel (NULL) ieee80211_media_initUnexpected mode %uBad IBSS channel %u ieee80211_wep_cryptstation %s shared key %sauthentication %s: shared authentication failed (reason %d) for %s received %s from %s rssi %d %s: got power save probe from %s %s: power save mode off for %s %s: power save mode on for %s null nodeopen authentication failed (reason %d) for %s newlystation %s %s authenticated (open) station %s authenticated (shared key) %sassociation failed (reason %d) for %s station %s deauthenticated by peer (reason %d) station %s disassociated by peer (reason %d) %s: station %s sent bogus aid %x %s: station %s aid %x doesn't match pspoll aid %x %s: enqueued power saving packet for station %s %s: station %s sent pspoll, but no packets are saved %s: station %s sent bogus power save poll ieee80211_ibss_merge%s: rates mismatch, BSSID %s %s: sync BSSID %s -> (from %s) %s: ieee80211_ibss_merge: bssid mismatch %s %s: my tsft %ull beacon tsft %ull %s: sync TSF with %s %s: tsft offset %s%ull ieee80211_ioctl80211scan%s: no memory for AID bitmap! unable to setup inital BSS nodebegin %s scan passivecreating ibss end %s scan ieee80211_end_scanfreeing bss nodenot in ap mode, mode %ufailed to queue raw tx frame sending %s to %s on channel %u no node for dst %s, discard raw tx frame %s: npkt %d firstlen %d lastlen0 %d lastlen %d fraglen %d overlen %d len %d rate %d flags %08x 802.11 packet too large: %ustation %s deauthenticate (reason %d) station %s disassociate (reason %d) beacon bigger than expected, len %u calculated %u%s: station %s power save queue overflow of size %d drops %d assoc_reqassoc_respreassoc_reqreassoc_respprobe_reqprobe_respreserved#6reserved#7beaconatimdisassocdeauthreserved#13reserved#14reserved#15INITSCANAUTHASSOCRUN0x"NODS %s->%s(%s) type#%d %dM +%d WEP dataTODS %sFRDS %sDSDS %s(%s->%s)no recent beacons from %s; rescanning associatedsynchronized%s with %s ssid channel %d start %uMb %s: bogus xmit rate %u setup APL1APL1AAPL1_ETSICAPL1_FCCAAPL1WAPL2APL2CAPL2DAPL2_ETSICAPL2WAPL3APL3WAPL4APL4WAPL5APL5WAPLDAPLDEBUGETSI1ETSI1WETSI2ETSI2WETSI3ETSI3AETSI3W,ETSI4ETSI4CETSI4WETSI5ETSI5WETSI6ETSI6WETSIAETSIBETSICETSIEU1WFCC1FCC1AFCC1WFCC2FCC2CFCC2AFCC2WFCC3FCC3AFCCAFRANCEMKK1MKK1_FCCAMKK1AMKK1A1MKK1A2MKK1BMKK2MKK2AMKKANONEWOR01WWOR02WWOR0WWOR1WWOR2WWOR3WWOR4WWOR5_ETSICWOR9WWORAWWORLDaeamarauazbebgbhbnbobrbybzcacncocrcyczdkdodzegf2fifrgrgthkhnhrhuidiliniqisj1j2j3j4j5jmjojpk2kpkrkwkzlbliltlvmamcmkmomxmyninlnzpaphpkprpyqarorusasgsisvtntttwuaukuyuzvnyezazwarp_rtrequest: bad gateway value arp_rtrequest: malloc failed arprequestarpresolve: can't allocate llinfo arpintrarp: attempt to add entry for %s on %s by %s on %s in_arpinputarp: attempt to overwrite entry for %s on %s by %s on %s arp info overwritten for %s by %s on %s arp: attempt to overwrite permanent entry for %s by %s on %s duplicate IP address %s sent from ethernet address %s arp: ether address is broadcast for IP address %s! arptfreearplookup: unable to enter address for %s revarprequestrevarp[NULL][ ifa_addr= ifa_dsta= ifa_mask= flags=0x%x, refcnt=%d, metric=%d la_rt=%p la_hold=%p, la_asked=0x%lx rtentry=%p flags=0x%x refcnt=%d use=%ld expire=%ld key= mask= gw= ifp=%p ifa=%p genmask= gwroute=%p llinfo=%p (NULL)Route tree for AF_INET (not initialized) in_controlinvalid argument to in_lifaddr_ioctlin_ifinitin_addmultiin_delmultiin_pcbinit: hashinit failedin_pcbinit: hashinit failed for lportinpcbplIPv6 pcb passed into in_pcbconnectinterneticmp_erroricmp lenicmp_reflecticmp_mtudisc_timeouticmp_mtudisc_timeout: bad route to timeouticmp_redirect_timeout: bad route to timeout%d.%d.%d.%dipqeplaeshmac-sha1deflateip_initip_outputip_setmoptionsrip_attachrip_detachrip_usrreqtcp_inputm_pulldown malfunctiontcp_pulloutofbandsynpltcp_outputtcp_output REXMTtcpcbpltcpqepltcp_inittcp_respondtcp_ctlinputtcp6_mtudisc_callbacktcp_timer_rexmttcp_usrreqtcp_identudp_inputudp6_ctlinputudp_usrreqipip_input: should never reach hereetherip_inputMD5Finalfile system full %s: write failed, file system is full ffs_realloccg: bad blockno%s: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME dev = 0x%x, optim = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad optim%s: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE dev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, bprev = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad bprevfree inode %s/%d had %d blocks out of inodes %s: create/symlink failed, no inodes free mode = 0%o, inum = %d, fs = %s ffs_valloc: dup allocpos = %d, i = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccgblk: can't find blk in cylffs_alloccgblk: cyl groups corruptedffs_clusteralloc: lost blockffs_nodealloccg: block not in mapcg = %d, irotor = %d, fs = %s ffs_nodealloccg: map corrupteddev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %ld, fs = %s ffs_blkfree: bad sizebad block %d, ino %u bad blockdev = 0x%x, block = %d, fs = %s ffs_blkfree: freeing free fragffs_blkfree: freeing free blockdev = 0x%x, ino = %u, fs = %s ffs_freefile: range: dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %sffs_freefile: freeing free inodebno = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: block not in mapstart = %d, len = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: map corrupteduid %u on %s: %s ffs_balloc: blk too bigCould not unwind indirect block, error %dffs_update: bad link cntffs_truncate: newspaceffs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizeffs_isblockffs_clrblockffs_setblockffs_isfreeblocksoftdep_flushfiles calledsoftdep_setup_inomapdep calledsoftdep_setup_blkmapdep calledsoftdep_setup_allocdirect calledsoftdep_setup_allocindir_page calledsoftdep_setup_allocindir_meta calledsoftdep_setup_freeblocks calledsoftdep_freefile calledsoftdep_setup_directory_add calledsoftdep_change_directoryentry_offset calledsoftdep_setup_remove calledsoftdep_setup_directory_change calledsoftdep_change_linkcnt calledsoftdep_load_inodeblock calledsoftdep_update_inodeblock calledsoftdep_slowdown calledffs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp's ffsWARNING: %s was not properly unmounted WARNING: R/W mount of %s denied. Filesystem is not clean - run fsck WARNING: soft updates isn't compiled in ffs_reload: dirty2ffs_reload: dirty1no UFS2 support ffs_statfsupdate: rofs modffsino%s: typeffs_write%s: nonsync dir writeffs_fsyncffs_fsync: not dirtyffs_inactive: pushing activeufs_reclaim: pushing activei_ffs_size too smallmangled entry%s: bad dir ino %d at offset %d: %s bad dirFirst bad Second bad ufs_direnter: newblkufs_direnter: compact1ufs_direnter: compact2checkpath: .. not a directory chown: lost quotaufs_linkufs_renameufs_rename: lost to startdirrename: EXDEVufs_rename: same fileufs_rename: lost dir entryufs_rename: lost from startdirufs_mkdirufs_readdir: lost in spaceufs_strategy: spectag VT_UFS, ino %d, on dev %d, %d flags 0x%x, effnlink %d, nlink %d mode 0%o, owner %d, group %d, size %lldufs_makeinodemode = 0%o, nlinks %d, inum = %d, fs = %s ext2fs_valloc: dup allocext2fs_nodealloccg: block not in mapcg = %d, ipref = %d, fs = %s ext2fs_nodealloccg: map corruptedbad block %d, ino %d dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %s ifree: range: dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %sifree: freeing free inodeext2fs_mapsearch: block not in mapext2fs_alloccg: map corrupteduid %d on %s: %s ext2fs_inactive: pushing activeext2fs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizeext2fs_readdiri_size too smallrec_len is smaller than minimalrec_len % 4 != 0reclen is too small for name_lendirectory entry across blocksinode out of boundsbad directory entry: %s offset=%d, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d ext2fs_dirbadentryext2fs_direnter: newblkext2fs_direnterext2fs_direnter: frag sizecheckpathext2fs_writeext2fs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'sext2fs%s: file system not clean; please fsck(8) ext2fs_reload: dirty2ext2fs_reload: dirty1ext2fs_statfsExt2 fs: unsupported inode size Ext2 fs: unsupported optional feature ext2fs_rename: lost to startdirrename: linked directoryext2fs_rename: lost dir entryext2fs_rename: mangled dirext2fs_rename: lost from startdirext2fs_mkdir: blksizeext2fs_reclaim: pushing activeamap_lookup: offset out of rangeamap_lookups: offset out of rangeamap_add: offset out of rangeamap_add: replacing null anonamap_add: slot in useamap_unadd: offset out of rangeamap_unadd: nothing thereamapplamap_wipeout: corrupt amapcownowpagecownowamap_cow_now: non-resident wired page in anon %pamap_splitref: split at zero offsetamap_splitref: map size check failedamap_pp_adjref: overshot targetamap_pp_adjref: negative reference countuvm_anon_add: can not allocate %d anons uvm_anon_adduao_set_swslot: uobj = %p uao_set_swslot: attempt to set a slot on a NOSWAP objectuao_create: kernel object already allocateduao_create: hashinit swhash faileduao_create: malloc swslots faileduao_create: asked to enable swap on kernel objectuaoeltplaobjpluao_flush: strange, got an out of range flush (fixed) uao_flush: weird flagsuao_getuao_getpageudv_attachudv_detachudv_faultfltamapcopyanonget1anonget2flt_noram1flt_pmfail1flt_noram3flt_noram2flt_pmfail2flt_noram4flt_noram5fltagain2uvm_fault_unwire_locked: address not in mapuvm_fault_unwire_locked: unwiring non-wired memoryuvm_fork: uvm_fault_wire failed: %duvm_swapin: uvm_fault_wire failed: %dschedpwaitscheduleruvm_init: page size not setuvm_km_init: could not reserve space for kerneluvm_km_suballoc: unable to allocate space in parent mapuvm_km_suballoc: submap allocation faileduvm_km_suballoc: unable to create submapkm_getwait2km_allockm_alloc1wuvm_km_alloc1: non-released pagevallocwaitkmthreadkmallocvmmaplkuvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries, check MAX_KMAPENT (currently %d)# uvm_map() successful calls# uvm_map() back merges# uvm_map() missed forward# map lookup calls# map lookup hint hitsvmspplvmmpeplvmmpekpluvm_map_clean: weird flagsfork: encountered a submap during fork (illegal)fork: non-copy_on_write map entry marked needs_copy (illegal)MAP %p: [0x%lx->0x%lx] #ent=%d, sz=%u, ref=%d, version=%u, flags=0x%x pmap=%p(resident=%d) - %p: 0x%lx->0x%lx: obj=%p/0x%llx, amap=%p/%d submap=%c, cow=%c, nc=%c, prot(max)=%d/%d, inh=%d, wc=%d, adv=%d OBJECT %p: locked=%d, pgops=%p, npages=%d, refs= PAGES : <%p,0x%llx> refs=%d PAGE %p: %b flags=%s, pqflags=%s, vers=%d, wire_count=%d, pa=0x%lx uobject=%p, uanon=%p, offset=0x%llx loan_count=%d [page ownership tracking disabled] >>> ANON DOES NOT POINT HERE <<< (%p) checking pageq list >>> PAGE NOT FOUND ON PAGEQ LIST! <<< uvm_page_printit page found on pageq list anon backpointer is OK checking object list >>> PAGE NOT FOUND ON OBJECT LIST! <<< page found on object list uvm_page_bootstrap: no memory pre-allocateduvm_page_init: lost %ld page(s) in init uvm_page_inituvm_setpagesize: page size not a power of twouvm_pageboot_alloc: out of virtual spaceuvm_pageboot_alloc: out of memoryuvm_pageboot_alloc: pmap_growkernel() faileduvm_page_physget: called _after_ bootstrapuvm_page_physget: out of memory!uvm_page_physload: page size not set!uvm_page_physload: start >= enduvm_page_physload: tried to add RAM after vm_mem_inituvm_page_physload: unable to load physical memory segment %d segments allocated, ignoring 0x%llx -> 0x%llx increase VM_PHYSSEG_MAX uvm_page_physload: bad free list %duvm_page_physrehash: WARNING: could not grow page hash table rehash: physical memory config [segs=%d of %d]: 0x%llx->0x%llx [0x%llx->0x%llx] STRATEGY = BSEARCH number of buckets = %d uvm_pagealloc_strat: bad strat %demergvapager_mappagedaemon: deadlock detected! pgdaemon%s = %d Current UVM status: pagesize=%d (0x%x), pagemask=0x%x, pageshift=%d %d VM pages: %d active, %d inactive, %d wired, %d free min %d%% (%d) anon, %d%% (%d) vnode, %d%% (%d) vtext pages %d anon, %d vnode, %d vtext freemin=%d, free-target=%d, inactive-target=%d, wired-max=%d faults=%d, traps=%d, intrs=%d, ctxswitch=%d softint=%d, syscalls=%d, swapins=%d, swapouts=%d fault counts: noram=%d, noanon=%d, pgwait=%d, pgrele=%d ok relocks(total)=%d(%d), anget(retrys)=%d(%d), amapcopy=%d neighbor anon/obj pg=%d/%d, gets(lock/unlock)=%d/%d cases: anon=%d, anoncow=%d, obj=%d, prcopy=%d, przero=%d daemon and swap counts: woke=%d, revs=%d, scans=%d, obscans=%d, anscans=%d busy=%d, freed=%d, reactivate=%d, deactivate=%d pageouts=%d, pending=%d, nswget=%d nswapdev=%d, nanon=%d, nanonneeded=%d nfreeanon=%d swpages=%d, swpginuse=%d, swpgonly=%d paging=%d kernel pointers: objs(kern/kmem)=%p/%p swapsysuvm_swap_init: can't get vnode for swap deviceswapmapswp vnxswp vnduvm_swap_init: extent_create failedswapdrum_addsys_swapctlswapctl: copystrswapctl: miniroot copy failedswap0x%04xswap_on: miniroot larger than swap?Preserved %d pages of miniroot leaving %d pages of swap swap_on: unable to preserve minirootdisklabel regionswap_off: swapdev not in listswstrategy: vnode type 0x%xsw_reg_strategy: swap to sparse filewarning: resource shortage: %d pages of swap lost swapmount: no device swapmount: no device 2 swap_deviceswapmount: copystrsbrk: grow %ld failed, error = %d uvm_coredump: user process with submap?uvm_deallocate with null mapuvnsyncuvn_attach: blocked at %p flags 0x%x uvn_attachuvn_termuvm_vnp_terminate: io sync wanted bit setuvn_releasepg: kill flag set on referenced object!uvn_flush: obj=%p, offset=0x%llx. error during pageout. uvn_flush: WARNING: changes to page may be lost! uvn_flushuvn_cluster: offset out of rangeuvn_getuvn_getpageuvn_iosyncrd%d: fixed, %d blocks NULL pointer passed to ip_ecn_ingressNULL pointer passed to ip_ecn_egressNULL pointer passed to ip6_ecn_ingressNULL pointer passed to ip6_ecn_egressin6_pcbconnectin6_pcbnotifyin6_ifloop_requestADDDELETEin6_ifloop_request: %s operation failed for %s (errno=%d) in6_controlnd6_prelist_add succeeded but no prefix prefix ioctls are now invalidated. please use ifconfig. in6_update_ifain6_update_ifa: addmulti failed for %s on %s (errno=%d) in6_update_ifa: failed to remove a route to the old destination: %s in6_update_ifa: the prefix length of an existing (%s) address should not be changed in6_update_ifa: valid lifetime is 0 for %s in6_update_ifa: prefixlen should be 128 when dstaddr is specified in6_update_ifa: a destination can be specified for a p2p or a loopback IF only in6_purgeaddr: failed to remove a route to the p2p destination: %s on %s, errno=%d Couldn't unlink in6_ifaddr from in6_ifaddr in6_unlink_ifa: autoconf'ed address %p has no prefix invalid argument to in6_lifaddr_ioctlin6_savemkludge: no kludge spacein6_addmultiin6_delmultiin6_are_prefix_equal: invalid prefix length(%d) in6_prefixlen2mask: invalid prefix length(%d) in6_prefixlen2maskin6_ifawithscope: output interface is not specified get_rand_ifid%s: interface identifier generated by random number %s: ifid: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s: failed to get interface identifier %s: borrow interface identifier from %s %s: got interface identifier from %s %s: got interface identifier from itself in6_ifattach_linklocalin6_ifattach_linklocal: failed to configure a link-local address on %s (errno=%d) %s: no ifid available in6_ifattach_loopbackin6_ifattach_loopback: failed to configure the loopback address on %s (errno=%d) in6_nigroupin6_ifattach: %s has too small MTU, IPv6 not enabled in6_ifattachin6_ifattach: %s is not multicast capable, IPv6 not enabled in6_ifdetach%s: didn't unlink in6ifaddr from list in6_cksum: mbuf len (%d) < off+len (%d+%d)in6_cksum: out of datainternet6icmp6_mtudisc_callback_registerENOBUFS in icmp6_error %d icmp6_input: unknown type %d(src=%s, dst=%s, ifid=%d) ICMP6 checksum error(%d|%x) %s icmp6_notify_erroricmp6_notify_error: in6_embedscope failed icmp6_mtudisc_updateni6_inputicmp6_rip6_inputicmp6_reflecticmp6_reflect: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d /usr/src/sys/netinet6/icmp6.csanity fail: off=%lx, sizeof(ip6)=%lx in %s:%d (src=%s dst=%s tgt=%s)icmp6_redirect_inputICMP6 redirect sent from %s rejected; must be from linklocal ICMP6 redirect sent from %s rejected; hlim=%d (must be 255) ICMP6 redirect rejected; no route with inet6 gateway found for redirect dst: %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; neither router case nor onlink case: %s icmp6_redirect_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, icmp6 packet %d): %s icmp6_redirect_input: invalid ND option, rejected: %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; redirect dst must be unicast: %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; not equal to gw-for-src=%s (must be same): %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; no route found for redirect dst: %s icmp6_redirect_outputicmp6_mtudisc_timeout: bad route to timeouticmp6_redirect_timeout: bad route to timeoutip6_initip6_input: packet to an unready address %s->%s ip6_savecontrolip6_nexthdrip6_nexthdr: m == NULLOpenBSD-currentcannot forward from %s to %s nxt %d received on %s cannot forward src %s, dst %s, nxt %d, rcvif %s, outif %s ip6_mrouter_doneadd_m6ifregister_mifdel_m6ifadd_m6fc: %s o %s g %s p %x dbx %p multiple kernel entriesdel_m6fcip6_mforward: ip6_mrouter socket queue full ip6_outputassumption failed: hdr not splitip6_setmoptionsip6_setpktoptionsip6_rthdr0nd6_init called more than once(ignored) nd6_setmtu0: new link MTU on %s (%lu) is too small for IPv6 ndopts == NULL in nd6_optionuninitialized ndopts in nd6_optionndopts == NULL in nd6_optionsduplicated ND6 option found (type=%d) too many loop in nd opt nd6_options: unsupported option %d - option ignored uninitialized ndopts in nd6_optionsln->ln_rt == NULLln->ln_rt->rt_ifp == NULLrt_llinfo(%p) is not equal to ln(%p)dst=0 in nd6_timer(ln=%p)nd6_lookupunspecnd6_lookup: failed to lookup %s (if = %s) nd6_freend6_rtrequestnd6_rtrequest: bad gateway value: %s %s: failed to join %s (errno=%d) nd6_rtrequest: malloc failed nd6_ioctla router(%s) advertises a prefix with non-link local address default router list contains a non-linklocal address(%s) ifp == NULL in nd6_cache_lladdrfrom == NULL in nd6_cache_lladdrnd6_output: can't allocate llinfo for %s (ln=%p, rt=%p) nd6_storelladdr: something odd happens nd6_storelladdr: sdl_alen == 0, dst=%s, if=%s scope error in prefix list (%s) nd6_ns_inputnd6_ns_input: src=%s nd6_ns_input: dst=%s nd6_ns_input: tgt=%s nd6_ns_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet (wrong ip6 dst) nd6_ns_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, NS packet %d) nd6_ns_input: duplicate IP6 address %s nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet (link-layer address option) nd6_ns_input: invalid ND option, ignored nd6_ns_input: bad NS target (multicast) nd6_ns_outputnd6_ns_output: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d nd6_na_inputnd6_na_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address %s nd6_na_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, NA packet %d) nd6_na_input: invalid ND option, ignored nd6_na_input: a solicited adv is multicasted nd6_na_input: invalid target address %s nd6_na_outputnd6_na_output: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d %s: starting DAD for %s nd6_dad_start: memory allocation failed for %s(%s) ???nd6_dad_start: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) nd6_dad_start: ifa->ifa_ifp == NULLnd6_dad_timer: called with null parameter %s: DAD complete for %s - no duplicates found %s: could not run DAD, driver problem? nd6_dad_timer: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) nd6_dad_timer: called with duplicated address %s(%s) nd6_dad_timer: DAD structure not found nd6_dad_duplicated: DAD structure not found %s: DAD detected duplicate IPv6 address %s: NS in/out=%d/%d, NA in=%d %s: DAD complete for %s - duplicate found %s: manual intervention required nd6_dad_ns_input: ignoring DAD NS packet for address %s(%s) ifa == NULL in nd6_dad_ns_inputifa == NULL in nd6_dad_na_inputnd6_rs_inputnd6_rs_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_rs_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, RS packet %d) nd6_rs_input: invalid ND option, ignored nd6_ra_inputnd6_ra_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_ra_input: src %s is not link-local nd6_ra_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, RA packet %d) nd6_ra_input: bogus mtu mtu=%lu sent from %s; exceeds maxmtu %lu, ignoring nd6_ra_input: bogus mtu option mtu=%lu sent from %s, ignoring nd6_ra_input: invalid option len %d for prefix information option, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid prefix len %d for prefix information option, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid prefixlen %d for rfc2374 prefix %s, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid prefix %s, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid ND option, ignored defrouter_addreqdefrouter_delreqdefrouter_select: called unexpectedly (forwarding=%d, accept_rtadv=%d) defrouter_select: more than one router is installed nd6_prelist_add: failed to make the prefix %s/%d on-link on %s (errno=%d) prelist_remove: failed to make %s/%d offlink on %s, errno=%d prelist_update: failed to make the prefix %s/%d on-link on %s (errno=%d) prelist_update: nd6_prelist_add failed for %s/%d on %s errno=%d, returnpr=%p pfxlist_onlink_check: failed to make %s/%d offlink, errno=%d nd6_prefix_onlinknd6_prefix_onlink: failed to add route for a prefix (%s/%d) on %s, gw=%s, mask=%s, flags=%lx errno = %d nd6_prefix_onlink: failed to find any ifaddr to add route for a prefix(%s/%d) on %s nd6_prefix_onlink: %s/%d is already on-link nd6_prefix_offlinknd6_prefix_offlink: failed to recover a prefix %s/%d from %s to %s (errno = %d) nd6_prefix_offlink: failed to delete route: %s/%d on %s (errno = %d) nd6_prefix_offlink: %s/%d is already off-link in6_ifaddin6_ifadd: failed to make ifaddr %s on %s (errno=%d) in6_ifadd: wrong prefixlen for %s (prefix=%d ifid=%d) in6_init_prefix_ltimes: preferred lifetime(%d) is greater than valid lifetime(%d) rip6_inputrip6_outputrip6_attachrip6_usrreqrip6_detachudp6_outputspsrr1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r10r11r12usr_spusr_lrsvc_spsvc_lrpcund_spabt_spirq_spFaulted in DDB; continuing... address %p is invalid address 0x%08lx not a valid page framedb_fetch_reg: botchbranch_taken: botchscp=0x%08x rlv=0x%08x ( rsp=0x%08x rfp=0x%08xBad frame pointer: %p Bad user frame pointer: %p %sr%d=0x%08xtrace: pid %d not found swapped out at %p frame address = %08x frame address must be specified spsr=%08x r0 =%08x r1 =%08x r2 =%08x r3 =%08x r4 =%08x r5 =%08x r6 =%08x r7 =%08x r8 =%08x r9 =%08x r10=%08x r11=%08x r12=%08x r13=%08x r14=%08x r15=%08x slr=%08x mainbuscpufootbridgemainbus_bs_alloc(): Help!mainbus_bs_free(): Help!%s, #0x%03ximbimbrangeswiblxblmulSnmsmlaSnmsdumullSdnmssmullumlalsmlalstrtdaWldrtstrbtldrbtstrldrstrbldrbstmYnWlldmXnWlldrsbldrhstrhldrshswpdmoswpbmrsdpmsrpFmpF2bxclzdmbkptSdn2eorsubrsbadcsbcrsctstDn2teqcmpcmnorrmovSd2bicmvnadfPRfghmufsufrsfdvfrdfpowrpwrmffmlfdvfrdpolfpbopmvfPRfhmnfabsrndsqtloglgnexpsincostanasnacsatnfpuopstfQLvldffltPRgdfixPRdhwfsrfswfcrfccmfPRghcnfcmfecnfemcr2#zmcrmrc2mrccdp2#ycdpldc2L#vldcstc2stcund%s %08x %s%s#0x%08x p%d_f%d#%s[r%d]cpsr[%c - unknown]%d, c%d, c%d, c%d, %dr%d, c%d, c%d, %d, rrx, %s r%d, %s #%d{r%d-r%d}^[r%d#0x%02xf%d, c%d, No support for this CPU type (%08x) in kernelcpu.branchpredictcpu.cachecpu.nocachexscale.branchpredictxscale.cachexscale.icachexscale.dcacheUndefined instruction in kernel Warning IRQ's disabled during boot() real mem = %u (%uK) cpu_startup: system table size inconsistencycpu_startup: cannot allocate UVM space for buffersavail mem = %lu (%uK) using %d buffers containing %u bytes (%uK) of memory cpu_startup: not enough memory for buffer cachecpu_startup: no room for system tables; %d bytes required_bus_dmamap_load_raw: not implemented_bus_dmamap_sync: mix PRE and POSTunknown buffer type %d _bus_dmamap_sync_bus_dmamap_sync: ARM32_BUFTYPE_INVALID_bus_dmamap_sync: ARM32_BUFTYPE_RAW_bus_dmamem_map: size botch%s: SA-110 with bugged STM^ instruction rev 0rev 1rev 2rev 3rev 4rev 5rev 6rev 7rev 8rev 9rev 10rev 11rev 12rev 13rev 14rev 15step Jstep Kstep Sstep Tstep Bstep Cstep Dstep Erev 10step Gstep A-0step B-0step B-1step B-2step B-3step B-4step B-5(IXP1200 step A)(IXP1200 step B)(IXP1200 step C)(IXP1200 step D)(IXP1240/1250 step A)(IXP1240 step B)(IXP1250 step B)step A-1step C-0step D-0step 0ARM600ARM610ARM620ARM700ARM710ARM7500ARM710aARM7500FEARM710TARM720TARM740T (8 KB cache)ARM740T (4 KB cache)ARM810ARM920TARM922TARM940TARM946E-SARM966E-STI ARM925TARM1020EARM1022E-SSA-110SA-1100SA-1110IXP1200i80200i80321 400MHzi80321 600MHzPXA250PXA210PXA27xIXP425 533MHzIXP425 400MHzIXP425 266MHzunknownCPU_ARM2ARM2asCPU_ARM250CPU_ARM3CPU_ARM6CPU_ARM7CPU_ARM7TDMICPU_ARM8ARM9TDMIARM9E-SARM10ECPU_ARM10SA-1CPU_SA110XScaleCPU_XSCALE_...wr-thruwr-back**unknown 3****unknown 4**wr-back-lockwr-back-lock-Awr-back-lock-B**unknown 8****unknown 9****unknown 10****unknown 11****unknown 12****unknown 13****unknown 14****unknown 15**%s: IDC disabled IDC enabled WB disabled WB enabled LABT EABT%s: %dKB/%dB %d-way %s unified cache %s: %s does not fully support this CPU. %s: This kernel does not fully support this CPU. %s: Recompile with "options %s" to correct this. %s: %dKB(%db/l,%dway) I-cache, %dKB(%db/l,%dway) %s D-cache branch prediction enabled DC disabled DC enabled IC disabled IC enabledunknown CPU (ID = 0x%x)%s %s (%s core)Processor failed probe - no CPU ID Vector ExceptionAlignment Fault 1Terminal ExceptionAlignment Fault 3External Linefetch Abort (S)Translation Fault (S)External Linefetch Abort (P)Translation Fault (P)External Non-Linefetch Abort (S)Domain Fault (S)External Non-Linefetch Abort (P)Domain Fault (P)External Translation Abort (L1)Permission Fault (S)External Translation Abort (L2)Permission Fault (P) uvm_fault(%p, %lx, %x, 0) -> %x UVM: pid %d (%s), uid %d killed: out of swap Non-emulated page fault with intr_depth > 0 data_abort_fault: Misaligned Kernel-mode Program Counter kerneluserFatal %s mode data abort: '%s' trapframe: %p FSR=%08x, FAR=r0 =%08x, r1 =%08x, r2 =%08x, r3 =%08x r4 =%08x, r5 =%08x, r6 =%08x, r7 =%08x r8 =%08x, r9 =%08x, r10=%08x, r11=%08x r12=%08x, usp=%08x, ulr=%08xssp=%08x, slr=%08x, pc =%08x Fatal abortInvalid, Fatal %s mode prefetch abort at 0x%08x trapframe: %p, spsr=%08x badaddr: invalid size (%lu)mmrwpmap_enter: no pv entriespmap_enter: failed to allocate L2 bucketpmap_init_l1: can't get PA of L1 at %ppmapplpvepll2dtblpll2ptpplpmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for primary L1 @ 0x%lx pmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for L2 pte @ %p pmap_bootstrap: No L2 for va 0x%x, pa 0x%lxpmap_bootstrap: out of static L2spmap_bootstrap: No L2 for L2 @ va %ppmap_alloc_specials: no l2b for 0x%lxCannot allocate L1 KVMCannot allocate L1 physical pagespmap_map_entry: no L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_entry: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_chunk: no L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_chunk: can't find L2 table for VA0x%08lxpmap_map_chunk: no L1 table providedxscale_setup_minidata: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08lxuser pmap (%p): pmap_kernel (%p): domain %d, l1 at %p %08lx: %c |0000 |8000 |10000 |18000 |20000 |28000 |30000 |38000 pa 0x%08lx: krw %d kro %d urw %d uro %d %c va 0x%08lx, flags 0x%x dumpconf: bad dumpdev=0x%x dumping to dev %u,%u offset %ld dump device bad aborted from console i/o error device not ready succeeded area improper area unavailable dump to dev %u,%u not possible pagemove: size=%08lxvmapbufvunmapbufThe operating system has halted. Please press any key to reboot. rebooting... reboot failed; spinning Attempting to power down... %08lx -> %08lx @ %08lx cpu not recognized! OpenBSD/zaurus booting ... initarm: Configuring system ... physmemory: %d pages at 0x%08lx -> 0x%08lx Allocating page tables freestart = 0x%08lx, free_pages = %d (0x%08x) initarm: Failed to align the kernel page directoryIRQ stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx ABT stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx UND stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx SVC stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx Creating L1 page table at 0x%08lx Mapping kernel Constructing L2 page tables freestart = 0x%08lx, free_pages = %d (0x%x) switching to new L1 page table @%#lx...bootstrap done. init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined page pmap initarm: out of memoryglassbootfile: %s bootargs: %s ffuartbtuartstuartunknown option `%c' attempting to switch console to lcd screen %sCheck Condition (error %#x) on opcode 0x%x AT BLOCK #: %d (decimal) SENSE KEY: %s off INFO: 0x%x (VALID flag %s) SKSV: %s FRU CODE: 0x%x ASC/ASCQ: %s COMMAND INFO: 0x%x %c Incorrect Length Indicator Set%c EOM Detected%c Filemark Detectedscxsplgetxscannot allocate scsi xs only the first 4,294,967,295 sectors will be used. could not get size scsi_scsi_cmdscsi_execute_xs: invalid return codescbusyunknown error category (0x%x) from scsi driver probe%s(%s:%d:%d): No Additional SenseSoft ErrorNot ReadyMedia ErrorHardware ErrorIllegal RequestUnit AttentionWrite ProtectedBlank CheckVendor UniqueCopy AbortedAborted CommandEqual ErrorVolume OverflowMiscompare ErrorReservedNo Additional Sense InformationFilemark DetectedEnd-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedSetmark DetectedBeginning-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedEnd-Of-Data DetectedI/O Process TerminatedAudio Play Operation In ProgressAudio Play Operation PausedAudio Play Operation Successfully CompletedAudio Play Operation Stopped Due to ErrorNo Current Audio Status To ReturnCleaning RequestedErase Operation In ProgressLocate Operation In ProgressRewind Operation In ProgressSet Capacity Operation In ProgressVerify Operation In ProgressNo Index/Sector SignalNo Seek CompletePeripheral Device Write FaultNo Write CurrentExcessive Write ErrorsLogical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not ReportableLogical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming ReadyLogical Unit Not Ready, Initialization Command RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Format In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Rebuild In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Recalculation In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Operation In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Long Write In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Self-Test In ProgressLogical Unit Not Accessible, Asymmetric Access State TransitionLogical Unit Not Accessible, Target Port In Standby StateLogical Unit Not Accessible, Target Port In Unavailable StateLogical Unit Not Ready, Auxiliary Memory Not AccessibleLogical Unit Not Ready, Notify (Enable Spinup) RequiredLogical Unit Does Not Respond To SelectionNo Reference Position FoundMultiple Peripheral Devices SelectedLogical Unit Communication FailureLogical Unit Communication TimeoutLogical Unit Communication Parity ErrorLogical Unit Communication CRC Error (ULTRA-DMA/32)Unreachable Copy TargetTrack Following ErrorTracking Servo FailureFocus Servo FailureSpindle Servo FailureHead Select FaultError Log OverflowWarningWarning - Specified Temperature ExceededWarning - Enclosure DegradedWrite ErrorWrite Error Recovered with Auto ReallocationWrite Error - Auto Reallocate FailedWrite Error - Recommend ReassignmentCompression Check Miscompare ErrorData Expansion Occurred During CompressionBlock Not CompressibleWrite Error - Recovery NeededWrite Error - Recovery FailedWrite Error - Loss Of StreamingWrite Error - Padding Blocks AddedAuxiliary Memory Write ErrorWrite Error - Unexpected Unsolicited DataWrite Error - Not Enough Unsolicited DataError Detected By Third Party Temporary InitiatorThird Party Device FailureCopy Target Device Not ReachableIncorrect Copy Target Device TypeCopy Target Device Data UnderrunCopy Target Device Data OverrunInvalid Information UnitInformation Unit Too ShortInformation Unit Too LongID CRC Or ECC ErrorUnrecovered Read ErrorRead Retries ExhaustedError Too Long To CorrectMultiple Read ErrorsUnrecovered Read Error - Auto Reallocate FailedL-EC Uncorrectable ErrorCIRC Unrecovered ErrorData Resynchronization ErrorIncomplete Block ReadNo Gap FoundMiscorrected ErrorUncorrected Read Error - Recommend ReassignmentUncorrected Read Error - Recommend Rewrite The DataDe-Compression CRC ErrorCannot Decompress Using Declared AlgorithmError Reading UPC/EAN NumberError Reading ISRC NumberRead Error - Loss Of StreamingAuxiliary Memory Read ErrorRead Error - Failed Retransmission RequestAddress Mark Not Found for ID FieldAddress Mark Not Found for Data FieldRecorded Entity Not FoundRecord Not FoundFilemark or Setmark Not FoundEnd-Of-Data Not FoundBlock Sequence ErrorRecord Not Found - Recommend ReassignmentRecord Not Found - Data Auto-ReallocatedLocate Operation FailureRandom Positioning ErrorMechanical Positioning ErrorPositioning Error Detected By Read of MediumData Synchronization Mark ErrorData Sync Error - Data RewrittenData Sync Error - Recommend RewriteData Sync Error - Data Auto-ReallocatedData Sync Error - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data With No Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data With RetriesRecovered Data With Positive Head OffsetRecovered Data With Negative Head OffsetRecovered Data With Retries and/or CIRC AppliedRecovered Data Using Previous Sector IDRecovered Data Without ECC - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data Without ECC - Data RewrittenRecovered Data With Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data With Error Correction & Retries AppliedRecovered Data - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data With CIRCRecovered Data With L-ECRecovered Data - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data With ECC - Data RewrittenRecovered Data With LinkingDefect List ErrorDefect List Not AvailableDefect List Error in Primary ListDefect List Error in Grown ListParameter List Length ErrorSynchronous Data Transfer ErrorPrimary Defect List Not FoundGrown Defect List Not FoundMiscompare During Verify OperationRecovered ID with ECCPartial Defect List TransferInvalid Command Operation CodeAccess Denied - Initiator Pending-EnrolledAccess Denied - No Access rightsAccess Denied - Invalid Mgmt ID KeyIllegal Command While In Write Capable StateObsoleteIllegal Command While In Explicit Address ModeIllegal Command While In Implicit Address ModeAccess Denied - Enrollment ConflictAccess Denied - Invalid LU IdentifierAccess Denied - Invalid Proxy TokenAccess Denied - ACL LUN ConflictLogical Block Address Out of RangeInvalid Element AddressInvalid Address For WriteIllegal Function (Should 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Illegal Field in CDBCDB Decryption ErrorSecurity Audit Value FrozenSecurity Working Key FrozenNonce Not UniqueNonce Timestamp Out Of RangeLogical Unit Not SupportedInvalid Field In Parameter ListParameter Not SupportedParameter Value InvalidThreshold Parameters Not SupportedInvalid Release Of Persistent ReservationData Decryption ErrorToo Many Target DescriptorsUnsupported Target Descriptor Type CodeToo Many Segment DescriptorsUnsupported Segment Descriptor Type CodeUnexpected Inexact SegmentInline Data Length ExceededInvalid Operation For Copy Source Or DestinationCopy Segment Granularity ViolationInvalid Parameter While Port Is EnabledHardware Write ProtectedLogical Unit Software Write ProtectedAssociated Write ProtectPersistent Write ProtectPermanent Write ProtectConditional Write ProtectNot Ready To Ready Transition (Medium May Have Changed)Import Or Export Element AccessedPower On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset OccurredPower On OccurredSCSI Bus Reset OccurredBus Device Reset Function OccurredDevice Internal ResetTransceiver Mode Changed to Single EndedTransceiver Mode Changed to LVDI_T Nexus Loss OccurredMode Parameters ChangedLog Parameters ChangedReservations PreemptedReservations ReleasedRegistrations PreemptedAsymmetric Access State ChangedImplicit Asymmetric Access State Transition FailedCopy Cannot Execute Since Host Cannot DisconnectCommand Sequence ErrorToo Many Windows SpecifiedInvalid Combination of Windows SpecifiedCurrent Program Area Is Not EmptyCurrent Program Area Is EmptyIllegal Power Condition RequestPersistent Prevent ConflictPrevious Busy StatusPrevious Task Set Full StatusPrevious Reservation Conflict StatusPartition Or Collection Contains User ObjectsOverwrite Error On Update In PlaceInsufficient Time For OperationCommands Cleared By Another InitiatorIncompatible Medium InstalledCannot Read Medium - Unknown FormatCannot Read Medium - Incompatible FormatCleaning Cartridge InstalledCannot Write Medium - Unknown FormatCannot Write Medium - Incompatible FormatCannot Format Medium - Incompatible MediumCleaning FailureCannot Write - Application Code MismatchCurrent Session Not Fixated For AppendCleaning Request RejectedMedium Not FormattedMedium Format CorruptedFormat Command FailedNo Defect Spare Location AvailableDefect List Update FailureTape Length ErrorEnclosure FailureEnclosure Services FailureUnsupported Enclosure FunctionEnclosure Services UnavailableEnclosure Services Transfer FailureEnclosure Services Transfer RefusedRibbon, Ink, or Toner FailureRounded ParameterEvent Status NotificationESN - Power Management Class EventESN - Media Class EventESN - Device Busy Class EventSaving Parameters Not SupportedMedium Not PresentMedium Not Present - Tray ClosedMedium Not Present - Tray OpenMedium Not Present - LoadableMedium Not Present - Medium Auxiliary Memory AccessibleSequential Positioning ErrorTape Position Error At Beginning-of-MediumTape Position Error At End-of-MediumTape or Electronic Vertical Forms Unit Not ReadySlew FailurePaper JamFailed To Sense Top-Of-FormFailed To Sense Bottom-Of-FormReposition ErrorRead Past End Of MediumRead Past Beginning Of MediumPosition Past End Of MediumPosition Past Beginning Of MediumMedium Destination Element FullMedium Source Element EmptyEnd Of Medium ReachedMedium Magazine Not AccessibleMedium Magazine RemovedMedium Magazine InsertedMedium Magazine LockedMedium Magazine UnlockedMechanical Positioning Or Changer ErrorInvalid Bits In IDENTIFY MessageLogical Unit Has Not Self-Configured YetLogical Unit FailureTimeout On Logical UnitLogical Unit Failed Self-TestLogical Unit Unable To Update Self-Test LogTarget Operating Conditions Have ChangedMicrocode Has ChangedChanged Operating DefinitionINQUIRY Data Has Changedcomponent Device AttachedDevice Identifier ChangedRedundancy Group Created Or ModifiedRedundancy Group DeletedSpare Created Or ModifiedSpare DeletedVolume Set Created Or ModifiedVolume Set DeletedVolume Set DeassignedVolume Set ReassignedReported LUNs Data Has ChangedEcho Buffer OverwrittenMedium LoadableMedium Auxiliary Memory AccessibleRAM FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Data Path FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Power-On or Self-Test FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Internal Target FailureSelect Or Reselect FailureUnsuccessful Soft ResetSCSI Parity ErrorData Phase CRC Error DetectedSCSI Parity Error Detected During ST Data PhaseInformation Unit iuCRC Error DetectedAsynchronous Information Protection Error DetectedProtocol Service CRC ErrorSome Commands Cleared By iSCSI Protocol EventInitiator Detected Error Message ReceivedInvalid Message ErrorCommand Phase ErrorData Phase ErrorInvalid Target Port Transfer Tag ReceivedToo Much Write DataACK/NAK TimeoutNAK ReceivedData Offset ErrorInitiator Response TimeoutLogical Unit Failed Self-ConfigurationOverlapped Commands AttemptedWrite Append ErrorWrite Append Position ErrorPosition Error Related To TimingErase FailureErase Failure - Incomplete Erase Operation DetectedCartridge FaultMedia Load or Eject FailedUnload Tape FailureMedium Removal PreventedSCSI To Host System Interface FailureSystem Resource FailureSystem Buffer FullInsufficient Reservation ResourcesInsufficient ResourcesInsufficient Registration ResourcesInsufficient Access Control ResourcesAuxiliary Memory Out Of SpaceUnable To Recover Table-Of-ContentsGeneration Does Not ExistUpdated Block ReadOperator Request or State Change InputOperator Medium Removal RequestedOperator Selected Write ProtectOperator Selected Write PermitLog ExceptionThreshold Condition MetLog Counter At MaximumLog List Codes ExhaustedRPL Status ChangeSpindles SynchronizedSpindles Not SynchronizedFailure Prediction Threshold ExceededMedia Failure Prediction Threshold ExceededLogical Unit Failure Prediction Threshold ExceededSpare Area Exhaustion Prediction Threshold ExceededHardware Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureHardware Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsHardware Impending Failure Access Times Too HighHardware Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighHardware Impending Failure Channel ParametricsHardware Impending Failure Controller DetectedHardware Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceHardware Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceHardware Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountHardware Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountController Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureController Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsController Impending Failure Access Times Too HighController Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighController Impending Failure Channel ParametricsController Impending Failure Controller DetectedController Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceController Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceController Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountController Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountData Channel Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureData Channel Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsData Channel Impending Failure Access Times Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Channel ParametricsData Channel Impending Failure Controller DetectedData Channel Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceData Channel Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceData Channel Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountData Channel Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountServo Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureServo Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsServo Impending Failure Access Times Too HighServo Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighServo Impending Failure Channel ParametricsServo Impending Failure Controller DetectedServo Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceServo Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceServo Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountServo Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountSpindle Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureSpindle Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsSpindle Impending Failure Access Times Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Channel ParametricsSpindle Impending Failure Controller DetectedSpindle Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceSpindle Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceSpindle Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountSpindle Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountFirmware Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureFirmware Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsFirmware Impending Failure Access Times Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Channel ParametricsFirmware Impending Failure Controller DetectedFirmware Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceFirmware Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceFirmware Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountFirmware Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountFailure Prediction Threshold Exceeded (false)Low Power Condition OnIdle Condition Activated By TimerStandby Condition Activated By TimerIdle Condition Activated By CommandStandby Condition Activated By CommandPower State Change To ActivePower State Change To IdlePower State Change To StandbyPower State Change To SleepPower State Change To Device ControlLamp FailureVideo Acquisition ErrorUnable To Acquire VideoOut Of FocusScan Head Positioning ErrorEnd Of User Area Encountered On This TrackPacket Does Not Fit In Available SpaceIllegal Mode For This TrackInvalid Packet SizeVoltage FaultAutomatic Document Feeder Cover UpAutomatic Document Feeder Lift UpDocument Jam In Automatic Document FeederDocument Miss Feed Automatic In Document FeederConfiguration FailureConfiguration Of Incapable Logical Units FailedAdd Logical Unit FailedModification Of Logical Unit FailedExchange Of Logical Unit FailedRemove Of Logical Unit FailedAttachment Of Logical Unit FailedCreation Of Logical Unit FailedAssign Failure OccurredMultiply Assigned Logical UnitSet Target Port Groups Command FailedLogical Unit Not ConfiguredData Loss On Logical UnitMultiple Logical Unit FailuresParity/Data MismatchInformational, Refer To LogState Change Has OccurredRedundancy Level Got BetterRedundancy Level Got WorseRebuild Failure OccurredRecalculate Failure OccurredCommand To Logical Unit FailedCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Authentication FailureCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Key Not PresentCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Key Not EstablishedRead Of Scrambled Sector Without AuthenticationMedia Region Code Is Mismatched To Logical Unit RegionDrive Region Must Be Permanent/Region Reset Count ErrorDecompression Exception Long Algorithm IDSession Fixation ErrorSession Fixation Error Writing Lead-InSession Fixation Error Writing Lead-OutSession Fixation Error - Incomplete Track In SessionEmpty Or Partially Written Reserved TrackNo More Track Reservations AllowedCD Control ErrorPower Calibration Area Almost FullPower Calibration Area Is FullPower Calibration Area ErrorProgram Memory Area Update FailureProgram Memory Area Is FullRMA/PMA Is Almost FullDEFERRED CDBParametersError in %s, Offset %d, bit %dProgress Indicator: %dActual Retry Count: %dASC 0x%02x ASCQ 0x%02xDiagnostic Failure on Component 0x%02xDecompression Exception Short Algorithm ID OF 0x%02xTagged Overlapped Commands (0x%02x = TASK TAG)host adapter code inconsistency unknown error category (0x%x) from host adapter code User command with no ioctl User command with no buf scistrcmdlen too big physio split the request.. cannot proceed DEC RZ55 (C) DECEMULEX MD21/S2 ESDIA00IBMRAID 0662SIBM 0663HIBM0664H3171-S2KZ-CDFRSS2FQUANTUM ELS85S iomegajaz 1GBMICROP4421-07SEAGATEST150176LW0002HPC3725SDCASSONY SDT-5000 3.WangDAT Model 1300 02.4Model 2600 01.7Model 3200 02.2ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. DC544CSW03DCR-2801TE1.07CREATIVECD3630EAC101FX320Sq01GCD-R580B1.00MATSHITA CR-5741.021.06Memorex CRW-26421.0gNEC CD-ROM DRIVE:2734.21SANYO CRD-256PSANYO CRD-254PSANYO CRD-S54P1.08CD-ROM CDR-S11.70CD-ROM CDR-N161.25UJDCD87301.14scsibusscsibus at %s: %d targets scsibusattach: can't allocate target linksscsibusattach: can't allocate lun linksscsi_probe_busPLEXTORCD-ROM PX-40TS1.01MICROP 1588-15MBSUN0669vendor-uniqueremovablefixed targ %d lun %d: <%s, %s, %s> SCSI%d %d/%s %s%sscsibusprintdirectsequentialprinterprocessorwormcdromscanneropticalchangercommunicationenclosure servicessimplified directscsibusprint: impossible device type offlinescsibusprint: impossible qualifierNEC CD-ROM DRIVE:260cd%s: not queuedcdioctlATAPI CD-ROMSCSI CD-ROMdvd_authdvd_read_physicaldvd_read_copyrightdvd_read_bcasd%s: WARNING: unable to establish shutdown hook drive offline%luMB, %lu cyl, %lu head, %lu sec, %lu bytes/sec, %lu sec total%s: not queued, error %d SCSI opticalSCSI disk%s %ssdgetdisklabel%s: removable disk stopped - not restarting %s: respinning up disk %s: respin of disk failed - %d %s: ..is spinning up...waiting %s: WARNING: cache synchronization failed /usr/src/sys/arch/arm/arm/softintr.csoftnet_intrhand != NULLsoftintr_establish: unknown soft IPL %dpxaip_attach: failed to map CLKMAN: CPU clock = %d.%03d MHz pxaip_attach: failed to map RTCpxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach INTC!pxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach GPIO! addr 0x%lx intr %dpxa2x0_probe_sdram: impossibleWARNING: using filesystem date -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! pxa2x0_io_bs_alloc(): not implementedpxa2x0_io_bs_free(): not implementedpxaintc: Interrupt Controller stray interrupt %d intr_establish: bogus irq number %dintr_establish: can't malloc handler infocouldn't establish interruptirq %ldpxagpiopxagpio_reg_read: not bootstrappedpxagpio_reg_write: not bootstrapped: GPIO Controller %s: Can't map registers! pxa2x0_gpio_intr_establish: Pin %d not GPIO_IN%s: failed to hook main GPIO interrupt %s: unhandled GPIO interrupt. GPIO#%d pxa2x0_gpio_set_intr_level: bad level: %dsaost%s: SA-11x0 OS Timer %s: Cannot map registersclock: hz=%d stathz=%d clockstatpxaudc: cannot map mem space : USB Device Controller : unable to establish interrupt %s: init failed, error=%d %s: cannot establish powerhook %s: unable to establish interrupt at irq %d: failed to map registers %d%s: Unknown depth (%d) apm%s: battery life expectancy %d%% %s: AC on,off,unknown, battery is undecoded (%x)highchargingCRITICALbackup power,%s: failed to create kernel thread, disabledapmevpxa2x0_apm_attach_sub: failed to map POWMAN apmlk%s: failed to map CLKMAN %s: failed to map MEMCTL %s: can't map GPIO pxa2x0_apm_sleep: can't map OST manufacturer 0x%x%sproduct 0x%x function %d "pcmciapcmcia_card_attach%s: error %d detaching %s (function %d) (pcmcia_function_init: function is enabledpcmcia_function_enable: function not initialized@ %lx%s%lx%s%lx; iomask %lx, iospace %lx%s%lxunknown (%d)multi-functionserial portparallel portfixed diskvideo adapternetwork adapterauto incrementing mass storageSCSI bridgeSecurity servicesInstrumentSerial I/O Bus AdapterPCMCIA 1.0 PCMCIA 2.0 or 2.1 %s: CIS checksum failed %s: CIS version PC Card Standard %d.%d unknown (major=%d, minor=%d) %s: CIS info: %s: Manufacturer code 0x%x, product 0x%x %s: function %d: unspecified, ccr addr %lx mask %lx %s: function %d, config table entry %d: memory cardI/O cardcard type unknown; irq mask %x;%s: %d errors found while parsing CIS audio readonly powerdown irqlevel irqpulse irqshare io16 io8 bvd_active wp_active rdybsy_active mwait_required; maxtwins %d; memspacepcmcia_parse_cis_tupleSVECFD605 PCMCIA EtherNet CardV1-1%s: using CIS quirks for AmbiCom IncAMB8002TPMX PE-200DIGITALDEPCM-XXPCMCIAUE2212D-LinkDE-660DE-660+RPTI LTD.EP400CISV100RPTIEP401 Ethernet NE2000 CompatibleACCTONEN2212ETHERNETW89C926Seiko Epson Corp.P/N: EEN10B Rev. 00CNetCN40BC EthernetNE2000FastEthernetLNT-10TNNDC004743118001TAMARACKGVCNIC-2000pR01Ethernet CardiPort10/100 Ethernet CardFast-EthernetETHER-C16Fast EthernetPCMCIA LANCF10Base-EthernetLinksysEtherFast 10/100 Integrated PC Card (PCM100)Ver 1.0DE-650DFE-670TXDLINKSYSE-CARDI-O DATAPCLAcorega K.K.corega Ether PCC-Tcorega Ether PCC-TDcorega EtherII PCC-Tcorega EtherII PCC-TDcorega FastEther PCC-TXcoregaFEther PCC-TXFcorega FEther PCC-TXDSMC8041TX-10/100-PC-Card-V2XircomCompactCard EthernetCFE-10: no suitable config entry port 0x%lx/%d, %s: can't match ethernet vendor code : can't map ASIC I/O space : can't map NIC I/O space : function enable failed : can't get subregion for asic : unexpected I/O space configuration %s: couldn't establish interrupt %s: can't map mem for enet addr %s: can't alloc mem for enet addr %s: can't alloc mem for LAN iobase %s: can't map mem for LAN iobase Digital Mobile Media CD-ROMPortable CD-ROM DriveNinjaATA-EXP PnPIDEF1SHUTTLE TECHNOLOGY LTD.PCCARD-IDE/ATAPI Adapter: can't handle card info : %scan't allocate memory for command queue ,0x%lx/%d: can't map second I/O space : can't map first I/O space %s: couldn't enable PCMCIA function %s: couldn't establish interrupt handler %s%s : can't map io space : can't alloc i/o space Wireless LAN PCC-11Wireless LAN PCCA-11corega_K.K.Wireless_LAN_PCCB-11WL PCCL-11ISL37300PWLCFL-11INTERSILHFA384x/IEEEVersion 01.02SMC2632WNANOSPEEDNECWireless Card CMZ-RT-WPVersion 01.01NTT-ME11Mbps Wireless LAN PC CardAddtronAWP-100 Wireless PCMCIACabletronRoamAbout 802.11 DSIntersilPRISM 2_5 PCMCIA ADAPTEREval-RevASymbol TechnologiesLA4111 Spectrum24 Wireless LAN PC CardPLANEXGW-NS11H Wireless LAN PC CardD-Link CorporationD-Link DWL-650H 11Mbps WLAN AdapterAllied Telesis K.K.WR211PCM: %d slot%s pxapcicpxapcic_mem_map: bogus kind%s: unable to create event thread for %s pxapcicevpxapcicsspcic_attach_card: already attachedlcd_pxaipzkbd: unable to establish powerhook : failed to map %s : PCMCIA/GPIO controller %s: failed to map memory %x for scoop%s: invalid CF slot %dscoop_pcic_read: bogus registerscoop_pcic_write: bogus registerscoop_pcic_set_power: bogus power statezssp: can't map bus space %s: can't establish power hook zssp_ic_send: invalid IC %d zssp_read_ads7846: not configured apm_acapm_bczts%s: enable failed wd: <%s> %s: %d-sector PIO, LBA, %lluMB, %llu sectors %s: freeze lock command didn't complete wdattach CHS, %lluMB, %d cyl, %d head, %d sec, %llu sectors LBA48, %lluMB, %llu sectors %s: IDENTIFY failed __wdstart: bad return code from wdc_ata_bio()wddone%s: soft error (corrected) , retrying device faultdevice timeoutST506/MFM/RLLESDI/IDE disk%s: %s wddumpwddump: try againwddump: device timed outwddump: unknown error typewddump: %swddump: drive faultwddump: DMA errorwddump: polled command has been queuedwd_get_params: bad return code from ata_get_paramsST506%s: flush cache command didn't complete %s: flush cache command: drive fault %s: flush cache command timeout wdc%s:%d:%d: not ready, st=0x%b, err=0x%02x BSYDRDYDWFDSCDRQCORRIDXERR%s:%d:%d: timeout waiting for DRQ, st=0x%b, err=0x%02x %s:%d:%d: bad state %d in _wdc_ata_bio_start _wdc_ata_bio_start: bad state%s:%d:%d: intr with DRQ (st=0x%b) %s:%d:%d: read intr before drq %s:%d:%d: device timeout, c_bcount=%d, c_skip%d %s:%d:%d: bad state %d in wdc_ata_bio_intr wdc_ata_bio_intr: bad statewdc_ata_ctrl_intr: state==RECALrecal%s:%d:%d: %s drive fault error (%x) %s:%d:%d: %s timed out piomodedmamodeno media/write protectedinterface CRC erroraddress mark not foundtrack 0 not foundaborted commandmedia change requestedid not foundmedia changeduncorrectable data errorbad block detectederror not notifieduse one of: %s[a-p]parsediskboot_file: '%s' rootconf: device name too longboot device: %s. root device (default %s%c)swap device can't figure root, hope your kernel is right rootconfroot on %s%c boot device not knownboot device: lookup '%s' failed. invalid geometrydos partition I/O errordisk label I/O errorno disk labeldisk label corruptedwsdisplay%s: screen %d-%d added (%s, %s emulation) %s: screen %d deleted wsdisplay at %s mux %d: console (%s, %s emulation), using %sdmuxwsdisplay_common_attach: no memorywsdisplaytty() on ctl devicewsdisplay_switch3: giving up wsdisplay_switch3: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch3: not switching wsdisplay_switch3: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch2: giving up wsdisplay_switch2: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch2: not switching wsdisplay_switch2: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch1: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch1: not switching wsdisplay_switch1: invalid screen %dwswaitwsmoused_sleepwscons: copybuffer memory malloc failed wsemul_vt100_output_c0c1: ESC in kernel output ignored \[>24;20;0cP0!u%5\wsemul_vt100_handle_csi[?62;6c[%d;%dR[?13n[?21n[?27;1nP2$u/wsemul_vt100_handle_dcs: bad type %d[11~[12~[13~[14~[15~[17~[18~[19~[20~[21~[23~[24~[25~[26~[28~[29~[31~[32~[33~[34~OPOQOROSOpOqOrOsOtOuOvOwOxOyOIOMOD[7~OBOCOA[8~[6~[3~[2~[5~[4~[1~OjOkOlOmOnOowsevent_readwskbdwskbd at %s%s: attach error=%d : console keyboardcannot load keymapwskdetwskbd_detach: %s didn't detach %s: event queue overflow %s: connecting to %s %s: disconnecting from %s wskbd_get_mapentry: %d(%d): bad entrywskbd_load_keymap: %d(%d): bad entrywskbd_load_keymap: %d: recursion too deepwsmousewsmouse at %s attach error=%dwsmdetwsmouse_detach: %s didn't detach wsmux: attach out of memory wsmux_getmux: no memory for mux %d rasops_init: couldn't lock font rasops_init: font table is empty rasops_init: fontwidth assumptions botched!fontwidth not 8/12/16 or RASOPS_SMALL - fixme!wsfont_unlock: font not lockedpre USB revision %s, not supported usb_attach%s: root device is not a hub %s: root hub problem, error=%d usbtaskunable to create task thread usb_create_event_thread task%s: unable to create event thread for usb_create_event_threadusbevtusbtskusb at %susbreausbreadusbd_add_dev_eventusbd_add_drv_eventusb_add_eventusb_detachusbdet%s: event thread didn't die usbsynusbd_transfer: not doneusbd_start_next: error=%d usb_detach_wait: %s didn't detach NORMAL_COMPLETIONIN_PROGRESSPENDING_REQUESTSNOT_STARTEDINVALNOMEMCANCELLEDBAD_ADDRESSIN_USENO_ADDRSET_ADDR_FAILEDNO_POWERTOO_DEEPIOERRORNOT_CONFIGUREDTIMEOUTSHORT_XFERSTALLEDINTERRUPTEDXXXvendor 0x%04xproduct 0x%04x%x.%02x, class %d/%d, rev , addr %dusbd_devinfousbdly0 lengthout of datausbd_fill_iface_data: bad descriptor(s): %s iface descusbd_set_config_index%s: device addr %d (config %d) exceeds power budget, %d mA > %d mA %s: port %d, set config at addr %d failed %s: No free USB addresses, new device ignored. usbd_new_device: cannot find HS portusbd_print%s, %s configuration %d interface %d port %d%s: at %s (addr %d) disconnected %s: %d port%s with %d removable, %s poweredmultiplesingle, %s transaction translator%s%s: bus powered hub connected to bus powered hub, ignored %s: no interface handle %s: no endpoint descriptor %s: bad interrupt endpoint %s: port %d power on failed, %s %s: cannot open interrupt pipe %s: no ports, hub ignored uhub%s: hub depth (%d) exceeded, hub ignored uhub_attach%s: port %d reset failed %s: device problem, disabling port %d %s: strange, connected port %d has no power %s: illegal enable change, port %d %s: port error, giving up port %d %s: port error, restarting port %d hid_start_parsedefault bType=%d Local bTag=%d Main bTag=%d Global bTag=%d BAD LENGTH %d uhidev%s: %s, iclass %d/%d %s: could not read endpoint descriptor %s: unexpected endpoint %s: no report descriptor %s: no memory %s: %d report ids uhid at %s reportid %duhidev_intr: bad repid %d uhidev_set_report_asyncuhid: input=%d, output=%d, feature=%d uhid_do_readuhidreauhid_do_ioctlukbd %s: attach failed, %s %s: was console keyboard This port is broken, it does not call cnpollc() before calling cngetc(). This should be fixed, but it will work anyway (for now). too many modifier keysbad modifier sizemultiple key code arrays key codes not on byte boundarytoo many key codeskey code size != 8umassCBIBulk-OnlyRBC%s: using %s over %s %s: atapiscsi not configured %s: command protocol=0x%x not supported %s: bus attach failed %s: isdata not configured %s: unable to get Max Lun: %s SCSIATAPIUFIISD-ATACBI with CCI%s: got polled xfer %p, but %p already pending %s: BBB bulk-%s stall clear failed, %s %s: Invalid CSW: sig 0x%08x should be 0x%08x %s: Invalid CSW: tag %d should be %d %s: Invalid CSW: status %d > %d %s: Phase Error, residue = %d %s: BBB reset failed, %s %s: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, %s %s: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, %s %s: transferred %d bytes instead of %d bytes%s: Unknown state %d%s: CBI bulk-in/out stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI intr-in stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI reset failed, %s %s: CBI bulk-in stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI bulk-out stall clear failed, %s %s: Get Max Lun failed: %s umass_cmd: large datalen, %d %s: Unknown status %d in umass_scsi_cbaue%s: EEPROM read timed out %s: MII read timed out %s: reset failed %s: setting config no failed auemii%s: getting interface handle failed %s: missing endpoint %s: couldn't get endpoint descriptor %d %s: no memory for rx list -- packet dropped! %s: %u usb errors on intr: %s %s: %u usb errors on rx: %s %s: usb error on tx: %s %s: aue_send error=%s %s: tx list init failed %s: rx list init failed %s: open intr pipe failed: %s %s: open tx pipe failed: %s %s: open rx pipe failed: %s %s: watchdog timeout %s: close intr pipe failed: %s %s: abort intr pipe failed: %s %s: close tx pipe failed: %s %s: abort tx pipe failed: %s %s: close rx pipe failed: %s %s: abort rx pipe failed: %s axeaxe%d: read PHY failed axe%d: write PHY failed %s: media change failed axe_setmultiaxemiiaxe%d: getting interface handle failed %s: %s, address %s gpio0 path not done! PHY not enabled couldn't get ep %d %s: usb errors on rx: %s axe%d: usb error on tx: %s axe%d: rx list init failed axe%d: open rx pipe failed: %s axe%d: open tx pipe failed: %s axe%d: tx list init failed axe%d: watchdog timeout axe%d: close intr pipe failed: %s axe%d: abort intr pipe failed: %s axe%d: close tx pipe failed: %s axe%d: abort tx pipe failed: %s axe%d: close rx pipe failed: %s axe%d: abort rx pipe failed: %s cue%s: read MAC address failed %s: couldn't get ep %d %s: cue_send error=%s kue%s: warm boot, no firmware download %s: failed loadfirmware of file %s: errno %d %s: cold boot, downloading firmware %s: failed to load trigger segment: %s %s: failed to load fixup segment: %s %s: failed to load code segment: %s %s: loading firmware failed %s: could not read Ethernet descriptor %s: no memory for multicast filter buffer %s: kue_send error=%s cdce%s: no data interface %s: could not find data bulk in %s: could not find data bulk out %s: no union descriptor %s: usb error on rx: %s udav, setting config no failed udavmii, read MAC address failed , missing endpoint , couldn't get endpoint %d , failed to get interface, err=%s udav_setmulti%s: udav_send error=%s upl%s: upl_send error=%s urlurlmii%s: couldn't get endpoint %d %s: failed to get interface, err=%s %s: url_send error=%s %s: %s: bad register %04x wi_usb%s: open pipes failed %s: already detached %s:%s: invalid packet id sent %x invalid packet len: %x memsz %x max %x %s: wi_usb_send error=%s write_record buf size err %x %x wiTXsyncUGH RX UGH TX wi_usb: received USB_BUFAVAIL packet wi_usb: received USB_ERROR packet wiIDLwitxlwiusbthrural%s: could not set configuration no %s: could not get interface handle %s: MAC/BBP RT2570 (rev 0x%02x), RF %s, address %s %s: no endpoint descriptor for iface %d %s: could not allocate tx buffer %s: could not allocate tx xfer %s: could not allocate rx mbuf cluster %s: could not allocate rx mbuf %s: could not allocate rx buffer %s: could not allocate rx xfer %s: could not allocate beacon %s: could not transmit beacon %s: could not transmit buffer: %s ural_rxeof%s: xfer too short %d ural_tx_mgtural_tx_data%s: could not read EEPROM: %s %s: could not read MAC register: %s %s: could not write MAC register: %s %s: could not write to BBP %s: could not read BBP %s: could not write to RF RT2522RT2523RT2524RT2525RT2525eRT2526RT5222%s: timeout waiting for BBP %s: could not allocate Tx list %s: could not allocate Rx list %s: could not open Rx pipe: %s %s: could not open Tx pipe: %s %s: timeout waiting for BBP/RF to wakeup mii_attach: phyloc and offloc specifiedmii_activate: phyloc and offloc specifiedmii_activate: DVACT_ACTIVATE%s: config_activate(%d) failedmii_detach: phyloc and offloc specifiedOUI 0x%06x model 0x%04x rev %d at %s phy %dmii_phy_setmedia: MASTER on wrong mediamiiautnsphyDP83840 10/100 PHY: %s, rev. %d nsphyterDP83815 10/100 PHYDP83843 10/100 PHYqsphyQS6612 10/100 PHYinphyi82555 10/100 PHYi82562EM 10/100 PHYi82562ET 10/100 PHYiophyi82553 10/100 PHYeephyMarvell 88E1000 Gigabit PHYMarvell 88E1111 Gigabit PHYMarvell 88E1000* Gigabit PHYMarvell 88E1011 Gigabit PHYMarvell 88E1000S Gigabit PHYMarvell 88E1111-RCJ Gigabit PHYexphyxl: 3Com internal media interface %s: ignoring this PHY, non-zero instance exphy_service: can't isolate 3Com PHYrlphyrlRTL8201L 10/100 PHY: RTL internal phy rlphy_service: attempt to isolate phylxtphyLXT970 10/100 PHYLXT971 10/100 PHYmtdphyMTD972 10/100 PHYicsphyICS1890 10/100 PHYICS1892 10/100 PHYICS1893 10/100 PHYsqphySeeq 80220 10/100 PHYSeeq 80225 10/100 PHYSeeq 84220 10/100 PHYtqphy78Q2120 10/100 PHYukphy: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface %s: OUI 0x%06x, model 0x%04x, rev. %d %s: no media present bmtphyBroadcom 3C905B internal PHYBroadcom 3C905C internal PHYBCM4401 10/100baseTX PHYBCM5201 10/100 PHYBCM5214 Quad 10/100 PHYBCM5220 10/100 PHYBCM5221 100baseTX PHYBCM5222 Dual 10/100 PHYamphyAm79C873 10/100 PHYDM9101 10/100 PHYDM9102 10/100 PHYDM9601 10/100 PHYAm79C875 quad PHYacphyAC101 10/100 PHYAC101L 10/100 PHYAC_UNKNOWN 10/100 PHYnsgphyDP83861 10/100/1000 PHYDP83891 10/100/1000 PHYurlphy%s: %s: enter down%s: %s: link %s  ad'(p@@ @ @ @4T3\3`3h34l3t35|3333333t53333333  $,*&% #! $]]<55]]H5D5]]<5X5]]|5,5<]T]|5,5|]]H5D5]]T5H5]]T5H5]]t5H5,]܍55H5,]܍55H5,]܍5d5H5]]T5H5$]85T5H5(]]|505 4]5|545L]T]|545 ]`5|545]]T5H5]]T5H50]H]T5H50]H]T5H5\]$]T5H5]]T5H5]\]T5H5]]T5H5]0]|585]]5<5]]5&5x^d^5L5̤3hC^<5T5 <3C^<5P5 C^C^<5 5!T3XD^<5 5!l3lD^5@5/3D^5@5/3D^<5 5!D3D^<5 5!3D^<5 5!3E^<5 5!p3$E^<5 5!38E^<5 5!3LI^<5 5!3lI^<5 5!3I^<5 5!T3`5<5 5!3I^<5 5!I^J^551J^0J^551DJ^\J^551pJ^J^551J^J^551J^J^551J^ K^551 K^8K^551LK^dK^551xK^K^551K^K^551K^K^551K^L^551(L^@L^551TL^lL^551L^L^551L^L^551L^L^551M^ M^55133 35L0&]&T/!l   p @|3PI ,M LP V T DU ? @i u \ | F 7n 5THIS is A memory TEST pattern3%KH d 3     ! !<!  | !!|#!#!0%!t !#!#!#!0$!0%!p !D$!x$!$!$!0%!P !'!'!(!(!%!T !4%!h%!h'!p'!%!0 ! +!-!-!$/!0%!.! @ @   )52! 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[ 0$7 -ne 8 ] && l="i j k l m n o p" for d in a b c d e f g h $l do M $1$2$d b $3 $(($n+$count)) 640 M r$1$2$d c $4 $(($n+$count)) 640 let count=count+1 done MKlist="$MKlist;chown root:operator $1$2? r$1$2?" } dodisk2() { n=$(($(($5*${7:-16}))+$6)) M $1$2a b $3 $n 640 operator M r$1$2a c $4 $n 640 operator n=$(($n+2)) M $1$2c b $3 $n 640 operator M r$1$2c c $4 $n 640 operator } RMlist="rm -f" MKlist=":" mkl() { [ "${mklist[$1]}" ] && { mklist[$1]="${mklist[$1]};mknod -m $1 $2 $3 $4 $5" } || { mklist[$1]="mknod -m $1 $2 $3 $4 $5" modes="$modes $1" } } M() { RMlist="$RMlist $1" mkl ${5-666} $1 $2 $3 $4 mklist="$mklist $1" G=${6:-wheel} [ "$7" ] && { MKlist="$MKlist;chown $7:$G $1" } || { case $G in wheel)g=0;;kmem)g=2;;operator)g=5;;tty)g=4;;dialer)g=117;;_lkm)g=61;; esac [ "${grplist[$g]}" ] && { grplist[$g]="${grplist[$g]} $1" } || { groups="$groups $g" grplist[$g]="chgrp $G $1" } } return 0 } R() { [ "$DEBUG" ] && set -x for i in "$@" do U=`unt $i` [ "$U" ] || U=0 case $i in ramdisk) R std bpf0 wd0 wd1 sd0 tty00 rd0 wsmouse R st0 ttyC0 random wskbd0 apm ;; std) M console c 0 0 600 M tty c 1 0 M mem c 2 0 640 kmem M kmem c 2 1 640 kmem M null c 2 2 M zero c 2 12 M stdin c 7 0 M stdout c 7 1 M stderr c 7 2 M ksyms c 8 0 640 kmem M drum c 3 0 640 kmem M klog c 6 0 600 M xf86 c 2 4 600 M reload c 2 20 640 kmem ;; xfs*) M xfs$U c 51 $U 600 ;; tuner*) M tuner$U c 75 $(($(($U*2))+16)) 644 ;; systrace) M systrace c 50 0 644 ;; ss*) M ss$U c 29 $(($U*16)) 640 operator M nss$U c 29 $(($(($U*16))+1)) 640 operator M enss$U c 29 $(($(($U*16))+3)) 640 operator RMlist="$RMlist scan$U" MKlist="$MKlist;umask 77;ln -s ss$U scan$U" ;; uk*) M uk$U c 28 $U 640 operator ;; tun*) M tun$U c 33 $U 600 ;; *random) n=0 for pre in " " s u p a do M ${pre}random c 40 $n 644 n=$(($n+1)) done ;; radio*) M radio$U c 97 $U MKlist="$MKlist;[ -e radio ] || ln -s radio$U radio" ;; pf*) M pf c 46 0 600 ;; pci) M pci c 71 0 600 ;; lkm) M lkm c 35 0 640 _lkm ;; iop*) M iop$U c 73 $U 660 ;; fd) RMlist="mkdir -p fd;$RMlist" n=0 while [ $n -lt 64 ];do M fd/$n c 7 $n;n=$(($n+1));done MKlist="$MKlist;chmod 555 fd" ;; crypto) M crypto c 47 0 ;; bpf*) M bpf$U c 22 $U 600 ;; bktr*) M bktr$U c 75 $U 644 ;; hotplug) M hotplug c 37 $U 400 ;; audio*) M sound$U c 36 $U M mixer$U c 36 $(($U+16)) M audio$U c 36 $(($U+128)) M audioctl$U c 36 $(($U+192)) MKlist="$MKlist;[ -e audio ] || ln -s audio$U audio" MKlist="$MKlist;[ -e mixer ] || ln -s mixer$U mixer" MKlist="$MKlist;[ -e sound ] || ln -s sound$U sound" MKlist="$MKlist;[ -e audioctl ] || ln -s audioctl$U audioctl" ;; apm*) M apm c 34 0 644 M apmctl c 34 8 644 ;; uscanner*) M uscanner$U c 69 $U 660 ;; usb*) [ "$i" = "usb" ] && u= || u=$U M usb$u c 64 $U 660 ;; urio*) M urio$U c 67 $U 660 ;; ulpt*) M ulpt$U c 66 $U 660 ;; uhid*) M uhid$U c 65 $U 660 ;; ugen*) n=$(($U*16)) for j in 0{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 1{0,1,2,3,4,5} do M ugen$U.$j c 70 $(($n+10#$j)) 660 done ;; ttyU[0-9a-zA-Z]) U=${i#ttyU*} o=$(alph2d $U) M ttyU$U c 68 $o 660 dialer uucp M cuaU$U c 68 $(($o+128)) 660 dialer uucp ;; uall) R ttyU0 ttyU1 ugen0 ugen1 ulpt0 ulpt1 uhid0 uhid1 uhid2 uhid3 R uscanner0 urio0 usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3 usb4 usb5 ;; 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esac done } R "$@" list="$RMlist" for mode in $modes; do list="$list;${mklist[$mode]}" done for group in $groups; do list="$list;${grplist[$group]}" done list="$list;$MKlist" if [ "$eo" = "echo" ]; then $eo "$list" else echo "$list" | sh fi wheel:*:0:root daemon:*:1:daemon kmem:*:2:root sys:*:3:root tty:*:4:root operator:*:5:root bin:*:7: news:*:8: wsrc:*:9: users:*:10: auth:*:11: games:*:13: staff:*:20:root smmsp:*:25: popa3d:*:26: sshd:*:27: _portmap:*:28: _identd:*:29: _rstatd:*:30: guest:*:31:root _rusersd:*:32: _fingerd:*:33: _sshagnt:*:34: _x11:*:35: utmp:*:45: _kdc:*:59: _kadmin:*:60: _lkm:*:61: _spamd:*:62: _radius:*:63: _token:*:64: _shadow:*:65: crontab:*:66: www:*:67: _isakmpd:*:68: network:*:69: named:*:70: proxy:*:71: authpf:*:72: _syslogd:*:73: _pflogd:*:74: _bgpd:*:75: _tcpdump:*:76: _dhcp:*:77: _mopd:*:78: _tftpd:*:79: _rbootd:*:80: _afs:*:81: _ppp:*:82: _ntp:*:83: _ftp:*:84: _ospfd:*:85: _hostapd:*:86: dialer:*:117: nogroup:*:32766: nobody:*:32767:  . ..MAKEDEVconsoleklogxf86bpf0wsmousewskbd ttyC0!wskbd0" tty#null$zero%stdin&stdout'stderr( mem)kmem*ksyms+drum,reload-wd0a.rwd0a/wd0b0rwd0b1wd0c2rwd0c3wd0d4rwd0d5wd0e6rwd0e7wd0f8rwd0f9wd0g:rwd0g;wd0h<rwd0h=wd0i>rwd0i?wd0j@rwd0jAwd0kBrwd0kCwd0lDrwd0lEwd0mFrwd0mGwd0nHrwd0nIwd0oJrwd0oKwd0pLrwd0pMwd1aNrwd1aOwd1bPrwd1bQwd1cRrwd1cSwd1dTrwd1dUwd1eVrwd1eWwd1fXrwd1fYwd1gZrwd1g[wd1h\rwd1h]wd1i^rwd1i_wd1j`rwd1jawd1kbrwd1kcwd1ldrwd1lewd1mfrwd1mgwd1nhrwd1niwd1ojrwd1okwd1plrwd1pmsd0anrsd0aosd0bprsd0bqsd0crrsd0cssd0dtrsd0dusd0evrsd0ewsd0fxrsd0fysd0gzrsd0g{sd0h|rsd0h}sd0i~rsd0isd0jȀrsd0jȁsd0kȂrsd0kȃsd0lȄrsd0lȅsd0mȆrsd0mȇsd0nȈrsd0nȉsd0oȊrsd0oȋsd0pȌrsd0pȍrd0aȎrrd0aȏrd0cȐrrd0cȑtty00Ȓcua00ȓ st0rst0ȕnst0Ȗnrst0ȗest0erst0șenst0Țenrst0țrandomȜsrandomurandomprandomarandom apmtapmctl . ..chowndhclientx6 disklabel6dmesgfdiskfsck] fsck_ext2fsfsck_ffsx6ifconfigx6init]mknodmount mount_cd9660_* mount_ext2fs_* mount_ffs6 mount_msdos mount_nfs6newfs newfs_msdosping]ping6reboothalt]routertsol$umountdhclient-script dumb|80-column dumb tty:\ :am:\ :co#80:\ :bl=^G:cr=^M:do=^J:sf=^J: vt100|vt100-am|dec vt100 (w/advanced video):\ :am:bs:ms:xn:xo:\ :co#80:it#8:li#24:vt#3:\ :@8=\EOM:DO=\E[%dB:K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:\ :LE=\E[%dD:RA=\E[?7l:RI=\E[%dC:SA=\E[?7h:UP=\E[%dA:\ :ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\ :ae=^O:as=^N:bl=^G:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\ :cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:\ :eA=\E(B\E)0:ho=\E[H:k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:\ :k4=\EOS:k5=\EOt:k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:\ :kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:\ :ku=\EOA:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m\017:mr=\E[7m:\ :nd=\E[C:rc=\E8:rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\ :..sa=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t\016%e\017%;:\ :sc=\E7:se=\E[m:sf=^J:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:st=\EH:ta=^I:ue=\E[m:\ :up=\E[A:us=\E[4m: vt220|vt200|DEC VT220 in vt100 emulation mode:\ :am:bs:mi:pt:xn:xo:\ :co#80:li#24:vt#3:\ :@7=\E[4~:RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:\ :ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~:\ :ae=\E(B:al=\E[L:as=\E(0:bl=^G:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:\ :cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:cr=^M:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\ :dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=\E[B:ei=\E[4l:ho=\E[H:\ :if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:im=\E[4h:\ :is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:\ :k5=\E[17~:k6=\E[18~:k7=\E[19~:k8=\E[20~:k9=\E[21~:\ :k;=\E[29~:kD=\E[3~:kI=\E[2~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kb=\177:\ :kd=\E[B:kh=\E[1~:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:ku=\E[A:le=^H:mb=\E[5m:\ :md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:nd=\E[C:nl=^J:rc=\E8:\ :rf=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:\ :rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\ :..sa=\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;m%?%p9%t\E(0%e\E(B%;:\ :sc=\E7:se=\E[27m:sf=20\ED:so=\E[7m:sr=14\EM:ta=^I:\ :ue=\E[24m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l: export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/ umask 022 set -o emacs # emacs-style command line editing rootdisk=`dmesg|sed -n -e '/OpenBSD /h' -e '//!H' -e '${ g p }'|sed -n -e '/^root on \([0-9a-z]*\).*/{ s//\/dev\/\1/ p }'` if [ "X${DONEPROFILE}" = "X" ]; then DONEPROFILE=YES mount -u ${rootdisk:-/dev/rd0a} / echo 'erase ^?, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C, status ^T' stty newcrt werase ^W intr ^C kill ^U erase ^? status ^T _forceloop="" while [ "X$_forceloop" = X"" ]; do echo -n '(I)nstall' [ -f upgrade ] && echo -n ', (U)pgrade' echo -n ' or (S)hell? ' read _forceloop case "$_forceloop" in i*|I*) /install ;; u*|U*) /upgrade ;; s*|S*) ;; *) _forceloop="" ;; esac done fi #!/bin/sh delete_old_address() { if [ -n "$old_ip_address" ]; then ifconfig $interface inet -alias $old_ip_address $medium route delete "$old_ip_address" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } add_new_address() { ifconfig $interface \ inet $new_ip_address \ netmask $new_subnet_mask \ broadcast $new_broadcast_address \ $medium route add $new_ip_address >/dev/null 2>&1 } delete_old_alias() { if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ]; then ifconfig $interface inet -alias $alias_ip_address > /dev/null 2>&1 route delete $alias_ip_address > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } add_new_alias() { if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ]; then ifconfig $interface inet alias $alias_ip_address netmask \ $alias_subnet_mask route add $alias_ip_address fi } delete_old_routes() { route delete default >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -n "$old_static_routes" ]; then set $old_static_routes while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do route delete "$1" "$2" shift; shift done fi arp -dan } add_new_routes() { route delete default >/dev/null 2>&1 for router in $new_routers; do if [ "$new_ip_address" = "$router" ]; then route add default -iface $router >/dev/null 2>&1 else route add default $router >/dev/null 2>&1 fi break done if [ -n "$new_static_routes" ]; then set $new_static_routes while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do route add $1 $2 shift; shift done fi } add_new_resolv_conf() { rm -f /etc/resolv.conf.std if [ -n "$new_domain_name" ]; then echo "search $new_domain_name" >>/etc/resolv.conf.std fi if [ -n "$new_domain_name_servers" ]; then for nameserver in $new_domain_name_servers; do echo "nameserver $nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf.std done fi if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf.std ]; then if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf.tail ]; then cat /etc/resolv.conf.tail >>/etc/resolv.conf.std fi if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then cat /etc/resolv.conf > /etc/resolv.conf.save fi cat /etc/resolv.conf.std > /etc/resolv.conf rm -f /etc/resolv.conf.std chown -RL root:wheel /etc/resolv.conf chmod -RL 644 /etc/resolv.conf return 0 fi return 1 } if [ -n "$new_network_number" ]; then echo "New Network Number: $new_network_number" fi if [ -n "$new_broadcast_address" ]; then echo "New Broadcast Address: $new_broadcast_address" fi case $reason in MEDIUM) ifconfig $interface $medium sleep 1 ;; PREINIT) delete_old_alias ifconfig $interface up ;; ARPCHECK|ARPSEND) ;; BOUND|RENEW|REBIND|REBOOT) if [ -n "$old_ip_address" ]; then if [ "$old_ip_address" != "$alias_ip_address" ]; then delete_old_alias fi if [ "$old_ip_address" != "$new_ip_address" ]; then delete_old_address delete_old_routes fi fi if [ "$reason" = BOUND ] || \ [ "$reason" = REBOOT ] || \ [ -z "$old_ip_address" ] || \ [ "$old_ip_address" != "$new_ip_address" ]; then add_new_address add_new_routes fi if [ "$new_ip_address" != "$alias_ip_address" ]; then add_new_alias fi add_new_resolv_conf ;; EXPIRE|FAIL) delete_old_alias if [ -n "$old_ip_address" ]; then delete_old_address delete_old_routes fi add_new_alias if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf.save ]; then cat /etc/resolv.conf.save > /etc/resolv.conf fi ;; TIMEOUT) delete_old_alias add_new_address sleep 1 if [ -n "$new_routers" ]; then set "$new_routers" if ping -q -c 1 -w 1 "$1"; then if [ "$new_ip_address" != "$alias_ip_address" ]; then add_new_alias fi add_new_routes if add_new_resolv_conf; then exit 0 fi fi fi ifconfig $interface inet -alias $new_ip_address $medium delete_old_routes exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 MDFSTYPE=msdos MDXAPERTURE=2 ARCH=zaurus md_installboot() { } md_checkfordisklabel() { local rval=0 disklabel -r $1 >/dev/null 2>/tmp/checkfordisklabel if grep "disk label corrupted" /tmp/checkfordisklabel; then rval=2 fi >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /tmp/checkfordisklabel return $rval } md_prep_fdisk() { local _disk=$1 ask_yn "Do you want to use *all* of $_disk for OpenBSD?" if [[ $resp == y ]]; then echo -n "Putting all of $_disk into an active OpenBSD MBR partition (type 'A6')..." fdisk -e ${_disk} <<__EOT >/dev/null reinit update write quit __EOT echo "done." return fi cat <<__EOT You will now create a single MBR partition to contain your OpenBSD data. This partition must have an id of 'A6'; must *NOT* overlap other partitions; and must be marked as the only active partition. The 'manual' command describes all the fdisk commands in detail. $(fdisk ${_disk}) __EOT fdisk -e ${_disk} cat <<__EOT Here is the partition information you chose: $(fdisk ${_disk}) __EOT } md_prep_disklabel() { local _disk=$1 md_prep_fdisk $_disk cat <<__EOT You will now create an OpenBSD disklabel inside the OpenBSD MBR partition. The disklabel defines how OpenBSD splits up the MBR partition into OpenBSD partitions in which filesystems and swap space are created. The offsets used in the disklabel are ABSOLUTE, i.e. relative to the start of the disk, NOT the start of the OpenBSD MBR partition. __EOT md_checkfordisklabel $_disk case $? in 2) echo "WARNING: Label on disk $_disk is corrupted. You will be repairing it.\n" ;; esac disklabel -W $_disk >/dev/null 2>&1 disklabel -f /tmp/fstab.$_disk -E $_disk } md_congrats() { val=`ztsscale` case $? in 0) grep -v '^machdep\.ztsscale.*$' /mnt/etc/sysctl.conf \ >/tmp/sysctl.conf echo $val " # see ztsscale(8)" >> /tmp/sysctl.conf cp /tmp/sysctl.conf /mnt/etc/sysctl.conf ;; esac } #!/bin/ksh MODE=upgrade . install.sub while :; do ask "Root filesystem?" "$ROOTDEV" resp=${resp##*/} [[ -b /dev/$resp ]] && break echo "Sorry, $resp is not a block device." done ROOTDEV=$resp echo -n "Checking root filesystem (fsck -fp /dev/${ROOTDEV}) ... " if ! fsck -fp /dev/$ROOTDEV >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "FAILED.\nYou must fsck ${ROOTDEV} manually." exit fi echo "OK." echo -n "Mounting root filesystem..." if ! mount -o ro /dev/$ROOTDEV /mnt; then echo "ERROR: can't mount root filesystem!" exit fi echo "done." for _file in fstab hosts myname; do if [ ! -f /mnt/etc/$_file ]; then echo "ERROR: no /mnt/etc/${_file}!" exit fi cp /mnt/etc/$_file /tmp/$_file done hostname $( is found, and the fstype is not nfs. Non-ffs filesystems will be mounted read-only. You can edit the fstab now, before it is used, but the edited fstab will only be used during the upgrade. It will not be copied back to disk. __EOT edit_tmp_file fstab munge_fstab check_fs if ! umount /mnt; then echo "ERROR: can't unmount previously mounted root!" exit fi mount_fs install_sets finish_up #!/bin/ksh FILESYSTEMS=/tmp/filesystems SWAPLIST=/tmp/swaplist MODE=install . install.sub if [ ! -f /etc/fstab ]; then [ -f /etc/disktab.shadow ] && cp /etc/disktab.shadow /tmp/disktab.shadow DISK= _DKDEVS=$DKDEVS while :; do _DKDEVS=`rmel "$DISK" $_DKDEVS` if isin $ROOTDISK $_DKDEVS; then resp=$ROOTDISK rm -f /tmp/fstab cat /dev/null >$FILESYSTEMS cat /dev/null >$SWAPLIST else ask_which "disk" "do you wish to initialize" "$_DKDEVS" done "No more disks to initialize" [[ $resp == done ]] && break fi DISK=$resp makedev $DISK || continue rm -f /tmp/*.$DISK md_prep_disklabel $DISK unset _partitions _psizes _mount_points _i=0 disklabel $DISK 2>&1 | sed -ne '/^ *[a-p]: /p' >/tmp/disklabel.$DISK while read _dev _size _offset _type _rest; do _pp=${DISK}${_dev%:} _ps=$_size if [[ $_pp == $ROOTDEV ]]; then echo "$ROOTDEV /" >$FILESYSTEMS continue elif [[ $_pp == $SWAPDEV || $_type == swap ]]; then echo "$_pp" >>$SWAPLIST continue elif [[ $_type != *BSD ]]; then continue fi _partitions[$_i]=$_pp _psizes[$_i]=$_ps if [[ -f /tmp/fstab.$DISK ]]; then while read _pp _mp _rest; do [[ $_pp == "/dev/${_partitions[$_i]}" ]] || continue [[ -n $(grep " $_mp\$" $FILESYSTEMS) ]] && break isin $_mp ${_mount_points[*]} && break [[ $_mp == '/' ]] && break _mount_points[$_i]=$_mp done >$FILESYSTEMS : $(( _i += 1 )) done done cat <<__EOT OpenBSD filesystems: $(<$FILESYSTEMS) The next step *DESTROYS* all existing data on these partitions! __EOT ask_yn "Are you really sure that you're ready to proceed?" [[ $resp == n ]] && { echo "Ok, try again later." ; exit ; } _i=0 unset _partitions _mount_points while read _pp _mp; do _OPT= [[ $_mp == / ]] && _OPT=$MDROOTFSOPT newfs -q $_OPT /dev/r$_pp _partitions[$_i]=$_pp _mount_points[$_i]=$_mp : $(( _i += 1 )) done <$FILESYSTEMS for _mp in `bsort ${_mount_points[*]}`; do _i=0 for _pp in ${_partitions[*]}; do if [ "$_mp" = "${_mount_points[$_i]}" ]; then echo -n "/dev/$_pp $_mp ffs rw" if [[ $_mp == / ]]; then echo " 1 1" else echo -n ",nodev" case $_mp in /sbin|/usr) ;; /usr/bin|/usr/sbin) ;; /usr/libexec|/usr/libexec/*) ;; /usr/local|/usr/local/*) ;; /usr/X11R6|/usr/X11R6/bin) ;; *) echo -n ",nosuid" ;; esac echo " 1 2" fi fi : $(( _i += 1 )) done done >>/tmp/fstab while read _dev; do [[ $_dev == $SWAPDEV ]] || \ echo "/dev/$_dev none swap sw 0 0" >>/tmp/fstab done <$SWAPLIST munge_fstab fi mount_fs "-o async" ask_until "\nSystem hostname? (short form, e.g. 'foo')" "$(hostname -s)" [[ ${resp%%.*} != $(hostname -s) ]] && hostname $resp ( cd /tmp; rm -f host* my* resolv.* dhclient.* ) cat >/tmp/hosts <<__EOT ::1 localhost localhost ::1 $(hostname -s) $(hostname -s) __EOT ask_yn "Configure the network?" yes [[ $resp == y ]] && donetconfig _oifs=$IFS IFS= while :; do askpass "Password for root account? (will not echo)" _password=$resp askpass "Password for root account? (again)" [[ $resp == $_password ]] && break echo "Passwords do not match, try again." done IFS=$_oifs install_sets while read _dev _mp _fstype _opt _rest; do mount -u -o $_opt $_dev $_mp || exit done myname _dn=$(get_fqdn) while read _addr _hn _aliases; do if [[ -n $_aliases || $_hn != ${_hn%%.*} || -z $_dn ]]; then echo "$_addr $_hn $_aliases" else echo "$_addr $_hn.$_dn $_hn" fi done hosts.new mv hosts.new hosts save_comments hosts save_comments dhclient.conf for _f in fstab kbdtype my* *.conf *.tail host* ttys; do [[ -f $_f ]] && mv $_f /mnt/etc/. done ) _encr=`/mnt/usr/bin/encrypt -b 8 -- "$_password"` echo "1,s@^root::@root:${_encr}:@ w q" | /mnt/bin/ed /mnt/etc/master.passwd 2>/dev/null /mnt/usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb -p -d /mnt/etc /etc/master.passwd echo -n "done.\nGenerating initial host.random file..." ( cd /mnt/var/db /mnt/bin/dd if=/mnt/dev/urandom of=host.random bs=1024 count=64 >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 600 host.random >/dev/null 2>&1 ) echo "done." set_timezone finish_up  (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P ELFa(t44 (>>@@@0g0gppzpz$$q 444OpenBSD -LTP@0! 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minimum is %u-%c is not a legal FAT%s optionblock size (%u) is not a power of 2block size (%u) is too small; minimum is %ublock size (%u) is too large; maximum is %usectors/cluster (%u) is not a power of 2number of FATs (%u) is too large; maximum is %uillegal media descriptor (%#x)too many sectors/FAT for FAT12/16meta data exceeds file system sizewarning: FAT type limits file system to %u sectors/dev/%s is mounted on %s%s: unknown standard format%s: can't figure out partition info%s: partition is unavailablegetdiskinfo%s: unknown disk typeioctl (GDINFO)%s: can't read disk label; disk type must be specifiedbps=%u spc=%u res=%u nft=%u mid=%#x spt=%u hds=%u hid=%u bspf=%u rdcl=%u infs=%#x bkbs= bsec=%u spf=%u sec=%u rde=%u%s: no default %s%s: illegal %s%s: bad %s"*+,./:;<=>?[\]|usage: newfs_msdos [ -options ] special [disktype] where the options are: -N don't create file system: just print out parameters -B get bootstrap from file -F FAT type (12, 16, or 32) -I volume ID -L volume label -O OEM string -S bytes/sector -a sectors/FAT -b block size -c sectors/cluster -e root directory entries -f standard format -h drive heads -i file system info sector -k backup boot sector -m media descriptor -n number of FATs -o hidden sectors -r reserved sectors -s file system size (sectors) -u sectors/track ,4 <@܁HPT \d lt | 0t:Ę̘ Ԙ ܘ#3#323 3#@$@p8@,@4<DLX`hpx  ș@Й@ؙ (08@HPXd l DxȚКؚ $@,@8@@@L T ` l x@@ț Л C$؛CC$C (08@HPX` h px@@Ȝdiscarddsuspeofeol2lnextminquitreprintstartstatusstopsuspflushrprntoption requires a numeric argument -- %smaximum option value is %d -- %sundefoption requires an argument -- %sillegal gfmt1 option -- %sillegal gfmt1 optiongfmt1:cflag=%x:iflag=%x:lflag=%x:oflag=%x:ispeed=%d:ospeed=%d %s=%x:%lxoflagospeedlflagiflagispeedcflagcbreakcolscolumnscookeddecekeverythingextproclcasenewoldostartostoprawrowssanespeedttyillegal option -- -%s%d %d TIOCSETDTIOCSTARTTIOCSTOPcs5cs6cs7cs8cstopb-cstopbcread-creadparenb-parenbparodd-paroddparity-parityevenp-evenpoddp-oddppass8-pass8hupcl-hupcl-hupclocal-clocalcrtscts-crtsctsmdmbuf-mdmbufignbrk-ignbrkbrkint-brkintignpar-ignparparmrk-parmrkinpck-inpckistrip-istripinlcr-inlcrigncr-igncricrnl-icrnliuclc-iuclcixon-ixon-flowixoff-ixofftandem-tandemixany-ixanydecctlq-decctlqimaxbel-imaxbel-echoechoe-echoecrterase-crterasecrtbs-crtbsechok-echokechoke-echokecrtkill-crtkillaltwerase-altweraseiexten-iextenechonl-echonlechoctl-echoctlctlecho-ctlechoechoprt-echoprtprterase-prteraseisig-isigicanon-icanonnoflsh-noflshtostop-tostopflusho-flushopendin-pendin-crtnewcrt-newcrtnokerninfo-nokerninfokerninfo-kerninfoxcase-xcaseopost-opostlitout-litoutocrnl-ocrnlolcuc-olcuconlcr-onlcronlret-onlretonocr-onocrtabs-tabsoxtabs-oxtabsonoeot-onoeottablet disc; 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All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: ln.c,v 1.12 2005/04/15 00:51:57 uwe Exp $Ffhnslinkit%s/%susage: %s [-fhns] file1 file2 %s [-fs] file ... directory @(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: disklabel.c,v 1.95 2005/04/30 07:09:37 deraadt Exp $?{\5e͠ۼSm^e-y]ivZdEz~3dO]vo˯:k3s__g%'l&;eYc0uκL?uV7H'D_'цTʪ6-j䟘]M%_g-Ƴ}}5H^3v@jEK5>//&[!9SWZЯ/5>(1<;A9`I;?~8 PMhumn;^^mMy۶4>dN>`6bh,{sQ'2;~Apm3( 䫶ߪU;||ب^La5þP<9!@Ut ,s;.|<`u].X抷v4ܲ1`0- fjO/i޺-XYZ šR7C<듣pH^U[ApH1UvUl+0SLDU5lV.w?%|K;3.LÞQuE_2g,0ru$ t٪~X#rMƒ~S^T p x|4 K /K [X)Uo5z8U0^[fJAeч+x&0ڇ;__|mE@SAݙTF#R=;3 kc7RvMD0ZAoٰDޚAKFBÔ*KB)0)Ǟk0|8cjz0*CΊ "u#B%N<;Wpkr#\5! ]CQֆM)V3튠I74=ix\  xӅoc9^,Ni(nI "2vgsΙ%|Ξ:'C@O]gr}eCܑ3$E QaiJ#d"T{jZgPI0Z5' rV}1|blNP(_(D2)=b.ȃ8Fys)n}@Z'>ňo2J`'>IG@/=dۂ7ԈL@CSkk .y!2,ף1-&!)j5- h[(PU`}p+˵foAjbk.円)=C^A8.uUl)meu~x8VHQlRh#>Dw6uټnv 0 ᙜzCQ%dA=O!޴G/qG·G@bGi&Ix -V#؈m)ˤz;${X+'•4FѺ VW^Xw1oED/U.N|\~01b+1w۱!/- ;`[ͺ]xW֋U X&Y;ejʡvAie~SKG!7{r#ݺ gWoF`⿌A&PGx `3oBO.i6 8'neL̙c j8+@57w~/>=au :F6,HC8 s'?-sA?h9U_!6)wjb^9C$ ϟ?aA zKS5sǸiA΍;8Yѵ6$svl9"lzВ=*Lqļ^;$Zp챾Nn,-!UFO5\yt2p9蒱K NrY8 ]<?f)5&u%W)>9(I%]@P{yaT_PRp 8ߡ0GY$J뎬 up ϧ}OO|F(r/۲m_krlXvڐsSHvuvq]^gW$(ˑ ^{AX>L'zǒa&[e0߀>XOVX |uz#Qؾ$650E!bV2d26IQ-4z.\NA'- U\w =}~ 4Z%'UK)P^)ECb`;_CpIUpIǤuISADדu؜&^U"?7dO\'ejF+d/aGsܵqP+Ƥ ;~L[]E T%#Ԥo t&*iF1;Q1P 7! nڱ.w}wUsȜIc8Q/- k^lg|6$߀݅f;VxtHfbD_uJd;c6FUlguٞfqTcVPH.u1\Fc4UƂPq(' if@gL/5vaD`| ;@X{} w}&&x[ pElP0Ǵ&台;}= jH? 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[n]: writelseekwriting label to block %lld (0x%qx) ioctl DIOCSDINFOioctl DIOCWDINFO%s: No disk label on disk; use "disklabel -r" to install initial label%s: Open partition would move or shrink%s: Labeled partition or 'a' partition must start at beginning of disk%s: Label magic number or checksum is wrong! (disklabel or kernel is out of date?)can't read master boot recordwarning, DOS partition table with no valid OpenBSD partition# Inside MBR partition %d: type %02X start %u size %u no disklabel found. scanning.no disk labeldisk label corruptedfound at 0x%lxreading label from block %lld, offset %lld ioctl DIOCGPDINFOioctl DIOCGDINFOioctl DIOCRLDINFONONEbootstraps: xxboot = %s, bootxx = %s%sboot%s%s%sbootBootstrap doesn't leave room for disk label\ :Automatically generated label:\ :dt=se#%u:ns#%u:nt#%u:nc#%u:sc#%u:su#%u:%srm#%hu:%sil#%hu:d%d#%up%c#%u:o%c#%u:t%c=%s:t%c=unknown%d:b%c#%u:f%c#%u:%sts#%u:%shs#%u:%scs#%hu:%ssk#%hu:%.*s| %c: %12.*f%c %12.*f%c %7.7s%7d%19.19s# %s# Cyl %5u-%6u %5u %5u %4hu %5u %5u %4.4s %c: %13u %13u device: %s # %s: type: %s type: %d disk: %.*s label: %.*s bytes/sector: %u sectors/track: %u tracks/cylinder: %u sectors/cylinder: %u cylinders: %u total bytes: %.*f%c free bytes: %.*f%c rpm: %hu %hu partitions: offset# %13.13s %13.13s fstype [fsize bsize cpg] interleave: %hu trackskew: %hu cylinderskew: %hu headswitch: %u # microseconds track-to-track seek: %u # microseconds drivedata: %d free sectors: %u total sectors: %u badsect ecc removable # Notes: # Up to 16 partitions are valid, named from 'a' to 'p'. Partition 'a' is # your root filesystem, 'b' is your swap, and 'c' should cover your whole # disk. Any other partition is free for any use. 'size' and 'offset' are # in 512-byte blocks. fstype should be '4.2BSD', 'swap', or 'none' or some # other values. fsize/bsize/cpg should typically be '2048 16384 16' for a # 4.2BSD filesystem (or '512 4096 16' except on alpha, sun4, ...) re-edit the label? [y]: editNo changes.-cEDITOR/usr/bin/vifailed to start editor/bin/sh # line %d: syntax errorIDEline %d: warning, unknown disk type: %sremovableeccbadsectline %d: bad flag: %sdrivedataline %d: bad drivedata %s%d partitionsline %d: bad %s: %ssectors/cylindertracks/cylindercylinderstotal sectorsrpmtrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seekline %d: bad partition name: %sline %d: warning, unknown filesystem type: %sline %d: too few fieldsline %d: bad partition offset: %sgetasciilabelline %d: bad partition size: %sline %d: unknown field: %sline %d: bad # of partitionssector size %dtracks/cylinder %dwarning, unused partition %c: size %d offset %dpartition %c: block size < fragment sizepartition %c: partition extends past end of unitpartition %c: offset past end of unitwarning, partition %c: size 0, but offset %dwarning, number of partitions (%d) > MAXPARTITIONS (%d)warning, super block size %% sector-size != 0super block size %dwarning, boot block size %% sector-size != 0boot block size %dwarning, revolutions/minute %dcylinders/unit %dsectors/track %dboot overlaps used partition %cmarked as FS_BOOTwarning, boot overlaps partition %c, %scannot install boot programcmplabel [-b boot1] [-s boot2]usage: disklabel [-c | -d | -r | -t] [-v] [-p unit] disk (read) disklabel -w [-c | -d | -r] [-nv] disk disktype [packid] (write) disklabel -e [-c | -d | -r] [-nv] disk (edit) disklabel -E [-c | -d | -r] [-nv] [-f tempfile] disk (simple editor) disklabel -R [-nrv] disk protofile (restore) disklabel -N | -W [-nv] disk (protect) disklabel -B [-nv]%s disk [disktype] (boot) disklabel -Bw [-nv]%s disk disktype [packid] (write) disklabel -BR [-nv]%s disk protofile [disktype] (restore) `disk' may be of the form: sd0 or /dev/rsd0%c. `disktype' is an entry from %s, see disktab(5) for more info. /etc/disktab`packid' is an identification string for the device. `protofile' is the output from the read cmd form; -R is powerful. For procedures specific to this architecture see: %s fdisk(8)You need to specify a type for this disk.No 'c' partition found, adding one that spans the disk. Initial label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt) unable to get default partition tablePAGER/usr/bin/lessgunzip -qc|%sunable to execute %sEnteringExiting%s expert mode This option is not valid when run without the -f flag. Write the modified label to disk?Write new label?unable to write labelNo label changes.In no change mode, not writing label.Recalculated free space.cannot open %sFilenameName of the file to save label into.Nothing to undo!Last change undone.Unknown option: %c ('?' for help) can't run when there is partition overlap.Partition must be between 'a' and '%c' (excluding 'c'). editor_add Please re-enter an offset and size for partition %c. Partition '%c' exists. Delete it first. The letter of the new partition, a - p.partitionPartition '%c' already exists. Partition must be between 'a' and '%c'. No space left, you need to shrink a partition Partition '%c' is not in use. You cannot name a filesystem of type %s. partition to nameThe letter of the partition to name, a - p.Command aborted Please re-enter an offset and sizeWarning, need %u sectors but there are only %u free. Setting size to %u. partition to modifyThe letter of the partition to modify, a - p.You may not delete the 'c' partition. The 'c' partition must exist and should span the entire disk. By default it is of type 'unused' and so does not take up any space. partition to deleteThe letter of the partition to delete, a - p, or '*'.Partition %c is currently %u sectors in size (%u free). new sizeSize of the partition. You may also say +/- amount for a relative change.Invalid entry Only %u sectors free, you asked for %u 'c' partition may not be larger than the disk partition to change sizeThe letter of the partition to change size, a - p.%s: [%s] %s: [%u] Rounding to nearest cylinder: %u getuinthas_overlap Error, partitions %c and %c overlap: Disable which one? (^D to abort) [%c %c] Changing device parameters for %s: What kind of disk is this? Usually SCSI, ESDI, ST506, or floppy (use ESDI for IDE)."%s" is not a valid disk type. Valid types are: "%s"label name15 char string that describes this label, usually the disk name.The Numer of sectors per track.The number of tracks per cylinder.The number of sectors per cylinder (Usually sectors/track * tracks/cylinder).number of cylindersThe total number of cylinders on the disk.The total number of sectors on the disk.Not enough free space to shrink by %u sectors (only %u sectors left) The rotational speed of the disk in revolutions per minute.The physical sector interleave, set when formatting. Almost always 1.edit_parmsYou may want to increase the size of the 'c' partition.failed to sort partition tablesdrzFLOPPYxdhdCCDVNDsvndPossible values are:"IDE", Disk typeWhat kind of disk is this? Usually SCSI, IDE, ESDI, CCD, ST506, or floppy.Starting sectorThe start of the OpenBSD portion of the disk.Size ('*' for entire disk)The size of the OpenBSD portion of the disk ('*' for the entire disk). Treating sectors %u-%u as the OpenBSD portion of the disk. You can use the 'b' command to change this. The 'p' command prints the current disk label. By default, it prints the size and offset in sectors (a sector is usually 512 bytes). The 'p' command takes an optional units argument. Possible values are 'b' for bytes, 'c' for cylinders, 'k' for kilobytes, 'm' for megabytes, and 'g' for gigabytes. The 'D' command will set the disk label to the default values as reported by the disk itself. This similates the case where there is no disk label. The 'M' command pipes the entire OpenBSD manual page for disk label through the pager specified by the PAGER environment variable or 'less' if PAGER is not set. It is especially useful during install when the normal system manual is not available. The 'X' command toggles disklabel in to/out of 'expert mode'. By default, some settings are reserved for experts only (such as the block and fragment size on ffs partitions). The 'a' command adds new partitions to the disk. It takes as an optional argument the partition letter to add. If you do not specify a partition letter, you will be prompted for it; the next available letter will be the default answer The 'b' command is used to change the boundaries of the OpenBSD portion of the disk. This is only useful on disks with an fdisk partition. By default, on a disk with an fdisk partition, the boundaries are set to be the first and last sectors of the OpenBSD fdisk partition. You should only change these if your fdisk partition table is incorrect or you have a disk larger than 8gig, since 8gig is the maximum size an fdisk partition can be. You may enter '*' at the 'Size' prompt to indicate the entire size of the disk (minus the starting sector). Use this option with care; if you extend the boundaries such that they overlap with another operating system you will corrupt the other operating system's data. The 'c' command is used to change the size of an existing partition. It takes as an optional argument the partition letter to change. If you do not specify a partition letter, you will be prompted for one. You may add a '+' or '-' prefix to the new size to increase or decrease the existing value instead of entering an absolute value. You may also use a suffix to indicate the units the values is in terms of. Possible suffixes are 'b' for bytes, 'c' for cylinders, 'k' for kilobytes, 'm' for megabytes, 'g' for gigabytes or no suffix for sectors (usually 512 bytes). You may also enter '*' to change the size to be the total number of free sectors remaining. The 'd' command is used to delete an existing partition. It takes as an optional argument the partition letter to change. If you do not specify a partition letter, you will be prompted for one. You may not delete the ``c'' partition as 'c' must always exist and by default is marked as 'unused' (so it does not take up any space). The 'e' command is used to edit the disk drive parameters. These include the number of sectors/track, tracks/cylinder, sectors/cylinder, number of cylinders on the disk , total sectors on the disk, rpm, interleave, disk type, and a descriptive label string. You should not change these unless you know what you are doing The 'g' command is used select which disk geometry to use, the disk, BIOS, or user geometry. It takes as an optional argument ``d'', ``b'', or ``u''. If you do not specify the type as an argument, you will be prompted for it. The 'm' command is used to modify an existing partition. It takes as an optional argument the partition letter to change. If you do not specify a partition letter, you will be prompted for one. This option allows the user to change the filesystem type, starting offset, partition size, block fragment size, block size, and cylinders per group for the specified partition (not all parameters are configurable for non-BSD partitions). The 'n' command is used to set the mount point for a partition (ie: name it). It takes as an optional argument the partition letter to name. If you do not specify a partition letter, you will be prompted for one. This option is only valid if disklabel was invoked with the -F flag. The 'q' command quits the label editor. If any changes have been made you will be asked whether or not to save the changes to the on-disk label. The 'r' command is used to recalculate the free space available. This option should really not be necessary under normal circumstances but can be useful if disklabel gets confused. The 's' command is used to save a copy of the label to a file in ascii format (suitable for loading via disklabel's [-R] option). It takes as an optional argument the filename to save the label to. If you do not specify a filename, you will be prompted for one. The 'u' command will undo (or redo) the last change. Entering 'u' once will undo your last change. Entering it again will restore the change. The 'w' command will write the current label to disk. This option will commit any changes to the on-disk label. The 'x' command exits the label editor without saving any changes to the on-disk label. Available commands: ? [cmnd] - this message or command specific help. a [part] - add new partition. b - set OpenBSD disk boundaries. c [part] - change partition size. D - set label to default. d [part] - delete partition. e - edit drive parameters. g [b|d|u] - use [b]ios, [d]isk or [u]ser geometry. M - show entire OpenBSD man page for disklabel. m [part] - modify existing partition. n [part] - set the mount point for a partition. p [unit] - print label. q - quit and save changes. r - recalculate free space. s [path] - save label to file. u - undo last change. w - write label to disk. X - toggle expert mode. x - exit without saving changes. z - zero out partition table.Numeric parameters may use suffixes to indicate units: 'b' for bytes, 'c' for cylinders, 'k' for kilobytes, 'm' for megabytes, 'g' for gigabytes or no suffix for sectors (usually 512 bytes). '%' for percent of total disk size, '&' for percent of free space. Non-sector units will be rounded to the nearest cylinder. Entering '?' at most prompts will give you (simple) context sensitive help.The 'z' command zeroes out the existing partition table, leaving only the 'c' partition. The drive parameters are not changed. mpsave%s%c %s %s rw 1 %d Starting sector for this partition.The OpenBSD portion of the disk starts at sector %u, you tried to add a partition at %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. The OpenBSD portion of the disk ends at sector %u, you tried to add a partition at %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. Size of the partition.Sorry, there are only %u sectors left The OpenBSD portion of the disk ends at sector %u, you tried to add a partition ending at sector %u. You can use the 'b' command to change the size of the OpenBSD portion. Size may not be larger than %u sectors Size of fs block fragments. Usually 2048 or 512.Zero fragment size implies zero block sizeSize of filesystem blocks. Usually 16384 or 4096.Error: block size must be a multiple of the fragment size. Error: block size must be at least as big as fragment size. Error: block size must be at least as big as page size (%d). cpgNumber of filesystem cylinders per group. Usually 16 or 8.FS type (decimal)Filesystem type as a decimal number; usually 7 (4.2BSD) or 1 (swap).FS typeFilesystem type (usually 4.2BSD or swap)Unrecognized filesystem type '%s', treating as 'unknown' noneWhere to mount this filesystem (ie: / /var /usr)Mount points must start with '/' Can't stat deviceBIOS geometry not defined. You must enter either 'd', 'b', or 'u'. Note: user geometry is the same as disk geometry. Enter 'd' to use the geometry based on what the disk itself thinks it is, 'b' to use what the BIOS says,or 'u' to use the geometry that was found on in the label.[d]isk, [b]ios, or [u]ser geometry$OpenBSD: ar_io.c,v 1.37 2005/08/04 10:02:44 mpf Exp $$OpenBSD: ar_subs.c,v 1.28 2004/04/16 22:50:23 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: buf_subs.c,v 1.20 2004/04/16 22:50:23 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: cache.c,v 1.17 2004/03/16 03:28:34 tedu Exp $$OpenBSD: cpio.c,v 1.17 2004/04/16 22:50:23 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: file_subs.c,v 1.29 2005/04/25 19:39:52 otto Exp $$OpenBSD: ftree.c,v 1.26 2005/04/21 21:47:18 beck Exp $$OpenBSD: gen_subs.c,v 1.18 2005/04/28 06:58:07 otto Exp $$OpenBSD: getoldopt.c,v 1.8 2003/07/02 21:19:33 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: options.c,v 1.63 2005/06/02 19:11:06 jaredy Exp $$OpenBSD: pat_rep.c,v 1.30 2005/08/05 08:30:10 djm Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: pax.c,v 1.28 2005/08/04 10:02:44 mpf Exp $$OpenBSD: sel_subs.c,v 1.18 2004/04/16 22:50:23 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: tables.c,v 1.23 2005/04/21 21:47:18 beck Exp $$OpenBSD: tar.c,v 1.39 2005/06/13 19:20:05 otto Exp $$OpenBSD: tty_subs.c,v 1.12 2003/06/02 23:32:09 millert Exp $Cannot write an archive on top of a directory %sFailed stat on %sFailed chdir to %sFailed open to read on %sFailed open to write on %sFailed open to read/write on %s%s: unknown format, %qu bytes skipped. %qu blocks %s: %s vol %d, %lu files, %qu bytes read, %qu bytes written. done. %s: Waiting for tape drive close to complete...ar_drainUnable to truncate archive fileCannot append to an archive obtained from a pipe.Cannot append, device record size %d does not support %s specEnd of archive volume %d reachedFailed read on archive volume %dWARNING: partial archive write. Archive IS FLAWEDWARNING: partial archive write. Archive MAY BE FLAWEDFailed write to archive volume: %dUnable to append, trailer re-write failed. Quitting.Write failed, archive is write protected.Unable to recover from an archive read failure.Attempting to recover from an archive read failure.Cannot allow updates to an archive with flaws.Forward positioning operation on archive failedReverse positioning on pipes is not supported.Unable to seek archive backwardsReverse position on previous volume.Unable to obtain current archive byte offsetUnable to backspace tape %d blocks.Tape drive unable to backspace requested amountget_physUnable to backspace tape over %d pad blocksUnable to backspace over tape filemark.Unable to locate tape filemark.Cannot determine archive tape blocksize.Unable to backspace over last tape block.ar_next ATTENTION! %s archive volume change required. %s ready for archive volume: %d Load the NEXT STORAGE MEDIA (if required) and make sure it is WRITE ENABLED. Type "y" to continue, "." to quit %s, or "s" to switch to new device. If you cannot change storage media, type "s" Is the device ready and online? > %s unknown command, try again Cannot re-open %s, try again Switching to a different archive Input archive name or "." to quit %s. Archive name > Empty file name, try again Illegal file name: .. try again File name too long, try again Cannot open %s, try again Cannot save archive name.Quitting %s! %s ready for archive tape volume: %d Load the NEXT TAPE on the tape driveReady for archive volume: %d Unable to restore signal maskUnable to set signal maskcould not pipecould not forkcould not exec-dcCan't fchdir to starting directoryCannot chdir to %sextractUnable to open %s to readCannot mix current archive format %s with %sappend%s: Reading archive to position at the end...directory name is too long %scopyDestination is not a directory %sDestination pathname too long %sCannot access destination directory %sArchive I/O error. Trying to recover.Archive I/O error, cannot continuePremature end of file on archive readInvalid header, starting valid header search.Unable to append, archive header flawCannot identify format. Searching...Sorry, unable to determine archive format.Write block size of %d too large, maximium is: %dWrite block size of %d larger than POSIX max %d, archive may not be portableWrite block size of %d is not a %d byte multipleWrite block size %d too large, maximium is: %dWrite block size %d is not a %d byte multipleUnable to rewrite archive trailer, cannot append.Cannot append to an archive that may have flaws.Archive read error limit (%d) reachedUnable to append when there are archive read errors.File changed size during read %sFile %s was modified during copy to archiveRead fault on %sActual crc does not match expected crc %sUnable to obtain block size for file %sFile %s changed size during copy to %sFile %s was modified during copy to %sFailed stat of %sFailed write during copy of %s to %sUser specified archive volume byte limit reached.Unable to allocate memory for user id cache tableUnable to allocate memory for group id cache tableUnable to allocate memory for user name cache tableUnable to allocate memory for group name cache tableTRAILER!!!cpio_endwrCpio file name in header is corruptedCpio file name length %d is out of rangeCpio link name is corruptCpio link name read errorCpio link name length is invalid: %qu070707File is too large for cpio format %sCpio header field is too small to store file %scpio_wrUnable to write cpio link name for %sUnable to write cpio header for %s070701070702File is too large for sv4cpio format %sSv4cpio header field is too small for file %svcpio_wrCould not write sv4cpio link name for %sCould not write sv4cpio header for %sFile is too large for bcpio format %sbcpio_wrBcpio header field is too small for file %sCould not write bcpio link name for %sCould not write bcpio header for %sUnable to create %sUnable to close file descriptor on %sA hard link to the directory %s is not allowedUnable to link to %s from %sUnable to copy %s, file would overwrite itselfCould not link to %s from %sUnable to remove %sUnable to link file %s to itselfCould not create: %snode_creatCould not access %s (stat)cannot follow symlink %s in chain for %s%s skipped. Sockets cannot be copied or extracted%s has an unknown file type, skippingCould not unlink %sUnable to remove directory %sAccess/modification time set failed on: %sUnable to obtain file stats %sUnable to set file uid/gid of %sCould not set permissions on %sFailed write to file %sOut of memoryFile seek on %sWARNING! Major Internal Error! GNU hack Failing!Failed seek on file %sFile changed size %sset_crcFile %s was modified during readFile rewind failed on: %sUnable to allocate memory for file name bufferInvalid file name argumentUnable to allocate memory for filenameWARNING! These file names were not selected:Can't chdir to %sFile system cycle found at %sUnable to read directory %sFile system traversal errorUnable to access %sUnable to read symlink %sIgnoring too-long pathname: %sIgnoring unterminated pathname at EOFls_list%b %e %H:%M%b %e %Y%s%2u %-*.*s %-*.*s %4lu,%4lu == => %9qu %s%s %s ls_tty%s: unknown option %c %s: %c argument missing bcpiosv4cpiosv4crcustarab:cdf:iklno:p:rs:tuvwx:zB:DE:G:HLOPT:U:XYZ0Write limit is not a %d byte multipleInvalid write limit %sError count value must be positiveInvalid block size %sInvalid -p string: %cUnknown -x format: %spax: Known -x formats are:Destination directory was not suppliedb:cef:hmopqruts:vwxzBC:HI:LOPXZ014578/dev/rst0/dev/rst1/dev/rst4/dev/rst5/dev/rst7/dev/rst8Unable to allocate space for option listTAPEProblem with file '%s'Unable to open file '%s' for read-C-Iwrite_opt=nodirabcdfiklmoprstuvzABC:E:F:H:I:LO:SZ6Unknown -H format: %scpio: Known -H formats are:Problem while reading stdin%s: Invalid combination of options: -%cThese format options are not supported %s = %s Invalid option nameInvalid options formatusage: pax [-0cdOnvz] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-G group] [-s replstr] [-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] [-U user] [pattern ...] pax -r [-0cDdikOnuvzYZz] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-G group] [-o options] [-p string] [-s replstr] [-T [from_date][,to_date]] [-U user] [pattern ...] pax -w [-0adHiLOPtuvXz] [-B bytes] [-b blocksize] [-f archive] [-G group] [-o options] [-s replstr] [-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] [-U user] [-x format] [file ...] pax -r -w [-0DdHikLlnOPtuvXYZ] [-G group] [-p string] [-s replstr] [-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] [-U user] [file ...] directory usage: tar {crtux}[014578befHhLmOoPpqsvwXZz] [blocking-factor | archive | replstr] [-C directory] [-I file] [file ...] tar {-crtux} [-014578eHhLmOoPpqvwXZz] [-b blocking-factor] [-C directory] [-f archive] [-I file] [-s replstr] [file ...] usage: cpio -o [-aABcLvVzZ] [-C bytes] [-H format] [-O archive] [-F archive] < name-list [> archive] cpio -i [-bBcdfmnrsStuvVzZ6] [-C bytes] [-E file] [-H format] [-I archive] [-F archive] [pattern...] [< archive] cpio -p [-adlLmuvV] destination-directory < name-list Empty replacement stringrep_addInvalid replacement string %sInvalid replacement string option %s%s while compiling regular expression %sUnable to allocate memory for replacement stringEmpty pattern stringUnable to allocate memory for pattern stringWARNING! These patterns were not matched:Pattern list inconsistentPattern select out of memoryRemoving leading / from absolute path names in the archive ATTENTION: %s interactive file rename operation. Input new name, or a "." to keep the old name, or a "return" to skip this file. Input > Try again, illegal file name: .. Try again, file name too long Processing continues, name changed to: %s tty_renameProcessing continues, name unchanged. Skipping file. File name %s/%s, too longrep_name%s >> %s >> %s Replacement name too long %s >> %sReplacement name error %sTMPDIR/tmp/Cannot allocate memory for temp file name.Can't open current working directory.can not gzip while appendingCpu time limit reached, cleaning up.Signal caught, cleaning up.LC_TIMEUnable to set up signal handlerUser selection table out of memoryUnable to find uid for user: %sUnable to allocate memory for user selection tableGroup selection table out of memoryCannot determine gid for group name: %sUnable to allocate memory fo group selection tableEmpty time range stringUpper %s and lower %s time overlapIllegal upper time range %sTime range format is: [[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]HH]MM[.SS][/[c][m]]Illegal lower time range %sBad option %c with time range %sUnable to allocate memory for time rangeImproperly specified time range: %sCannot allocate memory for hard link tableHard link table out of memoryCannot allocate memory for file time tablepaxXXXXXXXXXXUnable to create temporary file: %schk_ftimeFailed write to file time tableFailed seek on file time tableFile time table ran out of memoryFailed ftime table readFailed ftime table seekCannot allocate memory for interactive rename tableNo interactive rename table, links may failInteractive rename table out of memoryCannot update rename tableCannot allocate memory for device mapping tableDevice map table out of memoryUnable to fix truncated inode/device field when storing %sArchive may create improper hard links when extractedCannot allocate space for directory access time tableDirectory access time reset table ran out of memoryUnable to allocate memory for directory timesUnable to store mode and times for created directory: %swrite_optnodir%s=%s is only supported when writing.Unknown tar format -o option/value pair %s=%s%s=%s is the only supported tar format optiontar_wrFile name too long for tar %sTar header field is too small for %sFile is too large for tar %sTar cannot archive a character device %sTar cannot archive a block device %sTar cannot archive a socket %sTar cannot archive a fifo %sLink name too long for tar %sFile name too long for ustar %sUstar header field is too small for uid %lu, using nobodyUstar header field is too small for gid %lu, using nobodyUstar header field is too small for %sustar_wrnobodyFile is too long for ustar %sLink name too long for ustar %sUstar cannot archive a socket %s/dev/ttyFatal error, cannot open %s%s: @(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: ping.c,v 1.72 2005/09/01 17:59:13 otto Exp $DI:LRS:c:dfi:jl:np:qrs:T:t:vw:number of packets to transmit is %s: %sbad interface address: %stos value is %s: %s%s: only root may use interval < 1sbad timing interval: %spreload value is %s: %spacket size is %s: %sttl value is %s: %smaxwait value is %s: %s-f and -i options are incompatiblebind-R option and -D or -T, or -t to unicast destinations are incompatiblesetsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IFgetsockoptCannot set the receive buffer sizePING %s: %d data bytes ping: recvfromPING %s (%s): %d data bytes Could only allocate a receive buffer of %i bytes (default %i)setsockoptsetsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTLsetsockopt IP_MULTICAST_LOOPping: record routerecord route not valid to multicast destinationsunknown host: %sping: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d pingerping: sendtopacket too short (%d bytes) from %s unknown option %x LSRR: (truncated route) %s RR: (same route) NOP%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u ttl=%d wrong data byte #%d should be 0x%x but was 0x%x%x (DUP!) time=%d.%03d ms%d bytes from %s: %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, %.1f%% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = %d.%03d/%d.%03d/%d.%03d/%d.%03d ms -- somebody's duplicating packets!%ld duplicates, --- %s ping statistics --- Echo ReplyDestination Net UnreachableDest Unreachable, Unknown Code: %d Destination Host UnreachableDestination Protocol UnreachableDestination Port Unreachablefrag needed and DF setfrag needed and DF set (MTU %d) Source Route FailedNetwork UnknownHost UnknownSource IsolatedDest. Net Administratively ProhibitedDest. Host Administratively ProhibitedDestination Net Unreachable for TOSDesination Host Unreachable for TOSRoute administratively prohibitedHost Precedence ViolationPrecedence CutoffSource QuenchRedirect Network(New addr: %s) Redirect, Unknown Code: %dRedirect HostRedirect Type of Service and NetworkRedirect Type of Service and HostUnknown ICMP type: %d Echo RequestRouter Discovery Advertisement(%d entries, lifetime %d seconds) Router Discovery SolicitationTime exceeded, Unknown Code: %d Frag reassembly time exceededTime to live exceededParameter problem, required option absent: pointer = 0x%02x Parameter problem: pointer = 0x%02x TimestampTimestamp ReplyInformation RequestInformation ReplyAddress Mask RequestAddress Mask Reply (Mask 0x%08x) Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst Data %1x %1x %02x %04x %04x %1x %04x %02x %02x %04x %s %02x%s (%s)TCP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) UDP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) %2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2xPATTERN: 0xpatterns must be specified as hex digitsusage: ping [-DdfjLnqRrv] [-c count] [-I ifaddr] [-i wait] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-s packetsize] [-T tos] [-t ttl] [-w maxwait] host $OpenBSD: fsutil.c,v 1.13 2003/09/25 04:15:29 deraadt Exp $lost+foundwrong type to dirscan %d DIRECTORY CORRUPTEDNAME=%s fileerror%s=%s DIRLINK COUNT %s COUNT %d SHOULD BE %d (ADJUSTED)ADJUSTLINK COUNT INCREASINGUNREFmkentryUNREF %s RECONNECTSORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORYlost+found IS NOT A DIRECTORYREALLOCATElinkupSORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY SORRY. NO lost+found DIRECTORY DIR I=%u CONNECTED. PARENT WAS I=%u SORRY. NO SPACE IN lost+found DIRECTORYNO lost+found DIRECTORYCREATE (CREATED) (RECONNECTED)makeentryNO SPACE LEFT IN %s (EXPANDED)EXPANDLARGE FILES UNSUPPORTED ON REVISION 0 FILESYSTEMSSETTING LARGE FILE INDICATOR SET LARGE FILE INDICATORTRYING TO SET FILESIZE TO %llu ON MODE %x FILE ckinodeDIRECTORY %s: CONTAINS EMPTY BLOCKSADJUST LENGTHYOU MUST RERUN FSCK AFTERWARDSiblockPARTIALLY TRUNCATED INODE I=%ublk %d < cgdmin %d; blk + cnt %d > cgsbase %d blk %d >= cgdmin %d; blk + cnt %d > cgdmax %d bad inode number %d to ginode bad inode number %d to nextinode Cannot allocate space for inode buffer cannot increase directory list cannot find inode %d CLEAR (CLEARED) I=%u OWNER=%u MODE=%o SIZE=%llu MTIME=%12.12s %4.4s %d %s I=%uBAD STATE %d TO BLKERR b:dfm:npyAlternate super block location: %d ** lost+found creation mode %o bad mode to -m: %o -%c flag requires a %s checkfilesysCAN'T CHECK FILE SYSTEM.** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes** Phase 1b - Rescan For More DUPS%d files, %d used, %d free ***** REBOOT NOW ***** ***** PLEASE RERUN FSCK ***** ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****The following zero link count inodes remain: %u,The following duplicate blocks remain: %d,%d blocks missing %d files missing ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity** Phase 2 - Check PathnamesINTERNAL ERROR: dups with -p** Root file system** Last Mounted on %s starting usage: %s [-dfnpy] [-b block#] [-m mode] filesystem ... UNKNOWN FILE TYPE I=%ubad size %llu:INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=%u (%d should be %d) (CORRECTED)LINK COUNT TABLE OVERFLOWCONTINUEbad indirect addr: %d bad direct addr: %d bad size %llu ndb %d:HOLD BAD BLOCKINODE I=%u HAS DTIME=%12.12s %4.4sPARTIALLY ALLOCATED INODE I=%uDUP TABLE OVERFLOW.EXCESSIVE DUP BLKS I=%u (SKIPPING)EXCESSIVE BAD BLKS I=%uBAD STATE %d FOR ROOT INODE DUPS/BAD IN ROOT INODEROOT INODE NOT DIRECTORYCANNOT ALLOCATE ROOT INODE ROOT INODE UNALLOCATEDALLOCATEpass2MISSING '..'FIXBAD INODE NUMBER FOR '..'DIRECTORY TOO SHORTDIRECTORY %s: LENGTH %lu NOT MULTIPLE OF %dMISSING '.'I OUT OF RANGEREMOVEpass2checkUNALLOCATEDBAD TYPE VALUEIS AN EXTRANEOUS HARD LINK TO DIRECTORY%s %s %s (IGNORED)DUP/BADZERO LENGTH DIRECTORYEXTRA '.' ENTRYEXTRA '..' ENTRYCANNOT FIX, INSUFFICIENT SPACE TO ADD '..' CANNOT FIX, SECOND ENTRY IN DIRECTORY CONTAINS %s BAD TYPE VALUE FOR '..'CANNOT FIX, INSUFFICIENT SPACE TO ADD '.' CANNOT FIX, FIRST ENTRY IN DIRECTORY CONTAINS %s BAD INODE NUMBER FOR '.'BAD TYPE VALUE FOR '.'BAD STATE %d FOR INODE I=%d ZERO LENGTHBAD/DUPsummary info for cg %d is %d, %d, %d,should be %d, %d, %d SUMMARY INFORMATIONS WRONG FOR CG #%dBLK(S) MISSING IN BIT MAPS #%dINODE(S) MISSING IN BIT MAPS #%dsummary info bad in superblock: %d, %d should be %d, %d SUPERBLK SUMMARY INFORMATION BADpass5ino_bitmap:ibmap:blk_bitmap:bbmap:BAD STATE %d FOR INODE I=%ld %u: %2x %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN %s MANUALLY. /r%s is not a character device Can't stat %s Can't stat rootmalloc failedrealloc failedstrdup failed%s is not a character device (NO WRITE)cannot allocate space for superblock setupLOOK FOR ALTERNATE SUPERBLOCKSLOCATION OF AN ALTERNATESUPER-BLOCK TO SUPPLY NEEDEDINFORMATION; SEE fsck_ext2fs(8).SEARCH FOR ALTERNATE SUPER-BLOCKFAILED. YOU MUST USE THE-b OPTION TO FSCK_FFS TO SPECIFY THE%s %s %s %s %s %s USING ALTERNATE SUPERBLOCK AT %d WRONG FPG=%d (BPG=%d) IN SUPERBLOCKBAD SUMMARY INFORMATIONcannot alloc %u bytes for blockmap cannot alloc %u bytes for statemap cannot alloc %u bytes for lncntp cannot alloc %u bytes for inphead cannot alloc %u bytes for typemap IMPOSSIBLE RESERVED BLOCK COUNT=%d IN SUPERBLOCKSET TO DEFAULT** File system is already clean %sile system is clean; not checking ** Fstate = %d NO WRITE ACCESS** %sCan't open %s: %s Can't stat %s: %s MAGIC NUMBER WRONGBAD LOG_BSIZEINCOMPATIBLE FEATURE BITS IN SUPER BLOCKcompat 0x%08x, incompat 0x%08x, compat_ro 0x%08x VALUES IN SUPER BLOCK DISAGREE WITH THOSE IN FIRST ALTERNATEsuperblock mismatchesoffset %ld, original %ld, alternate %ld BAD SUPER BLOCK: %s %s: NOT LABELED AS A EXT2 FILE SYSTEM (%s) %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT FILE SYSTEM PARTITION ioctl (GCINFO): %s %s: can't read disk label PARTIALLY WRITING %sZERO'ED BLOCK %d TO DISK bad file type 0%o %s? yes %s? [yn] %s? no INTERNAL ERROR: GOT TO reply()cannot allocate buffer pool deadlocked buffer pool CANNOT %s: BLK %dProgram terminated MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN cache missed %ld of %ld (%d%%) MARK FILE SYSTEM CLEANUPDATE STANDARD SUPERBLOCKSPanic: lost %d buffers READTHE FOLLOWING DISK SECTORS COULD NOT BE READ: %ld (%ld), %ld,SEEKWRITETHE FOLLOWING SECTORS COULD NOT BE WRITTEN:returning to single-user after filesystem checkSALVAGE (SALVAGED)UNKNOWN INODESC FIX MODE %d benstuvusage: %s [-benstuv] [-] [file ...] %6d |\$g0$gYfYfZ$g Z$gZ$gZ$gk4f$Z4f,Z4f4Zk %d:powersave on (%dms sleep) (auto) SIOCG80211ALLNODES none restoreieee80211_listnodeslladdr %s %udB powersave %uMESSIBSSPOLLABLEPOLLREQPRIVACYSHORT_PREAMBLEPBCCCHNL_AGILITY SHORT_SLOTTIME RSNDSSSOFDMCACHEBSSAUTHASSOCCOLLECTSGIOCGIFMEDIA%s: no link type?init_current_mediaSIOCSIFMEDIAonly one `media' command may be issuedmay not issue `media' after `mode' commandsmay not issue `media' after `mediaopt' commandsonly one `mode' command may be issuedinvalid media mode: %sonly one `mediaopt' command may be issuedmay not issue `mediaopt' after `instance'only one `-mediaopt' command may be issuedmay not issue both `media' and `-mediaopt'only one `instance' command may be issuedmust specify `media' before `instance'media instance %s: %sEthernetetherTokenRingtokenFDDIIEEE802.11TDMCARPautoselectmanual10baseT10baseT/UTP10UTP10base210base2/BNC10BNC10base510base5/AUI10AUI100baseTX100TX100baseFX100FX100baseT4100T4100baseVG100VG100baseT2100T21000baseSX1000SX10baseSTPSTP10STP10baseFLFL10FL1000baseLX1000LX1000baseCX1000CX1000baseT1000T1000baseTX1000TXHomePNA1HPNA1DB9/4Mbit4STPDB9/16Mbit16STPUTP/4Mbit4UTPUTP/16Mbit16UTPSingle-modeSMFMulti-modeMMFCDDIFH1FH2DS2DS5DS11DS1DS22OFDM6OFDM9OFDM12OFDM18OFDM24OFDM36OFDM48OFDM54OFDM72t1t1-amie1-g.704e1-amie1-ami-g.704t3t3-m13e3e3-g.751e3-g.832e1-g.704-crc411a11b11gfhmasterfull-duplexfdxhalf-duplexhdxflag0flag1flag2loopbackhw-loopbackloopEarlyTokenReleaseETRSourceRoutingSRCRTAllRoutesALLRdual-attachdasadhochostapibssibss-mastermonitorturbohdlc-crc16pppframerelay-ansiframerelay-ciscoframerelay-ituunknown %s media subtype: %sunknown %s media mode: %sunknown %s media option: %smedia mode %smediaopt instance %d physical address inet%s %s --> %s phys_statusno carrieractiveno ringinsertedno networkbackupUPBROADCASTDEBUGLOOPBACKPOINTOPOINTNOTRAILERSRUNNINGNOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI OACTIVE SIMPLEX LINK0LINK1LINK2MULTICAST metric %lu mtu %lu lladdr %s description: %s %s: no media types?SIOCGIFMEDIA media: status: supported media: inet %s SIOCGIFNETMASKSIOCGIFDSTADDR--> %s netmask 0x%x SIOCGIFBRDADDRbroadcast %sin_status inet6 %sSIOCGIFDSTADDR_IN6 -> %sSIOCGIFNETMASK_IN6 prefixlen %dSIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6 anycast tentative duplicated detached deprecated scopeid 0x%xSIOCGIFALIFETIME_IN6 pltime infty vltime in6_alias%s: bad valueprefix %s: %s%s=%o%s=%xusage: ifconfig [interface] [address_family] [address [dest_address]] [[-]alias] [[-]arp] [broadcast addr] [[-]debug] [delete] [up] [down] [ipdst addr] [tunnel src_address dest_address] [deletetunnel] [description value] [[-]group group-name] [[-]link0] [[-]link1] [[-]link2] [lladdr etheraddr] [media type] [[-]mediaopt opts] [mode mode] [instance minst] [mtu value] [metric nhops] [netmask mask] [prefixlen n] [nwid id] [nwkey key] [nwkey persist[:key]] [-nwkey] [bssid bssid] [-bssid] [chan n] [-chan] [txpower dBm] [-txpower] [[-]powersave] [powersavesleep duration] [[-]anycast] [eui64] [pltime n] [vltime n] [[-]tentative] [vlan vlan_tag vlandev parent_iface] [-vlandev] [vhid n] [trunkproto proto] [[-]trunkport child-iface] [advbase n] [advskew n] [maxupd n] [pass passphrase] [state init | backup | master] [syncdev iface] [-syncdev] [syncpeer peer_address] [-syncpeer] [phase n] [range netrange] [timeslot timeslot_range] [802.2] [802.2tr] [802.3] [snap] [EtherII] [pppoeac access-concentrator] [-pppoeac] [pppoesvc service] [-pppoesvc] ifconfig [-AaCMm] [interface] [address_family] ifconfig interface create ifconfig interface destroy getifgroupsSIOCGIFGROUP groups: malformed link-level addressSIOCSIFLLADDR1ACFLRSTacdfghiklmnopqrstuxCOLUMNS%s: %s: %s: directory causes a cyclefts_readdisplay%qu%*s%*qd printlong%3d, %3d %-*s %*qd %*u total %lu %s %*u %-*s %-*s -> printlink ls: %s: %s %*s usage: %s [-1AaCcdFfghikLlmnopqRrSsTtuWx] [file ...] mainifconfigmake_packetrtsol_check_timerrtsol_timer_updatesockopensendpacketrtsol_inputinterface_upinterface_statuslladdropt_fill)get_llflagprobe_initdefrouter_probesendprobeadDFfailed to open a socketfailed to initialize interfacesselect: %sfailed to setup for probing routersfailed to initialize %skernel is configured as a router, not a hostkernel is configured not to accept RAsadDfFm1memory allocation failedinterface %s was already configuredfailed to get link layer information for %slink-layer address option has null length on %s. Treat as not included.memory allocation failed for %sNew timer is %ld:%08ldthere is no timer%s status is changed from %d to %dNo answer after sending %d RSstimer expiration on %s, state = %dset timer for %s to %d:%dstop timer for %sillegal interface state(%d) on %susage: rtsol [-dDF] interfaces... usage: rtsol [-dDF] -a usage: rtsold [-adDfFm1] interfaces... usage: rtsold [-dDfFm1] -a <%s> %swarnmsgprobing %sreallocmultiple interfaces foundff02::2inet_pton failed for %ssetsockopt(ICMP6_FILTER): %sIPV6_HOPLIMIT: %sIPV6_PKTINFO: %ssocket: %smalloc for send msghdr failedmalloc for receive msghdr failedsend RS on %s, whose state is %dsendmsg on %s: %ssendpacketfailed to get receiving interfacertsol_inputinvalid icmp type(%d) from %s on %sinvalid RA with hop limit(%d) from %s on %sinvalid RA with non link-local source from %s on %sreceived RA from %s on %s, state is %dreceived RA from %s on an unexpeced IF(%s)invalid icmp code(%d) from %s on %spacket size(%d) is too shortfailed to get receiving hop limitrecvmsg: %schecking if %s is ready...interface_up%s is duplicated%s is tentative%s is readyget_llflag() failed, anyway I'll tryioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS): %sioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS): %sinterface_statusioctl(SIOCGIFMEDIA) on %s: %sioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) on %s: %sunsupported link type(%d)get_llflagioctl(SIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6): %sgetifaddrs: %ssocket(SOCK_DGRAM): %sshutdown: %slo0defrouter_probedefault router list contains a non-link-local address(%s)ioctl(SIOCGDRLST_IN6): %sprobe a router %s on %ssendprobeTTL=%d:meaninglessTTL=%d:invalidTTL=%d03 draftinvalid namelen:%d/%luno nameunknown qtyperefused???unknown, type 0x%xrefused, type 0x%x%d bytes from %s, icmp_seq=%u hlim=%d(DUP!) time=%g ms dst=%sfailed to get receiving packet informationa:b:c:dfHg:h:I:i:l:mnNp:qRS:s:tvwW-R is not supported in this configurationinvalid source address: %sinvalid socket buffer sizeillegal number of packets -- %sMust be superuser to flood pingillegal hoplimit -- %sillegal hoplimit %stoo small interval, raised to 0.01illegal timing interval %sillegal preload value -- %sMust be superuser to preloaddatalen value too large, maximum is %dillegal datalen value -- %sgetaddrinfo failedsetsockopt(IPV6_NEXTHOP)setsockopt(IPV6_HOPOPTS)setsockopt(IPV6_DSTOPTS)-f and -i incompatible optionsUnable to allocate packetsetsockopt(IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU)setsockopt(ICMP6_FILTER)%s: invalid interface namesetsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)PING6(%lu=40+8+%lu bytes) %s --> new path MTU (%d) is notified recvmsgpollsetsockopt(IPV6_HOPLIMIT)setsockopt(IPV6_PKTINFO)setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)you need -b to increase socket buffer sizeUDP socketUDP setsockopt(IPV6_PKTOPTIONS)UDP connectgetsocknamecan't initialize rthdrbad addr family of an intermediate addrcan't add an intermediate nodecan't set the last flagcan't allocate enough memorysetsockopt(IPV6_RTHDR)IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSgateway resolves to multiple addressestoo many intermediate hopsgetaddrinfo for the gateway %s: %sping6: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d sendmsg\%03odnsdecodeinvalid peernamepr_packunknown code 0x%x, type 0x%xNodeInfo NOOP HbH Options: Routing: Dst Options: -%uNodeInfo Supported Qtypes, compressed bitmap, raw bitmap %s(TTL=%u)pr_nodeaddr(TTL=infty) no address truncated --- %s ping6 statistics --- round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms %.1lf%% packet loss+%ld duplicates, IPv6 addressDNS labelIPv4 addressSuccessRefusedNo Route to Destinationpr_icmphDestination Unreachable, Bad Code: %d Destination Administratively UnreachableDestination Unreachable Beyond ScopePacket too big mtu = %d Time exceeded, Bad Code: %d Parameter problem: Bad code(%d) pointer = 0x%02x Erroneous Header Unrecognized Option Unknown Nextheader Listener QueryListener ReportListener DoneRouter SolicitationRouter AdvertisementNeighbor SolicitationNeighbor AdvertisementRedirectDestination: %s New Target: %sBad ICMP type: %dNode Information QueryNOOP, invalid, oldfqdn, subject=%s(%s), no subject, subject=%s(invalid)Supported qtypesDNS namenodeaddrIPv4 nodeaddrNode Information Reply, %sVr TC Flow Plen Nxt Hlim %1x %02x %05x %04x %02x %02x %s->pr_iphHBH RTHDR FRAG ESPICMP6: type = %d, code = %d Unknown Header(%d) DSTOPT IP6ff02::2:0000:0000nigroupusage: ping6 [-dfHmnNqtvwW] [-a [aAclsg]] [-b sockbufsiz] [-c count] [-I interface] [-i wait] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-S sourceaddr] [-s packetsize] [-h hoplimit] [-g gateway] [hops...] host kernvmhwmachdepddbvfsbooted_devicebooted_kernelconsole_deviceallowapertureapmwarnkbdresetztsrawmodeioctl SMODEmmapsysctl/dev/ttyC0open /dev/ttyC0/dev/wsmouse%s.%s=%d,%d,%d,%d open /dev/wsmouseusage: %s ?n?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x..%t?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t?f%f .?n?m(%T %i of %m) ..?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. :byte %bB?s/%s. .?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%..%t?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) .?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. .byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\%..%tHELP -- ?eEND -- Press g to see it again:Press RETURN for more., or q when doneWaiting for dataLESSSECURELESS-E-G-L-mMOREWARNING: terminal is not fully functionalCannot allocate memoryticdcmsomdmbvbbc|^srget_termraw_modeLESS_TERMCAP_ltget_envLINESlicokrklkukdkPkNkh@7kDTERMhcxndadbsgpcNothing in top lineNothing in bottom lineNo bracket in top lineNo bracket in bottom lineNo matching bracketseek errorread errorch_ungetchar overrunseek error to 0ESC^%c*s<%X>Non-match First-file EOF-ignore Keep-pos Regex-off (P)+ [Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]less %sungetcc overflowPattern not found help(N-th) No %snext fileNo %sprevious fileNo such filemark: goto mark: Command not availableBrackets: [Press 'h' for instructions.]Warning: some commands disabledWarning: some edit commands disabledWarning: environment variables from lesskey file unavailableeditchar"%s" may be a binary file. See it anyway? Missing filename ("less --help" for help)LESSMETAESCAPE\LESSMETACHARS; *? '"()<>|&^`#\%c%s%c%s%s%sHOMEbin_file%s %s %sLESSOPENLESSCLOSE...skipping... Cannot find help fileCannot seek to end of fileCannot seek to beginning of fileCannot seek to line number %nDetermining length of fileDon't know length of fileCannot seek to that file positionLESSANSIENDCHARSplinenum~ Calculating line numbers (press RETURN)Invalid mark letterMark not setMark not in current fileLine number is required after -lless Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Nudelman less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. For information about the terms of redistribution, see the file named README in the less distribution. Homepage: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less Tab stops and then every %d spacesopt_x-" must be followed by 1 or 2 charsquotes %sUse "h" for helpThere is no %s option ("less --help" for help)There is no %s optionCannot change the %s optionCannot query the %s optionCannot use "-+" or "--" for a string optionCan't use "-!" for a numeric option-%sValue is required after %sNumber is required after %sfakeSearch includes displayed screenSearch skips displayed screenMax buffer space per file (K): Max buffer space per file: %dKDon't automatically allocate buffersAutomatically allocate buffers when neededRepaint by scrolling from bottom of screenRepaint by clearing each lineRepaint by painting from top of screenAssume intelligent terminalAssume dumb terminalDon't quit at end-of-fileQuit at end-of-fileQuit immediately at end-of-fileOpen only regular filesOpen even non-regular filesDon't quit if end-of-file on first screenQuit if end-of-file on first screenDon't highlight search matchesHighlight matches for previous search onlyHighlight all matches for previous search patternBackwards scroll limit: Backwards scroll limit is %d linesAllow help commandDon't allow help commandCase is significant in searchesIgnore case in searchesIgnore case in searches and in patternsTarget line: Position target at screen line %dDon't display a status columnDisplay a status columnDon't use the LESSOPEN filterUse the LESSOPEN filterShort promptMedium promptLong promptDon't use line numbersUse line numbersConstantly display line numbersprompt: Ring the bell for errors AND at eof/bofRing the bell for errors but not at eof/bofNever ring the bellDisplay control characters as ^XDisplay control characters directlyDisplay control characters directly, processing ANSI sequencesDisplay all blank linesSqueeze multiple blank linesFold long linesChop long linesDisplay underlined text in underline modeBackspaces cause overstrikePrint backspace as ^HDon't highlight first unread lineHighlight first unread line after forward-screenHighlight first unread line after any forward movementTab stops: 0123456789,Send init/deinit strings to terminalDon't use init/deinit stringsForward scroll limit: Forward scroll limit is %d linesScroll window size: Scroll window size is %d linesquotes: Don't show tildes after end of fileShow tildes after end of fileHorizontal shift: Horizontal shift %d positionsUse keypad modeDon't use keypad modeBe less helpful in promptsBe helpful in promptspostoalinenumtoainttoaiprint_intiprint_linenumap_posap_linenumap_intNo previous regular expressionInvalid patternPlease re-enter search patternNothing to searchLine numbers turned offh{t{x{{{{{{{{,{ `܁ $@08ԁЁL D@L<H\hbgdumbtimernfsv3rdirplusmntudpresvportnfsv2ac23a:bcdD:g:I:iL:lo:PR:r:sTt:w:x:U-2 and -3 are mutually exclusiveillegal -I value -- %sillegal -R value -- %sillegal -a value -- %sconflicting version optionsillegal -r value -- %sillegal -t value -- %sillegal -w value -- %sillegal -x value -- %sNFS Portmapcan't access %s: %sbad MNT RPCCannot MNT PRCcan't resolve address for host %sno : or @ spechostname too longusage: %s [-23bcdilsTU] [-a maxreadahead] [-g maxgroups] [-I readdirsize] [-o options] [-R retrycnt] [-r readsize] [-t timeout] [-w writesize] [-x retrans] rhost:path node Tpx:@unused DOS FAT-12 XENIX / XENIX /usr DOS FAT-16 Extended DOSDOS > 32MB HPFS/QNX/AUXAIX fs AIX/Coherent OS/2 Bootmgr Win95 FAT-32 Win95 FAT32LDOS FAT-16 Extended LBAOPUS OS/2 hidden Compaq Diag.OS/2 hidden OS/2 hidden OS/2 hidden AST swap Willowtech Thinkpad Rec Willowsoft $NEC DOS 8Theos 9Plan 9 @VENIX 286 ALin/Minux DRBLinuxSwap DRCLinux DR MQNX 4.2 Pri NQNX 4.2 Sec OQNX 4.2 Ter PDM QDM RCP/M or SysVSDM TOntrack UEZ-Drive VGolden Bow \Priam aSpeedStor cISC, HURD, *dNetWare 2.xxeNetWare 3.xxfNetWare 386 gNovell hNovell iNovell pDiskSecure uPCIX Minix (old) Minix (new) Linux swap Linux files*OS/2 hidden Linux ext. NT FAT VS NTFS VS Amoeba FS Amoeba BBT Mylex BSDI NotebookSaveFreeBSD OpenBSD NEXTSTEP MacOS X NetBSD MacOS X bootBSDI filesy*BSDI swap Solaris CTOS DRDOSs FAT12DRDOSs < 32MDRDOSs >=32MHPFS DisbledCPM/C.DOS/C*Dell Maint SpeedStor SpeedStor SpeedStor BeOS/i386 SpeedStor DOS 3.3+ SecSpeedStor Xenix BBT Z[s8~eWjbO6p;x7NĞݳ5!8H.Aq~&9ڗU"@ї|u}}>*}{{%nuFr7U2~o|>]x7;?[yȋb/֞~ıyE(2RqZTy =8n>{~wIvJy|zXx{^x‹^𢅧^ ߓo&nkCkv-icU檃+  8w@4h$rD3RpGl۷=+.eXBioio^0#ڦGFxee)TBFF7$ ĪȶqKa+)(* =,'l1q*G-nng0XG⻬JwX;[?: TZAkI.F[8-Q~+9= 1x V1#W^_SFN닠8,:XUĊ)+\ӵ kupNG<XNZiU 76^z$VY_||{!Uv&t.∾\&#;~4= cɇ`c߀~R0iu:2, '3< !q0u9~;W-rt9Rԉe9pti2B&lRX cp4&㛷G0q.s-ܭ9simU& CPz(W-J\J*}n~j'ٴWϴfo.,_= , /&c e,{S&7hU`F,'IQ3sL*NLܠv]ׂD[? Sa \(:ғ¦HC(SN% v6~!مRtQZE t}࿷6OזLNe_N&(œErxK #d[2;7;paɆCx[z'k;%q dLO »[xٙ: X"DoLP3lͿ@릗nţL*XS$"U0pd-Q/-xSV a7ì(ybV=3P,"KiTP;*I,%״Q%wlV@URsQ,ik%%vzh}\*JC)YaKq1KXs]?N4tp 2l]LW8:-B[hxw{umoD ջp}wqzq`xl2tTHЧH }ke!C29.Z sQ7ih^Sog>-9ﮩd/%σzNչQ(M+qXd&6UJ w0;L$KI{Mx^j󱀒a]fmOyցJxl2ja%!'C2Js0h8ǒ ?$klbxCN=\~,=Й^h0Ce-$h`}Yu$hEg)g]މ@uYSVi0yp8Mټo6?BZ"zgiPXΆ(1<} A/^--ae877!V^c١ה_0PKt&Doyz tpǖMfÙ?$c :ڞZ>La`6-2$>jXi(@!_sἁ!ũ@d@g2R9`ȭ8P3;zfxBᾩ8-.|iʆ_|[7ߨoL|0FEgf+q Ӫnv5,o+g2/?lZwi[dʲ ;THo>+ 8`Ume (oqr)ee'.X>iʊ57?Զ& l)v/tP$`$ijؙ KV~JRkiU$NUrl ~ZiK]n3 lf4 "sUlRSS+ydž IA%C[Bx,Ȣ~!Rl,| ADf\]3-&N36[[;&$+qJ F0 .#[>-[nA(U*Xo".͞jwxOܥJݾL] ikOH:&Ȅº{⊞ۍ:褻u3`[ڱY*L6P42N{?jK,‚=(mz#^k (աש6j\ coU+Gt!b챀wNxڨ)7goloߑ\8AD{"=d~Bj6 Ѵ`W`ZU %"ua9b\ v bDwNB- jq :꒵1vOw.ÐWFִu\z7 ~. +9n`Y$MCK2 頝ZTd&f5$πHݚ4!Y*C:R*ݴO̖sog]oL[9bsj:uRqu HڅV}Tn aUP 5 ]t uVaVUI{64֜ABT|WE&͔ $a KjXF0kGFZ&3 qvS٬֧Xёب$g}Lb oV߰*͔sLgmz',#G%;sϩy쩒Zgtk#MjFGPA;%hk$~ţ,FwMōc ^ͫJm@;R %ՋnmcfB3.KPN/w'Q%{݁ +9-~{6c5o\C#V }J>&$Zo1.e|:x^pzړ5ĂTA(ZnԒ$Ȩ{ﯽG!Mm[zs#{UJdy8927O6PMa3ļTww _ZRBh;9Fp@3m4ٝnNG+wl6`]{H8— `WՕ`~0䮙YɼH0j3'q!}L$sd.}JPbC} ,usage: %s [-ieu] [-c cylinders -h heads -s sectors] [-f mbrfile] device -i: initialize disk with virgin MBR -u: update MBR code, preserve partition table -e: edit MBRs on disk interactively -f: specify non-standard MBR template -chs: specify disk geometry `disk' may be of the forms: sd0 or /dev/rsd0c. /usr/mdec/mbrieuf:c:h:s:Cylinder argument out of range [1..262144].Head argument out of range [1..256].Sector argument out of range [1..63].using builtin MBRCan't get disk geometry, please use [-chs] to specify.Please specify a full geometry with [-chs].Command help listShow entire OpenBSD man page for fdiskreinitRe-initialize loaded MBR (to defaults)setpidSet the identifier of a given table entryEdit current drive statsEdit given table entryflagFlag given table entry as bootableUpdate machine code in loaded MBRSelect extended partition table entry MBRSwap two partition entriesPrint loaded MBR partition tableWrite loaded MBR to diskexitExit edit of current MBR, without saving changesQuit edit of current MBR, saving current changesabortAbort program without saving current changes ----------------------------------------------------- ------ ATTENTION - UPDATING MASTER BOOT RECORD ------ ----------------------------------------------------- Do you wish to write new MBR? Do you wish to write new MBR and partition table?USER_initMBR is unchangedEnter 'help' for informationfdisk:%c%d> Aborting changes to current MBR.USER_modifyWriting current MBR to disk.Invalid command '%s'. Try 'help'. Offset: %d USER_print_diskBytesSectorsKilobytesMegabytesGigabytesask_cmd%s [%X - %X]: [%X] %s [%d - %d]: [%d] (? for help) ask_num'%d' is out of range. '%s' is not a valid number. %s [n] %s is not a character device or a regular fileDIOCGDINFODISK_getlabelmetricsDisk: %s geometry: %d/%d/%d [%.0f %s] geometry: Signature: 0x%X MBR_pcopyChoose from the following Partition id values:%02X %s %02X %s %02X %s %02X %s Warning CHS values out of bounds only saving LBA values Starting Ending LBA Info:%c%1d: %.2X %4u %3u %2u - %4u %3u %2u [%12u:%12.0f%s] %s #: id C H S - C H S [ start: size ]------------------------------------------------------------------------Start of partition #%d after end!In memory copy is initialized to:Use 'write' to update disk.XreinitChange disk geometry?BIOS CylindersBIOS HeadsBIOS SectorsInvalid argument: %s Invalid partition number %d. Swap with what paritition?%d same partition as %d, doing nothing. Invalid argument: %s Invalid partition number.Partition id ('0' to disable) Partition %d is disabled. Do you wish to edit in CHS mode?BIOS Starting cylinderBIOS Starting headBIOS Starting sectorBIOS Ending cylinderBIOS Ending headBIOS Ending sectorLoop to offset 0! Not selected.Selected extended partition %d New MBR at offset %d. Partition %d is not an extended partition. Writing MBR at offset %d. Xwrite %s %s Machine code updated.Partition %d flag value set to 0x%x. Partition %d marked active. Invalid argument: %s [value] (standard input)(fd %d)invalid file type^\((%s[[:<:]]%s%.*s%s[[:>:]]%susage: %s [-abcEFGHhIiLlnoPqRSsUVvwx] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]] [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--context[=num]] [--line-buffered] [pattern] [file ...] 0123456789A:B:CEFGHILPSRUVabce:f:hilnoqrsuvwxybinary-filesline-bufferedafter-contextbefore-contextextended-regexpfixed-stringsbasic-regexpbinaryversionbyte-offsetregexpno-filenameignore-casefiles-without-matchfiles-with-matchesline-numberquietsilentrecursiveno-messagesrevert-matchword-regexpline-regexpunix-byte-offsetscontext out of rangegrep version %u.%u without-matchUnknown binary-files optionBinary file %s matches [[:<:]][[:>:]]%lldaFfh:t:v%s: not a directory or special deviceumountfsBad MNT RPC%s: unmount from %s %s: not currently mountedusage: %s %s umount [-fv] [-t fstypelist] special | nodeumount -a[fv] [-h host] [-t fstypelist]h{t{x{{{{{{{{{Gsl9xu:g:m:o:not an MSDOS filesystemstat %sunknown group id: %sunknown user id: %sinvalid file mode: %susage: mount_msdos [-o options] [-u user] [-g group] [-m mask] bdev dir $OpenBSD: fsck.c,v 1.19 2005/02/03 05:03:50 jaredy Exp $$OpenBSD: fsutil.c,v 1.13 2003/09/25 04:15:29 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: preen.c,v 1.14 2003/06/26 08:01:54 tedu Exp $start %s %swait %scheckfs%s/fsck_%sexec %sCan't get resource limit for data sizeCan't get resource limit to max data sizedvpfnyl:t:T:%s: unknown special file or file system.fsck_%snoInvalid option stringusage: %s [-dfnpvy] [-l maxparallel] [-T fstype:fsoptions] [-t fstype] [special | node ...] UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY:THE FOLLOWING FILE SYSTEM%s HAD AN %s %s: %s (%s)%sCan't open checklist file: %s/etc/fstabBAD DISK NAME %s pass %d, name %s Unknown pid %ld%s: %s (%s): EXITED WITH SIGNAL %d done %s: %s (%s) = %x disk %s: %s in fstab more than once!mkfifom:invalid file mode.non-numeric major number.non-numeric minor number.major or minor number too largenode must be type 'b' or 'c'.usage: %s [-m mode] fifoname ... usage: %s [-m mode] name [b | c] major minor usage: %s [-m mode] name p UGHRBD M@dmCXLS1@2 3cJ0123456789abcdefold usage of trailing 0assuming route to if entry in usenot in tablerouting table overflow: gateway %s (%s)netmask missingold usage of trailing digit, assuming route via gatewayblackholechangecloningdstexpiregatewaygenmaskhopcountifaifpipxjumbolinkllinfolockrestmpathnojumbonostaticproto1proto2recvpiperejectrttrttvarsasendpipeshowssthreshstaticxresolvebotched keyword: %susage: %s [-dnqtv] command [[modifiers] args] commands: add, change, delete, flush, get, monitor, show dnqtv/dev/nullroute-sysctl-estimate%-20.20s donewrite to routing socketgot only %d for rlen Examining routing table from sysctl(address family %s) actual retrieval of routing tablemust be root to alter routing tableking bula sez: set_metric with invalid keyinet6_makenetandmask128%s: resolved to multiple values%s: bad address%s: not a network%d: bad address familyinternal errorprefixlen is not supported with af %dactual retrieval of interface tablegot message of size %d on %sread from routing socketwriting to routing socketso_labelso_ifaso_ifpso_genmaskso_maskso_gateso_dstRTM_ADD: Add RouteRTM_DELETE: Delete RouteRTM_CHANGE: Change Metrics or flagsRTM_GET: Report MetricsRTM_LOSING: Kernel Suspects PartitioningRTM_REDIRECT: Told to use different routeRTM_MISS: Lookup failed on this addressRTM_LOCK: fix specified metricsRTM_OLDADD: caused by SIOCADDRTRTM_OLDDEL: caused by SIOCDELRTRTM_RESOLVE: Route created by cloningRTM_NEWADDR: address being added to ifaceRTM_DELADDR: address being removed from ifaceRTM_IFINFO: iface status changeRTM_IFANNOUNCE: iface arrival/departurerouting message version %d not understoodprint_rtmsg%s: len %d, if# %d, link: %s, flags:name: %s, pid: %ld, seq %d, errno %d, flags:metric %d, flags:if# %d, name %s, what: departurearrival route to: %s destination: %s mask: %s interface: %.*s if address: %s flags: label: %s recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh rtt,msec rttvar hopcount mtu expire%8lu%c %8ld%c sockaddrs: gateway: %s RTM_GET: %s (errno %d)message length mismatch, in packet %d, returned %d locks: inits: sockaddrs: %s: link %s; sodump%s: inet %s; %s: ipx %s; %s: inet6 %s; label too longRouting tablessysctl of routing tableGatewayFlagsRefsUseMtuInterface%-*.*s %-*.*s %-6.6s %6.6s %8.8s %6.6s %s PortProtoSA(Address/Proto/Type/Direction)Source%-18s %-5s %-18s %-5s %-5s %-22s %-*.*s Address%-6.6s %6d %8ld %6ld %6s %.16sp_rtentryInternet Protocol Family %d: AppleTalkIPXInternet6Encapp_flagsroutename(%d) %s%u.%u.%u/%d%u.%u.%u.%u/%d%u.%u/%d%u/%d%s/%dnetname6illegal prefixlenaf %d: %s*.**.0x%XHany%XH.%s%s.%XH%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XHlink#%d KMGTPasciiimageebcdictenexusage: %s [ | Using %s mode to transfer files. %s: unknown mode. TYPE %s %sTYPE %sinternal error: unknown type %d.We only support %s mode, sorry. We only support %s format, sorry. We only support %s structure, sorry. local-fileremote-fileusage: %s local-file [ remote-file ] APPESTORSTOUlocal-filesusage: %s local-files Continue withmput%s: not foundr+wusage: %s remote-file [ local-file ] local: %sRETRgetitremote-filesusage: %s remote-files mgetand logged inConnected %sto %s. Not connected. Connected for proxy commands to %s. No proxy connection. (none)Gate ftp: %s, server %s, port %s. Passive mode: %s. Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s. Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s. Store unique: %s; Receive unique: %s. Preserve modification times: %s. Case: %s; CR stripping: %s. Ntrans: (in) %s (out) %s Ntrans: off. Nmap: (in) %s (out) %s Nmap: off. Hash mark printing: %s; Mark count: %d; Progress bar: %s. Use of PORT/LPRT cmds: %s. (disabled for this connection)Use of EPSV/EPRT cmds for IPv4: %s%s. Macros: usage: %s [ on | off ] %s %s. Bell modeEPSV/EPRT on IPv4Packet tracingusage: %s [ on | off | bytecount ] %s: bad bytecount value. Hash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark)Verbose modeUse of PORT/LPRT cmdsProgress barInteractive modeusage: %s [ on | off | gateserver [ port ] ] Disabling gate-ftp mode - no gate-ftp server defined. GlobbingPreserve modification timesusage: %s [ on | off | debuglevel ] %s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). remote-directoryusage: %s remote-directory CWD %sCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD. XCWD %susage: %s local-directory Local directory now %s getcwd: %slcdDELE %susage: %s remote-file mdeletefrom-nameto-nameRNFR %susage: %s from-name to-name RNTO %susage: %s remote-directory local-file nlistLISTNLSToutput to local-file:usage: %s remote-files local-file Try again latershellusernameusage: %s username [password] [account] USER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: ACCT %sLogin failed. PWDPWD command not recognized, trying XPWD. XPWDLocal directory %s getcwdlpwddirectory-nameMKD %susage: %s directory-name MKD command not recognized, trying XMKD. XMKD %sRMD %sRMD command not recognized, trying XRMD. XRMD %scommand line to sendusage: %s line-to-send arguments to SITE commandSITEquote1SITE CHMOD %s %susage: %s mode file-name SITE UMASKSITE UMASK %sSITE IDLESITE IDLE %sHELPHELP %sQUITusage: %s [password] Account:usage: %s command ?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. ?Invalid proxy command. Case mappingCarriage Return strippingNtrans off. Nmap off. mapoutusage: %s [mapin mapout] nmap: unbalanced brackets. Passive modeStore uniqueReceive uniqueCDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP. XCUPrestart: offset not specified. restart: invalid offset. Restarting at %lld. Execute get, put or append to initiate transfer SYSTLimit of 16 macros have already been defined. macro nameusage: %s macro_name Enter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line. macdef: end of file encountered. Macro not defined - 4K buffer exceeded. usage: %s filename %s %lld %s %sSTAT %sSTATLocal file "%s" is newer than remote file "%s". |%sCan't allocate memory for $PAGERaccountbellbyecasecdupclosedisconnectepsv4formgateglobhashidlemacdefmdirmlsmodtimemsendnewernmapntranspassivepreserveprogresspromptpwdquoterecvregetresetrestartrhelprmdirrstatusruniquesendportsitestructsuniquetraceumaskverbose'%s' macro not found. domacroRetrieving %s/%s auto_fetchExtra `@' characters in usernames and passwords should be encoded as %%40Can't allocate memory to parse URLhttp://ftp://url_get: Invalid URL '%s'Invalid URL (no `/' after host): %sInvalid URL (no file after host): %sInvalid URL (no file after directory): %sCan't allocate memory for proxy URL.Malformed proxy URL: %sCan't open file %sReading from filehost %s, port %s, path %s, save as %s. (unknown)Trying %s... r+Requesting %s (via %s) GET %s HTTP/1.0 %s User-Agent: OpenBSD ftpGET /%s HTTP/1.0 Host: Can't allocate memory.[%s]:%s %s Writing HTTP requestreceived '%s' 301302Too many redirections requested200Error retrieving file: %sContent-Length: Location: Redirected to %s Can't open %sCan't allocate memory for transfer bufferReading from socketRead short file. Successfully retrieved file. Auto-login using ftp URLs isn't supported when using $ftp_proxyReceiving HTTP replyWriting %sImproper response from %surl_get http fetch aborted. file fetch aborted. ftp_proxyhttp_proxyCan't allocate memory for auto-fetch.Invalid URL: %suser %s:%s host %s port %s dir %s file %s Can't connect or login to host `%s'*?[]{}Can't allocate memory for URL decoding:/ftpgatehttp%s: bad port number `%s'connect to address %ssetsockopt TOS (ignored)fdopen failed.Connected to %s. hookup---> PASS PASS XXXXACCT ACCT XXXXNo control connection for command. %c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection. getreply send aborted waiting for remote to finish abort. sentlocal: %s remote: %s %s: not a plain file. REST %ldnetoutsendrequest receive aborted waiting for remote to finish abort. receivednetin%s: short writeWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly. Can't change modification time on %s to %suse of scoped address can be troublesomesetsockopt (ignored)EPSVwrong server: return code must be 229 disabling epsv4 for this connection PASVLPSVPassive mode refused. wrong server: return code must be 227 %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uwrong server: return code must be 228 %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uPassive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! Passive mode AF mismatch. Shouldn't happen! %c%c%c%d%cparse error! setsockopt (reuse address)setsockopt IP_PORTRANGE (ignored)setsockopt IPV6_PORTRANGE (ignored)listenEPRT |%d|%s|%s|PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dLPRT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dinitconnacceptdataconnproxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection. PORT %slocal: %s remote: %s runique: can't find unique file name. Lost control connection for abort.%cABOR abort_remoteNeither $FTPSERVER nor $GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftpdumbemacssu-r requires numeric argument46Aadegimno:pP:r:tvVRetrying... FTPSERVERPORTFTPMODEunknown FTPMODE: %s. Using defaultsgate-ftpFTPSERVERftp> sorry, input line too long. Proxy c%sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s %-*s %s usage: %s [-46AadegimnptVv] [-P port] [-r seconds] [host [port]] %s [-o output] ftp://[user:password@]host[:port]/file[/] %s [-o output] http://host[:port]/file %s [-o output] host:[/path/]file[/] anonymous4K macro buffer exceeded. Unknown .netrc keyword %sError: .netrc file is readable by others.Remove account or make file unreadable by others.Missing macdef name argument. Macro definition missing null line terminator. Remove password or make file unreadable by others.ruserpasspasswordpasswdmachine%s/.netrc: %s%s/.netrcstringlist|%.*s%*s| %5lld %c%c %2d:%02d:%02d --:-- ETA - stalled -%02d:%02d ETAprogressmeterAlready connected to %s, use close first. usage: %s host-name [port] gateserver not defined (shouldn't happen)PASSERVE %sConnected via pass-through server %s non-printstreamRemote system type is %s. 215 UNIX Type: L8215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine. %s@Name (%s): Name (%s:%s): Password:Login failed.$initftp_loginsorry, arguments too long. (%s) unable to create temporary file: %sftpXXXXXXXXXXunable to create temporary file %scan't find list of remote files, oops.can't find list of remote files, oops. remglob%s %s? n, y, p, a, are the only acceptable commands! Interactive mode: off. Prompting off for duration of %s. confirmSIZE %sMDTM %s191Y2K warning! Fixed incorrect time-val received from server. %*s %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dCan't convert %s to a time. %3d%% *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************%lld byte%s %s in %.2f seconds (%.2f %sB/s) ETA: %02d:%02d:%02d ptransfer/etc/rcWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't die(can't restart init): SIGTERM processes/dev/consolesetsidrevokeSIGTSTP inithalted (with powerdown) by %shalted by %srebooted by %sdlnpq~usage: %s [-dn%sq] h{t{x{{{{{{{{@u{,reloadfilesystem must be mounted read-only; you may need to run fsckusage: mount_ffs [-o options] special node / F! !@s"""""(""<""H""X""d""t"""ȡ" "ȡ"ȡ" "ȡ"ȡ""#$#(# @#P#h### ## #### $$#$$<$P$h$x$$$ȡ$"$"$d$"%"%(%ȡ8%"H%"\% t%%%% %%%ȡ% &$&8&ȡP&dh&dt&d&ȡ&"&ȡ&ȡ&"&"&"&"'" '"'"('"<'"d'ȡp'd|'d'd'd'd'd'd'"'d'd'd'd(d(d(d((d4(d@(dL(dX(dd(dp(d|(d(d(d(d(d(d(d(d(d(d(d)d )d)d$)d0)d<)dH)dT)d`)dl)dx)d)d)d)d)d)d)d)d)d)d)d)d*d*d *d,*d8*dD*dP*d\*dh*dt*d*d*d*d*d*d*d*d*d*d*d*d+d+d+d(+d4+d@+dL+dX+dd+dp+d|+d+d+d+d+d+d+d+d+d+d+d,d ,d,d$,d0,d<,dH,dT,d`,dl,dx,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d-d-d -d,-d8-dD-dP-d\-dh-dt-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d.d.d.d(.d4.d@.dL.dX.dd.dp.d|.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d/d /d/d$/d0/dclient callocifi->client->config callocInterface name too long%s.%s/var/db/dhclient.leasesasprintf%s: no link ... giving up got link cannot open %s: %m_dhcpno such user: _dhcp, falling back to "nobody"no such user: nobodycan't open and lock %s: %mPREINITAF_ROUTE/var/empty/chrootchdir("/")can't drop privileges: %musage: %s [-dqu] [-c conffile] [-l leasefile] interface ARPCHECKcheck_DHCPACK from %spacket_to_lease failed.BOUNDRENEWREBINDREBOOTold_new_bound to %s -- renewal in %d seconds.BOOTREPLY from %s rejected.DHCPOFFERDHCPNACKDHCPACK%s from %s rejected.BOOTREPLY%s from %s%s isn't satisfactory.%s already seen.ARPSENDdhcpoffer: no memory to record lease.dhcpoffer: no memory for server name.Bogus server name %sdhcpoffer: no memory for filename.dhcpoffer: no memory for option %dInvalid lease option - ignoring offerDHCPNAK from %sDHCPNAK with no active lease. Trying medium "%s" %dMEDIUMDHCPDISCOVER on %s to %s port %d interval %dNo DHCPOFFERS received.Trying recorded lease %sTIMEOUTbound: renewal in %d seconds.bound: immediate renewal.No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. EXPIREDHCPREQUEST on %s to %s port %dsend_requestDHCPDECLINE on %s to %s port %doptions do not fit in DHCPDISCOVER packet.options do not fit in DHCPREQUEST packet.options do not fit in DHCPDECLINE packet.can't create %s: %mlease { bootp; interface "%s"; fixed-address %s; filename "%s"; server-name "%s"; medium "%s"; option %s %s; renew %d %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d; rebind %d %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d; expire %d %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d; } script_init: no memory for environmentPATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbinip_addressnetwork_numberbroadcast_addressserver_nameprepend optionappend optionno space to %s %sexpirypriv_script_write_paramsunexpected msg type %ureceived corrupted messagefork: %mwait: %mexecve (%s, ...): %mscript_set_env: no memory for variablescript_set_env: no memory for variable assignmentillegal character (%c) in value '%s'%s%s=%sdaemonInvalid IP address in option: %sBogus Host Name option %d: %s (%s)unknown dhcp option value 0x%xwarning: hostname %s contains an underscore which violates RFC 952option_as_string: bad code %ddhcp option too largecannot fork%s [priv]poll errorCorrupt lease file - possible data loss!expecting a statement.semicolon expected.expecting string or hexadecimal datastring constant too long.expecting hexadecimal constant.hexadecimal constant too long.expected option name.expecting semicolon.%s: unexpected option name.%s: too many options.expecting interface name (in quotes).expecting left brace.unterminated interface declaration.no memory for lease.unterminated lease declaration.wrong interface name. Expecting '%s'.expecting lease declaration.expecting identifier after option keyword.no option named %sexpecting number.expecting identifier.truefalseexpecting boolean.Bad format %c in parse_option_param.expecting string.option data buffer %soption data buffer overflowout of memory allocating option data.parse_option_declExpecting media options.no memory for string list entry.no memory for reject list!parse_reject_statementexpecting IP address.getifaddrs failedno space to remember ifpCan't allocate poll structures.No live interfaces to poll on - exiting.poll: %mreceive_packet failed on %s: %sInterface %s no longer appears valid.got_oneioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) on %s: %mioctl(SIOCGIFMEDIA) on %s: %mCan't allocate timeout structure!can't allocate protocol struct for %sCan't create socketinterface_link_status/dev/bpf%dCan't find free bpf: %mCan't attach interface %s to bpf device %s: %mif_register_bpfCan't get BPF version: %mKernel BPF version out of range - recompile dhcpd!Can't set immediate mode on bpf device: %mCan't get bpf buffer length: %mCan't allocate %lu bytes for bpf input buffer.Can't install packet filter program: %mCan't install write filter program: %mCannot lock bpfsend_packet: %msend_packetcSclarger than bufferoption %s (%d) %s.Many bogus options seen in offers. Taking this offer in spite of bogus options - hope for the best!rejecting bogus offer.Can't allocate storage for option %s.Can't expand storage for option %s.pretty_print_option: bad code %d%s: Excess information in format string: %s%s: garbage in format string: %s%s: expecting at least %d bytes; got %d%s: %d extra bytes%s: %d extra bytes at end of arrayUnexpected format code %cpretty_print_optionDiscarding packet with invalid hlen.do_packeteof in string constantstring constant larger than internal buffernumeric token larger than internal bufferlways-reply-rfc1048llowbandoneduthoritativeackoff-cutoffootingoot-unknown-clientslassiaddrlient-identifierlient-hostnameomainenyefaultynamic-bootp-lease-cutoff-lease-lengththernetxpireixed-addressddiet-lease-hostnamesardwarenitial-intervalnterfaceax-lease-timeediameserveretmaskext-serverne-lease-per-clientrependequestequireetryenewebindeboottartsubnethared-networkerver-nameerver-identifierelect-timeoutcriptupersedeimestampoken-ring-host-decl-names-lease-addr-for-default-routenknown-clientsendor-classexiting. %s line %d: %s%s^subnet_numberbroadcast_addraddr_eqpiaddr%d bad IP checksums seen in %d packetsip length %d disagrees with bytes received %d.%d udp packets in %d too long - droppedaccepting packet with data after udp payload.%d bad udp checksums in %d packetssubnet-masktime-offsetIAtime-serversien116-name-serversdomain-name-serverslog-serverscookie-serverslpr-serversimpress-serversresource-location-servershost-nameboot-sizemerit-dumpdomain-nameswap-serverroot-pathextensions-pathip-forwardingnon-local-source-routingpolicy-filterIIAmax-dgram-reassemblydefault-ip-ttlpath-mtu-aging-timeoutpath-mtu-plateau-tableSAinterface-mtuall-subnets-localbroadcast-addressperform-mask-discoverymask-supplierrouter-discoveryrouter-solicitation-addressstatic-routestrailer-encapsulationarp-cache-timeoutieee802-3-encapsulationdefault-tcp-ttltcp-keepalive-intervaltcp-keepalive-garbagenis-domainnis-serversntp-serversvendor-encapsulated-optionsnetbios-name-serversnetbios-dd-servernetbios-node-typenetbios-scopefont-serversx-display-managerdhcp-requested-addressdhcp-lease-timedhcp-option-overloaddhcp-message-typedhcp-server-identifierdhcp-parameter-request-listBAdhcp-messagedhcp-max-message-sizedhcp-renewal-timedhcp-rebinding-timedhcp-class-identifierdhcp-client-identifieroption-62option-63nisplus-domainnisplus-serverstftp-server-namebootfile-namemobile-ip-home-agentsmtp-serverpop-servernntp-serverwww-serverfinger-serverirc-serverstreettalk-serverstreettalk-directory-assistance-serveruser-classoption-78option-79option-80option-81option-82option-83option-84nds-serversnds-tree-namends-contextoption-88option-89option-90option-91option-92option-93option-94option-95option-96option-97option-98option-99option-100option-101option-102option-103option-104option-105option-106option-107option-108option-109option-110option-111option-112option-113option-114option-115option-116option-117option-118option-119option-120option-121option-122option-123option-124option-125option-126option-127option-128option-129option-130option-131option-132option-133option-134option-135option-136option-137option-138option-139option-140option-141option-142option-143option-144option-145option-146option-147option-148option-149option-150option-151option-152option-153option-154option-155option-156option-157option-158option-159option-160option-161option-162option-163option-164option-165option-166option-167option-168option-169option-170option-171option-172option-173option-174option-175option-176option-177option-178option-179option-180option-181option-182option-183option-184option-185option-186option-187option-188option-189option-190option-191option-192option-193option-194option-195option-196option-197option-198option-199option-200option-201option-202option-203option-204option-205option-206option-207option-208option-209option-210option-211option-212option-213option-214option-215option-216option-217option-218option-219option-220option-221option-222option-223option-224option-225option-226option-227option-228option-229option-230option-231option-232option-233option-234option-235option-236option-237option-238option-239option-240option-241option-242option-243option-244option-245option-246option-247option-248option-249option-250option-251option-252option-253option-254option-endpadvalue %s%o exceeds max (%d) for precision.value %s%x exceeds max (%d) for precision.value %s%u exceeds max (%d) for precision.Unexpected integer size: %dfilename must be a stringno memory for string %s.expecting a network hardware typeExpecting numeric lease timeno space for numeric aggregatenumeric aggregate too short.Bogus number: %s: digit %d not in base %dBogus number: %s.numeric day of week expected.numeric year expected.expected slash separating year from month.numeric month expected.expected slash separating month from day.numeric day of month expected.numeric hour expected.expected colon separating hour from minute.numeric minute expected.buf_open: %mbuf_add: %mbuf_close (connection closed): %mbuf_close (short write): %mbuf_close: %mbuf_read (connection closed): %mbuf_read (short read): %mbuf_read: %mcorrupted message receivedreceived unknown message, code %ddispatch_imsgcannot read temp filecannot seek temp fileline too longcannot write temp fileinvalid address/tmp/ed.XXXXXXXXXXw+cannot open temp filecannot close temp fileEnter key: get_keywordbad hex digit in keybad binary digit in keydes_setkeydes_ciphercbc_decodedecryption failed (block corrupted)decryption failed (incomplete block)cannot read fileinvalid pattern delimiter& no previous commandunexpected end-of-filecannot close input filecannot open input file%lu newline inserted newline appended cannot read input filecannot close output filecannot open output filecannot write filecannot read stdin \abfnrtv\\ warning: file modifiedinvalid filename@(#) Copyright (c) 1993 Andrew Moore, Talke Studio. All rights reserved. usage: %s [-] [-sx] [-p string] [name] p:sx ? interrupt? script, line %d: %s number out of rangeinvalid redirectioninvalid destinationno previous substitutiondestination expectedcannot nest global commandsno current filenameunexpected command suffixinvalid command suffixunexpected addressno matchfilename too longshell access restrictedinvalid mark charactered.hup/ed.hupno previous patterntrailing backslash (\)unbalanced brackets ([])infinite substitution loopnothing to undoHLPRfiprthe -R and -r options may not be specified together.the -H, -L, and -P options may not be specified with the -r option.%s: name too long%s%s: name too long (not copied)cannot overwrite directory %s with non-directory %s%s is a directory (not copied).%s and %s are identical (not copied).overwrite %s? readlink: %sunlink: %scopy_linksymlink: %smkfifo: %smknod: %schown: %schflags: %sutimes: %slchown: %susage: %s [-fip] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] source_file target_file %s [-fip] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] source_file ... target_directory (F0F4F^PefL` `Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O `Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O A@!  @a`10  @      inflate 1.2.3 Copyright 1995-2005 Mark Adler  #+3;CScs !1Aa  0@`@@,J~*&N>*>N>6^>>>^>6^>>>^*>>*>>.n>>>>*>n>6^>>>^>6^>>>^&66.66&n666>.>nN^^n^^nN^^^~n~N>6^>>>^>6^>>>^>6^>>>^>>>>>>>~>>>>>>~*>>*>>.n>>>>*>n>>>>>>>~>>>>>>~N^^n^^nN^^^~n~NΊΞΊ        @    !     !@dirscanexpanddir blk + cnt %d > sblock.fs_fpg %d cannot allocate memory for inode cache cannot increase directory listCG %d: BAD MAGIC NUMBER dfpnNyYb:c:l:m:conversion levelusage: %s [-fnpy] [-b block#] [-c level] [-m mode] filesystem ... %d files, %d used, %d free (%d frags, %d blocks, %d.%d%% fragmentation) phase 1, inode %d/%dcheckinodeconvert symlink %d(%s) of size %llu cannot read symlink phase 1b, inode %d/%dphase 2, directory %d/%dphase 2, parent directory %d/%d%s %s: LENGTH %ld NOT MULTIPLE of %d%s %s: LENGTH %ld NOT MULTIPLE OF %d (REMOVED)phase 3, directory %d/%ldphase 4, inode %d/%dphase 5, cg %d/%dCREATCANNOT %s CLUSTER MAPS SUMMARY INFORMATION BADBLK(S) MISSING IN BIT MAPSALLOCATED FRAG %ld MARKED FREE ALLOCATED INODE %ld MARKED FREE FREE BLK COUNT(S) WRONG IN SUPERBLKCREATE CLUSTER MAPS%sING CLUSTER MAPS DELETING CLUSTERING MAPS DELETE CLUSTERING MAPSUNKNOWN ROTATIONAL TABLE FORMAT %d INFORMATION; SEE fsck_ffs(8).IMPOSSIBLE INTERLEAVE=%d IN SUPERBLOCK (FIXED)IMPOSSIBLE NPSECT=%d IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT BMASK=%x IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT FMASK=%x IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT MAXFILESIZE=%llu IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT MAXSYMLINKLEN=%d IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT QBMASK=%lx IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT QFMASK=%lx IN SUPERBLOCKcannot alloc %u bytes for cylinder group summary area cannot alloc %lu bytes for lncntp cannot alloc %lu bytes for inphead CONVERTING TO NEW CYLINDER GROUP FORMAT CONVERT TO NEW CYLINDER GROUP FORMATCONVERTING TO NEW INODE FORMAT CONVERT TO NEW INODE FORMATIMPOSSIBLE MINFREE=%d IN SUPERBLOCKUNDEFINED OPTIMIZATION IN SUPERBLOCKclean = %d CPG OUT OF RANGENCYL LESS THAN NCG*CPGSIZE PREPOSTEROUSLY LARGEoffset %d, original %ld, alternate %ld NCG OUT OF RANGE%s: NOT LABELED AS A BSD FILE SYSTEM (%s) UPDATE STANDARD SUPERBLOCKreturning to single-user after filesystem check catchquitcatchinfoffs_isblockffs_clrblockffs_setblockffs_isfreeblock   init: %s init: already running initial setsid() failed: %mrootsetlogin() failed: %munrecognized flag '-%c'sfignoring excess argumentsfatal signal: %scannot get kernel security level: %scannot change kernel security level from %d to %d: %scan't open %s: %mcan't get %s for controlling terminal: %m/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bincan't exec %s for single user: %mcan't fork single-user shell, trying againwait for single-user shell failed: %m; restartinginit: shell stopped, restarting single user shell terminated, restartingsingle user shell terminated.single_userautobootcan't exec %s for %s: %mcan't fork for %s on %s: %mwait for %s on %s failed: %m; going to single user modeinit: %s on %s stopped, restarting %s on %s terminated abnormally, going to single user modesession database close: %ssession database open: %sinsert %d: %sdelete %d: %scan't parse getty for port %scan't allocate windowcan't parse window for port %scan't fork for window system on port %s: %msetsid failed (window) %mcan't exec window system '%s' for port %s: %mcan't fork for getty on port %s: %mgetty repeating too quickly on port %s, sleepingcan't exec getty '%s' for port %s: %mport %s changed utmp index from %d to %dcan't exec %s for %s %s: %msome processes would not die; ps axl advisedNOS:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:k:l:m:n:o:p:qr:s:t:u:x:z:P:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:m:o:s:%s: can't figure out file system partitiondisagrees with disk label%s (%d) %s (%lu) Warning: calculated sectors per cylindermfs:%dNumber of cylinders restricts cylinders per group to %d. Warning: changing optimization to space because minfree is less than %d%% %s: no default sector size%s: no default #sectors/track%s: no default #tracks%s: maximum file system size on the `%c' partition is %d%s: `%c' partition overlaps boot program%s: `%c' partition is unavailable%s: %s: not a character-special device %s: getmntinfo: %s%sr%snewfs_%s%s/newfs_%s%s not found%s: bad sector size%s: bad maximum contiguous blocks %s: bad block size%s: bad cylinders/group%s: bad rotational delay %s: bad blocks per file in a cylinder group %s: bad fragment size%s: bad average file size%s: bad average files per dir%s: bad bytes per inode %s: bad track skew%s: bad interleave%s: bad free space %% %s: bad rotational layout count %s: unknown optimization preference: use `space' or `time'.%s: bad spare sectors per track%s: bad revolutions/minute %s: bad file system size%s: bad sectors/track%s: bad spare sectors per cylinder%s: bad total tracksinsane maxpartitions value %d%s: mount: %sabnormal terminationioctl (WDINFO)%s: can't rewrite disk label-N do not create file system, just print out parameters-O create a 4.3BSD format filesystem-P src populate mfs filesystem-S sector size-T disktype-a maximum contiguous blocks-b block size-c cylinders/group-d rotational delay between contiguous blocks-e maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group-f frag size-g average file size-h average files per directory-i number of bytes per inode-k sector 0 skew, per track-l hardware sector interleave-m minimum free space %%-n number of distinguished rotational positions-o optimization preference (`space' or `time')-p spare sectors per track-r revolutions/minute-s file system size (sectors)-t file system type-u sectors/track-x spare sectors per cylinder-z tracks/cylinderusage: %s [ -fsoptions ] special-device mount-point usage: %s [ -fsoptions ] special-device where fsoptions are: %s: exitedchdircannot stat %s%s: not a dir or a block device-rw-pe/bin/paxcopy %s to %s failedunmount %srmdir %smount %s %s/mnttmp mountpoint %s busygettmpmnttmp mountpoint %s too longmntXXXXXXXXXXmkdtemp %stmp mount point too long%s: initializing cg %ld/%d siginfopreposterous size %u, max is %upreposterous ntrak %dpreposterous nsect %dillegal expected average file size %dillegal expected number of files per directory %dblock size must be a power of 2, not %dfragment size must be a power of 2, not %dfragment size %d is too small, minimum is %dblock size %d is too small, minimum is %dblock size %d is too large, maximum is %dno block size to support this diskminimum bytes per inode isWith a block size of %d %s %ld With %d sectors per cylinder, minimum cylinders per group is %ld CylinderWarning: cylinder%s groups must have a multiple of %ld cylinders panic (fs_cpg * fs_spc) %% NSPF != 0cylinder groups must have at least %ld cylinders!mapcramped && !inodecrampedBlock size and bytes per inode restrictBlock size restrictsBytes per inode restrict cylinders per group to %d. file systems must have at least one cylinder (not %d) File system performance may be impaired. and ntrakrotational layout tables with nsect%s %s %d %s %d.%sWarning: insufficient space in super block for Warning: inode blocks/cyl group (%ld) >= data blocks (%ld) in last cylinder group. This implies %ld sector(s) cannot be allocated. mkfsfsinit failedsuper-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:%s: %d sectors in %d %s of %d tracks, %d sectors %.1fMB in %d cyl groups (%d c/g, %.2fMB/g, %d i/g) cg summaryWarning: %d sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated filesystem must have at least %d sectorsinode blocks/cyl group (%ld) >= data blocks (%d) number of cylinders per cylinder group (%d) %s. must be increased%s to be changed from %d to %d This requires the block size %s to be changed from %d to %d and the fragment sizeWith %d bytes per inode, Minimum bytes per inode is %ld block size (%d) cannot be smaller than fragment size (%d)fragment size %d is too small, minimum with block size %d is %dpanic: cylinder group too bigcg 0: bad magic numberinternal error: can't find block in cyl 0first cylinder group ran out of spacecg 0: bad magic number (0x%06x != 0x%06x)fsinit: inode value %d out of rangerdfs: read error on block %dwtfs: write error on block %disblock bad fs_frag %d clrblock bad fs_frag %d setblock bad fs_frag %d dfiPRr%s: is a directoryrm_overwrite%s (inode %u): not overwritten due to multiple links%s: malloccheckoverride %s%s%s/%s for %s? remove %s? "." and ".." may not be removedusage: %s [-dfiPRr] file ... bsfbsrdensityeomfsffsrofflinerewindrewofflretensionweof%s: illegal count%s: unknown commandf:ioctl MTIOCGETWriteProtectMounted76543210%s tape drive, residual=%d erblocksize: %d (%d, %d, %d, %d) density: %d (%d, %d, %d, %d) %d: unknown tape drive type usage: %s [-t] device usage: %s [-f device] command [count] Lost connection to remote host.shell/tcp: unknown service/etc/rmtwho are you?invalid user name: %sO%s %d rmtopenC S I%d %d ioctlrmtioctlProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s").rmtreplyProtocol to remote tape server botched.(rmtgets got "%s").m:pusage: %s [-p] [-m mode] dirname ... $OpenBSD: compile.c,v 1.21 2005/04/11 07:11:44 deraadt Exp $0123456789/\$invalid command code %cextra characters at the end of %c commandcommand %c expects \ followed by textextra characters after \ at the end of %c commandunexpected }branchempty labelread commandw commandfilename expectedunterminated substitute patternsubstitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslashextra text at the end of a transform commandcommand %c expects up to %d address(es), found %dcommand expectedunexpected EOF (pending }'s)\ can not be used as a string delimiternewline can not be used as a string delimitercompile_reRE error: %sunterminated substitute in regular expression123456789\%c not defined in the REunescaped newline inside substitute patternnumber in substitute flags out of rangemore than one number or 'g' in substitute flagsbad flag in substitute command: '%c'compile_flagsno wfile specifiedunterminated transform source stringcompile_trtransform strings are not the same lengthunterminated transform target stringtransform pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslashcompile_textexpected context addressunterminated regular expressionwhitespace after %sundefined label '%s'duplicate label '%s'unused label '%s'$OpenBSD: main.c,v 1.9 2003/06/10 22:20:50 deraadt Exp $ae:f:nusage: sed script [-an] [file ...] sed [-an] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...] stdout: %s ..."$OpenBSD: misc.c,v 1.6 2004/07/20 03:50:26 deraadt Exp $sed: %lu: %s: $OpenBSD: process.c,v 1.12 2003/11/07 02:58:23 tedu Exp $\%d not defined in the REflush_appends\ \abfnrtv%03ofirst RE may not be empty\dL" T$ X$ DP d( p t1 0* |, ) PP  ( ( 8(   + Ď + /3 Lx$9 (4 ,hN 0C 8`N DC P@ XM `B h4 pB |LE 4 $H A ; ; hN 4 ] Đh5 ̐PF -a-b-c-d -e-f-G-g-h -H -k-L -n-O-o-p -r-s-S -t-u-w-x-z===!=<>-eq-ne-gt-ge-lt -le!-ef"-nt#-ot$$Ȓ`tfc̑dܑslmnPp \ l    , D \P pH <   ̜̠ T<  G } ȓ0} ؓ     ē ܓ $ 0, < L ` p | l `  d Ȕ, Дx ܔ   $ 4t H P \h  l , L     ̕ ԕhb fd'(! ! %"#)< >g  0y7#-1 1= ?2*?* /&.&_606162636465666768695U5u4L4l3C3c[O%A"BCD0$ ++--==!== *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= <<>><=>=<>&& || */%+-&^|? , ~!():IFS= ${PS2=> } ${PS3=#? } ${PS4=+ },$ĢL a,8c@L\edlxi`4k4lXgmCnfDbuȤФp r q ̒$$     ,4<D@(#)PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2 AAA  Q AA A QBunable to allocate memoryLPrestricted shell - can't cdOLDPWDdon't know current directoryCDPATH%s: bad directorytoo many argumentsno OLDPWDno home directory (HOME not set)can't get current directory - %sRnprsu,-p: %s-u: %s: %spvVpv is a reserved word special is a%s shell builtin is a function undefined (autoload from %s) tracedn exported%s is *GOK*exported is an %salias for alias %s= is a tracked %salias for not foundL#R#UZ#fi#lprtuxfunction %s %T %s() %T %s: not identifierexportreadonly%s[%d]typeset -U -u -l -Z -R%d -L%d -t -r -x -i only -t, -u and -x options may be used with -funalias-tadprtUxalias: -r flag can only be used with -t and without arguments alias %s alias not found adtno argumentslpnzjob control not enabled%%%*d %*s %s%*d %*d %sls:bad signal `%s'Usage: kill [ -s signame | -signum | -signame ] {pid|job}... kill -l [exit_status] %s: arguments must be jobs or process IDsmissing name argument%s: is not an identifierarguments changed since last callOPTARGc_getopts: no argvmissing options argumentlm+alias+cd+command*=export+fc+getopts+jobs+killlet*=readonly=typeset+unaliaswhence+bg+fg%s%*ldm%ld.%02lds%snothing to shift%s: bad numberc_umask=+-rwxugoXsbad maskaugo%#3.3o ugorwxprsu,%s is read onlytrap -- bad signal %s%s: can only %s %d level(s)%s: cannot %sfv%s%*ld.%02ld%sreal user sys system user real :ptime: -%s requires an argumenttime: -%s unknown option*=.*=:[*=break=builtin*=continue*=eval*=exec*=exit+false*=return*=set*=shift=times*=trap+=wait+readtest+trueulimit+umask*=unset-tmissing ]internal error: unknown opunexpected operator/operandmissing closing parenmissing argumentmissing expression operatormissing second argumentexpression expected-atime(cpu-seconds)file(blocks)coredump(blocks)data(kbytes)stack(kbytes)lockedmem(kbytes)memory(kbytes)nofiles(descriptors)ulimit: %cunlimited%-20s unlimited bad limit: %sexceeds allowable limitinvalid limit: %sx_modefileglob: substitute errorFPATH;|&()`*+?@!IFS\$(){}*&;#|<>"'`beginning-of-historycomplete-commandcomplete-filecompletedelete-char-backwarddelete-word-backwarddelete-char-forwarddelete-word-forwardkill-lineredrawend-of-historyeot-or-deletegoto-historymacro-stringauto-insertkill-to-eolkill-regionlist-commandlist-fileprefix-1prefix-2yank-popbackward-charbeginning-of-linebackward-wordend-of-lineforward-charforward-wordnewlinedown-historynewline-and-nextno-opup-historyprev-hist-wordsearch-character-forwardsearch-character-backwardsearch-historyset-mark-commandstuffstuff-resettranspose-charsexchange-point-and-markcomplete-listexpand-filecapitalize-worddowncase-wordupcase-wordset-argcommentx_search_hist I-search: nothing to yank yank something first%s = '%s' %s: no such functioncannot bind, not a ttyPOSIXparameter null or not setexpand(NULL)%S%s: bad substitutionsubstitute%s: parameter not set%s: cannot open $() input%Rfunny $() command: %s*+?@! coprocess already existsPS4%s: can't find function definition file%s: can't find function definition file - %s%s: function not defined by %sCFUNC %d%s: can't open function definition file %s - %s%s: cannot execute - %s%s: restrictedcommand -p: restrictedbuiltin: %s: not a builtinEXECSHELL%s: %s: %sshcomexec: %scould not finish (dup) redirection %s: %sdupcannot %s %s: %s%s%s herein: yylexerror writing %s: %scan't %s temporary file %s: %shere document missing-rPS3%*d) %sdbteste_isadbteste_error: %s (offset %d)%s: unexpected `%s'end of expression%s: bad number `%s'%s: expression recurses on parameter `%s'%s: %s requires lvalue%s: %s applied to read only variablemissing )missing :zero divisorhistory functions not availablee:glnrs0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-%c%scan't use -e, -l, -n, -r with -s (-e -)can't use -l, -n with -e%.*s ${FCEDIT:-/bin/ed} $_error reading temp file %s - %scannot open temp file %serror writing temporary file - %scannot create temp file %s - %s-16substitution failed%s: not in history%s: invalid rangeno history (yet)HISTFILE%s.%dhist_shrinkinternal error: %s[%d]: shl_stdout not validtoo many files open in shellcan't create pipe - try againillegal file descriptor namefd not open for readingfd not open for writingbad file descriptorno coprocess/tmp%s/shXXXXXXXXstoppedrunning and You have %s%s%s jobs no such jobambiguousargument must be %job or process idwarning: won't have full job controlj_init: tcsetpgrp() failed: %sj_init: setpgid() failed: %sj_init: tcgetpgrp() failed: %sj_init: getpgrp() failed: %s[%d]jw:last procchildexchild: execute() returnedexchild: XPIPEI and no last_job - pid %dcannot fork - try againwaitlast: no last jobjw:waitlastwaitlast: not startedjw:waitfor| jw:resumecannot continue job %s: %sfg: 2nd tcsetpgrp(%d, %d) failed: %s1st tcsetpgrp(%d, %d) failed: %s[%d] job not job-controlledjobsnotifyzombiej_async: bad nzombie (%d)j_async: job not startedj_waitj: tcsetpgrp(%d, %d) failed: %scheckjobcheck_job: job started (flags 0x%x) Running (core dumped)%-20s %s%s%sj_print%s%5d %-20s %s%s %s%s%s%s %5d [%d] %c DoneDone (%d)remove_job: job not found (%s)no closing quote here document `%s' unclosed PS1PS2dopprompt\%c%r%l:%M:%S%a %b %d~/%smissing ] MAILyou have mail in $_typesetKSH_VERSION-xPPIDOPTIND=1evaltypeset -i RANDOM MAILCHECK="${MAILCHECK-600}" SECONDS="${SECONDS-0}" TMOUT="${TMOUT-0}"hash=alias -ttype=whence -vstop=kill -STOPsuspend=kill -STOP $$autoload=typeset -fufunctions=typeset -fhistory=fc -linteger=typeset -inohup=nohup local=typesetr=fc -e -login=exec login-tUccdatemailmakeprviwhoENVSH_VERSION$ /etc/suid_profile/etc/profile$HOME/.profileCannot determine current working directory-c requires an argumentUSERinclude: %dUse `exit' to leave ksh shell: %dalloc: %s%s%s-`%c' requires argument%s%s-%c: unknown option |&;<>()*@#!$-? =-+?#% "#$&'()*;<>?[\`|0123456789ABCDEFallexportbraceexpandbgnicecsh-historyemacs-usemetaerrexitgmacsignoreeofinteractivemarkdirsnoclobbernoglobnohupnolognounsetphysicalposixprivilegedtrackallvirawvi-show8vi-tabcompletevi-esccompletextrace%-*s %sCurrent option settings -o %sgetoptionsparse_args: `%c'%s: bad optionA:o;sgmatch'\'%-*s%*sdo_phys_pathshf_fdopen: missing read/writeshf_reopen: bad shf/buf/bsizeshf_reopen: missing read/writeshf_sopen: flags 0x%xshf_flush: no fdshf_emptybuf: no fdshf_fillbuf: no fdshf_read: bsize %dshf_read: flags %xshf_getse: flags %xshf_getchar: flags %xshf_ungetc: flags %xshf_putchar: no fdshf_putchar: flags %xshf_write: nbytes %dshf_write: flags %xshf_snprintf: buf %lx, bsize %dshf_vfprintf0123456789abcdef(null %s)too many <<'s for%s: bad identifier too many redirections %s: invalid function name thenelseeliffiesacwhileuntildo{}[[&&||;;((|&unexpectedunmatchedsyntax error: `%s' %s ?%dsyntax error: unexpected EOF ERRError handlerEXITSIGtimed out waiting for inputsetexecsig: unset signal %d(%s)%S #no-args# #no-vars# ( %T) %T| %T%;%T%s %T ]] %Sdo%N%T%;done in %;for %s select %s case %S in%N(%S%c%;%T%N;;%Nesac %s %T%;doif %Telif %Telse%;%T%;fi then%N%T{%;%T%;} %T& function %s %T%s() %Ttime %T%T|& < >| <> <<- << >> <&>&wdscan: unknown char 0x%x (carrying on)j_ttyinit: can't set close-on-exec flag: %sj_ttyinit: dup of tty fd failed: %sNo controlling tty (open /dev/tty: %s)Can't find tty file descriptorOPTINDPOSIXLY_CORRECTHISTSIZEVISUALMAILCHECKMAILPATHRANDOMSECONDSTMOUTLINENO%s: subscript out of range0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZsetstr: %s=%s: assigning to self%s: is read only%0*s%.*s%*s%.*sy$%s %dfc -e ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} --grabhist: bad history arrayM-usage: %s seconds %s: destination pathname too longdo_moverename %s to %scan't remove %scannot resolve %scannot rename a mount point%s: remove%s: set times%s: set flags%s: set mode%s: set owner/group%s: set owner/group; not setting setuid/setgid%s: waitpid/bin/cp%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) status%s: did not terminate normally/bin/rm-rf-PRpusage: %s [-fi] source target %s [-fi] source ... directory |&=<>+-*/%:()syntax erroreval5division by zeronon-numeric argument_msgbufpM:N:sysctl: KERN_MSGBUFSIZEcouldn't allocate space for buffer datasysctl: KERN_MSGBUFusage: %s [-M core] [-N system] sethostnamegethostnameusage: %s [-s] [name-of-host] /var/run/utmplogout%s: not a device nodereadlabelfs%s: bad filesystem type in label%s: couldn't read disklabel%s%s%s%c/etc/fbtab(null)%s: bad entry: %s%o%s: %s: %mlogin_protect/*%s: chown(%s): %m%s: chmod(%s): %m%s: opendir(%s): %m%lld.%1lld%c%lld%c0B/var/log/wtmplogwtmp\\#TERMPATHtgetent.termcap /usr/share/misc/termcap/usr/share/misc/termcapTERMCAPOOPS?Ynacosacosfacos: DOMAIN error asinasinfasin: DOMAIN error atan2atan2fatan2: DOMAIN error hypothypotfcoshcoshfexpfy0y0fy0: DOMAIN error y1y1fy1: DOMAIN error yn: DOMAIN error ynynflgammalgammaflgamma: SING error loglogflog: SING error log: DOMAIN error log10: SING error log10log10flog10: DOMAIN error pow(0,0): DOMAIN error powfpowpow(0,neg): DOMAIN error neg**non-integral: DOMAIN error sinhsinhfsqrtsqrtfsqrt: DOMAIN error fmodfmodffmod: DOMAIN error remainderremainderfremainder: DOMAIN error acoshacoshfacosh: DOMAIN error atanh: DOMAIN error atanhatanhfatanh: SING error scalbscalbfj0j0f: TLOSS error j1j1fjnjnfgammagammafgamma: SING error 0C0longjmp botch. no errorunknown/invalid errorresolved protocol is unknowninvalid value for hintsmemory allocation failureaddress family for name not supportedservice not supported for ai_socktypeai_socktype not supportedai_family not supportedno address associated with namenon-recoverable failure in name resolutiontemporary failure in name resolutionname or service is not knowninvalid value for ai_flagsxxswfstabscanfstab: rcmd: socket: %s rcmd: socket: All ports in use RSH%s: %s rcmd_afconnect to address %s: rcmd: %s: %s socket: protocol failure in circuit setup. rcmd: accept: %s rcmd: select (setting up stderr): %s select: protocol failure in circuit setup rcmd: write (setting up stderr): %s iruserok%s/.rhosts.rhosts lstat failed.rhosts not regular fileiruserok_sa.rhosts fstat failedbad .rhosts owner.rhosts writable by other than owner/etc/hosts.equiv__ivaliduser__ivaliduser_sa__icheckhostrcmd: address %s not listed for host %s__gethostloopgetnameinfoip6_parsenumeric/usr/bin/rshlocalhostrcmdsh: socketpairrcmdsh: dup2 failedrcmdsh: fork to lose parent failedrcmdsh: execvp %s failed: %s -lrcmdshrcmdsh: setuid(%u): %s rcmdsh: fork failedrcmdsh: unknown user: %s Ⱥغ Resolver Error 0 (no error)Unknown hostHost name lookup failureUnknown server errorNo address associated with nameResolver internal errorUnknown resolver errorrresvport_af%u.%u.%u.%u%u.%u.%u.%uinet_ntop4inet_ntop6%8xH.%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x.%uDPTX\dlpt|Pȼ̼ԼܼԿSignal 0HUPINTILLTRAPABRTEMTFPEKILLBUSSEGVSYSPIPEALRMURGTSTPCONTCHLDTTINTTOUIOXCPUXFSZVTALRMPROFWINCHUSR1USR2Ľ̽ؽ(8@nosappndnosappendnoarchnoarchivednoschgnoschangenosimmutablenouappndnouappendnouchgnouchangenouimmutablenodumpnoopaque ,p"$"too small%ld%s-blocks%s: unknown blocksize%s: minimum blocksize is 512maximum blocksize is %dGBLOCKSIZE%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x/etc/ethers+ ethers.byaddrether_ntohostethers.bynameether_hostton*** unknown regexp error code ***REG_NOMATCHregexec() failed to matchREG_BADPATinvalid regular expressionREG_ECOLLATEinvalid collating elementREG_ECTYPEinvalid character classREG_EESCAPEREG_ESUBREGinvalid backreference numberREG_EBRACKbrackets ([ ]) not balancedREG_EPARENparentheses not balancedREG_EBRACEbraces not balancedREG_BADBRinvalid repetition count(s)REG_ERANGEinvalid character rangeREG_ESPACEREG_BADRPTrepetition-operator operand invalidREG_EMPTYempty (sub)expressionREG_ASSERT"can't happen" -- you found a bugREG_INVARGinvalid argument to regex routineregerrorREG_0x%xsecurertsctssoftcarwindow/etc/ttys/var/run/dev.db__ttyname_r_basic/etc/protocolsgetnetanswerIN-ADDR.ARPAgetnetbyaddr0.0.0.%u.in-addr.arpa%u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa0.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa0.0.%u.%u.in-addr.arpagetnetbyname/etc/networks/etc/groupgrscangroup.bynamegroup.bygidreadpassphrase?@[\]^_`{|}~lowerabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ punct!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ upperABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZxdigit0123456789ABCDEFabcdefalnumABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789NULSOHSTXETXEOTENQBELalertBSbackspaceHTtabLFVTvertical-tabFFform-feedCRcarriage-returnSOSIDLEDC1DC2DC3DC4NAKSYNETBCANEMSUBIS4IS3GSIS2RSIS1USexclamation-markquotation-marknumber-signdollar-signpercent-signampersandapostropheleft-parenthesisright-parenthesisasteriskplus-signcommahyphenhyphen-minusperiodfull-stoptwothreefourfivesixseveneightninesemicolonless-than-signequals-signgreater-than-signquestion-markcommercial-atleft-square-bracketbackslashreverse-solidusright-square-bracketcircumflexcircumflex-accentunderscorelow-linegrave-accentleft-braceleft-curly-bracketvertical-lineright-braceright-curly-brackettildeDEL[:<:]][:>:]]authunix_createauthunix_create: out of memory authunix_create_defaultauth_none.c - Fatal marshalling problemD  0<Hdlx(@PhD  0<Hdlx(@PhHangupInterruptQuitIllegal instructionTrace/BPT trapAbort trapEMT trapFloating point exceptionKilledBus errorSegmentation faultBad system callBroken pipeAlarm clockTerminatedUrgent I/O conditionSuspended (signal)SuspendedContinuedChild exitedStopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)I/O possibleCputime limit exceededFilesize limit exceededVirtual timer expiredProfiling timer expiredWindow size changesInformation requestUser defined signal 1User defined signal 2option requires an argument -- %coption requires an argument -- %sambiguous option -- %.*soption doesn't take an argument -- %.*sunknown option -- %cunknown option -- %s0123456789abcdef0123456789/usr/src/lib/libc/net/inet_net_pton.cn >= 0 && n <= 9n >= 0 && n <= 15assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d, function "%s" ipx_addr%d-%d-%d-%d-%d%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x%x,%x,%x%3x%3o%3dsscanfvfscanfb0b1ncdtscilcshssbpxbxfxoxtxdxsimulatedgetenttc%s.dbcgetnext|:execlexecleexeclpexecvpexecvp: : path too long xdr_array: out of memory   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All rights reserved. $NetBSD: mount_nfs.c,v 1996/05/25 22:48:05 fvdl Exp $ $OpenBSD: getmntopts.c,v 1.9 2004/07/05 18:33:38 otto Exp $Ȏмظ11"t €u6Uu|agPtPS[X!Using drive X, partition YMBR on floppy or old BIOS Read error No O/S No active partition OxUk@HdmT|bhPcel{Dl@@did48dPj,,kлkTk(\kd,\4l|AB'ClyDEFGUVHzab@sce5fhiLl0n<qDqLrXsdvtwxu@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: umount.c,v 1.16 2003/07/29 18:38:36 deraadt Exp $$OpenBSD: mount_msdos.c,v 1.19 2005/04/08 20:09:37 jaredy Exp $$OpenBSD: getmntopts.c,v 1.9 2004/07/05 18:33:38 otto Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $OpenBSD: mknod.c,v 1.13 2003/06/02 20:06:15 millert Exp $  ,Z ( 0  s 8 wDH[[LPX`hgtTZDZ| !"#$%&'()*+,-. 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('?' for list)" "none" case $resp in none) return ;; "?") echo "Major tables: $_tables" ;; *) kbd $resp && { echo $resp >/tmp/kbdtype ; return ; } ;; esac done } welcome() { local _q cat <<__EOT Welcome to the $OBSD $MODE program. This program will help you $MODE OpenBSD in a simple and rational way. At any prompt except password prompts you can run a shell command by typing '!foo', or escape to a shell by typing '!'. Default answers are shown in []'s and are selected by pressing RETURN. At any time you can exit this program by pressing Control-C and then RETURN, but quitting during an $MODE can leave your system in an inconsistent state. __EOT set_term cat <<__EOT IS YOUR DATA BACKED UP? As with anything that modifies disk contents, this program can cause SIGNIFICANT data loss. __EOT case $MODE in upgrade) cat <<__EOT NOTE: once your system has been upgraded, you must manually merge any changes to files in the 'etc' set into the files already on your system. __EOT _q="Proceed with upgrade?" ;; install) cat <<__EOT It is often helpful to have the installation notes handy. For complex disk configurations, relevant disk hardware manuals and a calculator are useful. __EOT if [ -f /etc/fstab ]; then cat <<__EOT You seem to be trying to restart an interrupted installation! You can skip the disk preparation steps and continue, or you can reboot and start over. __EOT _q="Skip disk initialization?" else _q="Proceed with install?" fi ;; esac ask_yn "$_q" if [[ $resp == n ]]; then cat <<__EOT Enter 'halt' at the prompt to gracefully exit OpenBSD. You can then power cycle the machine and boot your original OS. __EOT exit fi echo "Cool! Let's get to it." } scan_dmesg() { bsort $(sed -ne "$1" /var/run/dmesg.boot) } get_ifdevs() { ifconfig -a \ | egrep -v '^[[:space:]]|(bridge|enc|gif|gre|lo|pflog|pfsync|ppp|sl|tun|vlan)[[:digit:]]+:' \ | sed -ne 's/^\(.*\):.*/\1/p' } get_serialdev() { local _d _bd _td [[ -n $MDSERIAL ]] || exit set -- $MDSERIAL _d=$1 _bd=$2 _td=$3 set -- $(scan_dmesg "/^${_d}\([0-9]\) .*/s//\1/p") echo "$_bd$1 $_td$1" } get_drive() { ask_which "$1" "contains the $MODE media" "$2" [[ $resp == done ]] && return 1 makedev $resp || return 1 return 0 } get_partition() { local _drive=$1 _fstypes=$2 _part _fst disklabel $_drive 2>/dev/null \ | grep '^ [a-p]: ' \ | egrep -v "swap|unused" \ | sed -e 's/^ \(.\): *[^ ]* *[^ ]* *\([^ ]*\) .*/\1 \2/' \ >/tmp/parts.$_drive disklabel $_drive 2>/dev/null | grep '^ .:' ask_which "$_drive partition" "has the $MODE sets" \ "$(sed -e 's/^\(.\).*/\1/' /tmp/parts.$_drive)" [[ $resp == done ]] && return 1 _part=$resp _fst=$(sed -ne "/^$_part /s///p" /tmp/parts.$_drive) ask_which "filesystem type" "should be used to mount $_drive$_part" "$_fst $_fstypes ffs" case $resp in done) return 1 ;; $_fst) resp="$_part" ;; *) resp="$_part $resp" ;; esac return 0 } askpass() { set -o noglob stty -echo read resp?"$1 " stty echo set +o noglob echo } ask() { local _question=$1 _default=$2 set -o noglob while :; do echo -n "$_question " [[ -z $_default ]] || echo -n "[$_default] " read resp case $resp in !) echo "Type 'exit' to return to install." sh ;; !*) eval ${resp#?} ;; *) : ${resp:=$_default} break ;; esac done set +o noglob } ask_until() { resp= while [[ -z $resp ]] ; do ask "$1" "$2" done } ask_yn() { local _q=$1 _a=${2:-no} _resp typeset -l _resp while :; do ask "$_q" "$_a" _resp=$resp case $_resp in y|yes) resp=y ; return ;; n|no) resp=n ; return ;; esac done } ask_which() { local _name=$1 _query=$2 _list=$3 _def=$4 _err=$5 set -- $_list if (( $# < 1 )); then echo "${_err:=No ${_name}s found}." resp=done return fi : ${_def:=$1} _list="$*" while :; do ask "Available ${_name}s are: $_list.\nWhich one $_query? (or 'done')" "$_def" isin "$resp" $_list done && break echo "'$resp' is not a valid choice." done } isin() { local _a=$1 _b shift for _b; do [[ $_a == $_b ]] && return 0 done return 1 } addel() { local _a=$1 shift echo -n "$*" isin "$_a" $* || echo -n " $_a" } rmel() { local _a=$1 _b shift for _b; do [[ $_a != $_b ]] && echo -n "$_b " done } bsort() { local _l _a=$1 _b [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || return shift for _b; do if [[ $_a != $_b ]] ; then if [[ $_a > $_b ]] ; then _l="$_a $_l"; _a=$_b else _l="$_b $_l" fi fi done echo -n "$_a " bsort $_l } save_comments() { local _file=$1 if [[ -f /mnt/etc/$_file ]]; then grep "^#" /mnt/etc/$_file >/tmp/$_file.new [[ -f /tmp/$_file ]] && cat /tmp/$_file >>/tmp/$_file.new mv /tmp/$_file.new /tmp/$_file fi } edit_tmp_file() { local _file=$1 ask_yn "Edit $_file with $EDITOR?" [[ $resp == y ]] && $EDITOR /tmp/$_file } manual_net_cfg() { ask_yn "Do you want to do any manual network configuration?" [[ $resp == y ]] && { echo "Type 'exit' to return to $MODE." ; sh ; } } ftp_list_files() { ftp ${_ftp_active} -V -n "$1" <<__EOT user "$2" "$3" cd "$4" ls quit __EOT } makedev() { local _dev=$1 if [[ ! -r /dev/MAKEDEV ]] ; then echo "MAKEDEV not found. Can't create device nodes." return 1 fi cd /dev ; sh MAKEDEV $_dev || return 1 ; cd - >/dev/null } addhostent() { local _addr=$1 _name=$2 _delim="." [[ $_addr == *:* ]] && _delim=":" sed "/^[0-9a-fA-F]*[$_delim].* $_name\$/d" /tmp/hosts >/tmp/hosts.new mv /tmp/hosts.new /tmp/hosts echo "$_addr $_name" >>/tmp/hosts } select_sets() { local _avail=$1 _selected=$2 _next _f _action cat <<__EOT Select sets by entering a set name, a file name pattern or 'all'. De-select sets by prepending a '-' to the set name, file name pattern or 'all'. Selected sets are labelled '[x]'. __EOT while :; do _action= _next= echo for _f in $_avail; do if isin $_f $_selected; then echo " [X] $_f" else echo " [ ] $_f" : ${_next:=$_f} fi done : ${_next:=done} ask "Set name? (or 'done')" "$_next" case $resp in done) break ;; -*) _action=rmel ;; esac : ${_action:=addel} resp=${resp#+|-} case $resp in "") continue ;; all) resp=* ;; esac for _f in $_avail; do eval "case $_f in @($resp)) _selected=\`$_action $_f \$_selected\` ;; esac" done done resp=$_selected } configure_ifs() { local _IFDEVS=$IFDEVS _ifs _name _media _hn while :; do ask_which "interface" "do you wish to initialize" "$_IFDEVS" \ "" "No more interfaces to initialize" [[ $resp == done ]] && break _ifs=$resp _hn=/tmp/hostname.$_ifs ask "Symbolic (host) name for $_ifs?" "$(hostname -s)" _name=$resp _media=$(ifconfig -m $_ifs | grep "media ") if [[ -n $_media ]]; then cat <<__EOT The media options for $_ifs are currently $(ifconfig -m $_ifs | sed -n '/supported/D;/media:/p') __EOT ask_yn "Do you want to change the media options?" case $resp in y) cat <<__EOT Supported media options for $_ifs are: $_media __EOT ask "Media options for $_ifs?" _media=$resp ifconfig $_ifs $_media || return 1 ;; n) _media= ;; esac fi rm -f $_hn v4_config "$_ifs" "$_media" "$_name" "$_hn" v6_config "$_ifs" "$_media" "$_name" "$_hn" [[ -f $_hn ]] && _IFDEVS=$(rmel "$_ifs" $_IFDEVS) done } v4_info() { ifconfig $1 inet | sed -n ' 1s/.*/etc/resolv.conf.tail if [[ -n $_hn ]]; then _hn="send host-name \"$_hn\";" echo "Issuing hostname-associated DHCP request for $_ifs." else echo "Issuing free-roaming DHCP request for $_ifs." fi cat >/etc/dhclient.conf <<__EOT initial-interval 1; $_hn request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers, domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name; __EOT ifconfig $_ifs group dhcp >/dev/null 2>&1 dhclient $_ifs set -- $(v4_info $_ifs) if [[ $1 == UP && -n $2 ]]; then mv /etc/dhclient.conf /tmp/dhclient.conf mv /etc/resolv.conf.tail /tmp/resolv.conf.tail return 0 fi ifconfig $_ifs delete down rm /etc/dhclient.conf /etc/resolv.conf.tail return 1 } v4_config() { local _ifs=$1 _media=$2 _name=$3 _hn=$4 _prompt _addr _mask if ifconfig $_ifs | grep 'groups:.* dhcp' >/dev/null 2>&1; then _addr=dhcp else set -- $(v4_info $_ifs) if [[ -n $2 ]]; then _addr=$2; _mask=$3 ifconfig $_ifs inet $_addr delete fi fi [[ -x /sbin/dhclient ]] && _prompt=" or 'dhcp'" _prompt="IPv4 address for $_ifs? (or 'none'$_prompt)" ask_until "$_prompt" "$_addr" case $resp in none) ;; dhcp) if [[ ! -x /sbin/dhclient ]]; then echo "DHCP not possible - no /sbin/dhclient." elif dhcp_request $_ifs "$_name" || dhcp_request $_ifs ; then addhostent "" "$_name" echo "dhcp NONE NONE NONE $_media" >>$_hn fi ;; *) _addr=$resp ask_until "Netmask?" "${_mask:=}" ifconfig $_ifs -group dhcp >/dev/null 2>&1 if ifconfig $_ifs inet $_addr netmask $resp up ; then addhostent "$_addr" "$_name" echo "inet $_addr $resp NONE $_media" >$_hn fi ;; esac } v6_config() { local _ifs=$1 _media=$2 _name=$3 _hn=$4 _addr _prefixlen _prompt ifconfig lo0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return set -- $(v6_info $_ifs) [[ -n $2 ]] && { _addr=$2; _prefixlen=$3; } [[ -x /sbin/rtsol ]] && _prompt="or 'rtsol' " _prompt="IPv6 address for $_ifs? (${_prompt}or 'none')" ask_until "$_prompt" "${_addr:-none}" case $resp in none) return ;; rtsol) [[ ! -x /sbin/rtsol ]] && { echo "No /sbin/rtsol." ; return ; } ifconfig $_ifs up rtsol -F $_ifs addhostent "::1" "$_name" echo "up\nrtsol $media" >>$_hn return ;; esac _addr=$resp ask_until "IPv6 prefix length for $_ifs?" "${_prefixlen:=64}" ifconfig $_ifs inet6 $_addr prefixlen $resp up || return echo "inet6 $_addr $resp $media" >>$_hn addhostent "$_addr" "$_name" v6_defroute $_ifs [[ $resp == none ]] && return route -n add -inet6 -host default "$resp" || return echo "!route -qn add -host -inet6 default $resp" >>$_hn } v4_defroute() { local _dr _prompt=" or 'none'" [[ -x /sbin/dhclient ]] && _prompt=", 'dhcp'$_prompt" _prompt="Default IPv4 route? (IPv4 address$_prompt)" _dr=$(route -n show -inet | sed -ne '/^default */{s///; s/ .*//; p;}') [[ -f /tmp/dhclient.conf ]] && _dr=dhcp while :; do ask_until "$_prompt" "$_dr" [[ $resp == @(none|dhcp) ]] && break route delete -inet default >/dev/null 2>&1 route -n add -inet -host default "$resp" && { echo "$resp" >/tmp/mygate ; break ; } route -n add -inet -host default $_dr >/dev/null 2>&1 done } v6_defroute() { local _if=$1 _routers _oifs if [[ -z $(route -n show -inet6 | sed -ne '/^default */{s///; s/ .*//; p;}') ]]; then resp=none return fi if [[ -x /sbin/ping6 ]]; then _routers=$(ping6 -n -c 2 ff02::2%$_if 2>&1 | sed -n \ -e '/bytes from/{s/^.*from //;s/,.*$//;p;}') fi _oifs=$IFS IFS= PS3="IPv6 default router? (list #, IPv6 address or 'none'): " select i in $_routers; do case $i in "") resp=$REPLY [[ -n $resp ]] && break ;; *) resp=$i break ;; esac done IFS=$_oifs } enable_network() { local _netfile for _netfile in hosts dhclient.conf resolv.conf resolv.conf.tail protocols services; do if [ -f /mnt/etc/${_netfile} ]; then cp /mnt/etc/${_netfile} /etc/${_netfile} fi done ifconfig lo0 inet for hn in /mnt/etc/hostname.*; do if=${hn#/mnt/etc/hostname.} ifconfig $if >/dev/null 2>&1 || continue while :; do if [ "$cmd2" ]; then set -- $cmd2 af=$1 name=$2 mask=$3 bcaddr=$4 ext1=$5 cmd2= i=1; while [ i -lt 6 -a -n "$1" ]; do shift; let i=i+1; done ext2="$@" else read af name mask bcaddr ext1 ext2 || break fi case $af in "#"*|"!"*|"bridge"|"") continue ;; "dhcp") [ "$name" = "NONE" ] && name= [ "$mask" = "NONE" ] && mask= [ "$bcaddr" = "NONE" ] && bcaddr= ifconfig $if $name $mask $bcaddr $ext1 $ext2 down cmd="dhclient $if" ;; "rtsol") ifconfig $if $name $mask $bcaddr $ext1 $ext2 up rtsif="$rtsif $if" cmd= ;; "up") cmd="ifconfig $if $name $mask $bcaddr $ext1 $ext2 up" ;; *) read dt dtaddr if [ "$name" = "alias" ]; then alias=$name name=$mask mask=$bcaddr bcaddr=$ext1 ext1=$ext2 ext2= else alias= fi cmd="ifconfig $if $af $alias $name " case $dt in dest) cmd="$cmd $dtaddr" ;; [a-z!]*) cmd2="$dt $dtaddr" ;; esac if [ ! -n "$name" ]; then echo "/mnt/etc/hostname.$if: invalid network configuration file" return fi case $af in inet) [ "$mask" ] && cmd="$cmd netmask $mask" if [ "$bcaddr" -a "$bcaddr" != "NONE" ]; then cmd="$cmd broadcast $bcaddr" fi [ "$alias" ] && rtcmd="; route -qn add -host $name" ;; inet6) [ "$mask" ] && cmd="$cmd prefixlen $mask" cmd="$cmd $bcaddr" ;; *) cmd="$cmd $mask $bcaddr" esac cmd="$cmd $ext1 $ext2$rtcmd" rtcmd= ;; esac eval "$cmd" done /dev/null 2>&1 route -qn add -host default $(/dev/null route -qn add -net 127 -reject >/dev/null echo "Network interface configuration:" ifconfig -am route -n show if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then echo "\nResolver enabled." else echo "\nResolver not enabled." fi } install_files() { local _src=$1 _files=$2 _f _sets _get_sets for _f in $THESETS; do isin $_f $_files || continue; _sets=$(addel $_f $_sets) isin $_f $DEFAULTSETS && _get_sets=$(addel $_f $_get_sets) done if [[ -z $_sets ]]; then cat <<__EOT No $OBSD sets were found at $(echo $_src | sed -e 's/\(^ftp:\/\/[^/]*\)\(:[^/]*\)\(@.*\)/\1\3/') Set names are: $THESETS __EOT return fi select_sets "$_sets" "$_get_sets" [[ -n $resp ]] || return _get_sets=$resp ask_yn "Ready to $MODE sets?" yes [[ $resp = n ]] && return for _f in $THESETS ; do isin $_f $_get_sets || continue echo "Getting $_f ..." case $_f in *.tgz) ftp $_ftp_active -o - -V -m "$_src/$_f" | tar zxphf - -C /mnt ;; *) ftp $_ftp_active -o "/mnt/$_f" -V -m "$_src/$_f" ;; esac if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "'$_f' did not install correctly." else DEFAULTSETS=$(rmel $_f $DEFAULTSETS) fi done } encode_for_url() { echo "$1" | sed -e " s/%/%25/g s/ /%20/g s/!/%21/g s/\"/%22/g s/#/%23/g s/\\\$/%24/g s/&/%26/g s/'/%27/g s/(/%28/g s/)/%29/g s/\*/%2a/g s/+/%2b/g s/,/%2c/g s/-/%2d/g s/\./%2e/g s/\//%2f/g s/:/%3a/g s/;/%3b/g s//%3e/g s/?/%3f/g s/@/%40/g s/\[/%5b/g s/\\\\/%5c/g s/]/%5d/g s/\^/%5e/g s/_/%5f/g s/\`/%60/g s/{/%7b/g s/|/%7c/g s/}/%7d/g s/~/%7e/g " } ftp_error() { if [[ -n $(echo "$2" | grep "$1") ]]; then echo $1 return 0 fi return 1 } install_url() { local _url_type=$1 _file_list _url_base _oifs _prompt _passwd ask "HTTP/FTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none')" \ "${ftp_proxy:-none}" unset ftp_proxy http_proxy [[ $resp == none ]] || export ftp_proxy=$resp http_proxy=$resp rm -f $SERVERLIST ask_yn "Display the list of known $_url_type servers?" "${_get_server_list:-yes}" _get_server_list=$resp if [[ $_get_server_list == y ]]; then echo -n "Getting the list from (ftp.openbsd.org)..." ftp $_ftp_active -V -a -o - \$FTPDIR/ftplist 2>/tmp/ftplisterr \ | sed -ne "/^${_url_type}:\/\//s///p" >$SERVERLIST if [[ -s $SERVERLIST ]]; then echo "done." _prompt="Server? (IP address, hostname, list#, 'done' or '?')" cat -n $SERVERLIST | less -XE else echo "FAILED." cat /tmp/ftplisterr fi fi : ${_prompt:="Server? (IP address, hostname or 'done')"} while :; do eval resp=\$_${_url_type}_server_ip ask_until "$_prompt" "$resp" case $resp in done) return ;; "?") [[ -s $SERVERLIST ]] || continue cat -n $SERVERLIST | less -XE ;; +([0-9])) [[ -s $SERVERLIST ]] || continue set -- $(sed -ne "${resp}p" $SERVERLIST) [[ $# -lt 1 ]] && { echo "There is no line $resp." ; continue ; } echo "Using $*" eval _${_url_type}_server_ip=${1%%/*} eval _${_url_type}_server_dir=${1#*/}/$SETDIR ;; *) eval _${_url_type}_server_ip=$resp break ;; esac done if [[ $_url_type == ftp && -z $ftp_proxy ]]; then case $_ftp_active in -A) resp=no ;; *) resp=yes ;; esac unset _ftp_active ask_yn "Does the server support passive mode ftp?" $resp [[ $resp == n ]] && _ftp_active=-A fi eval resp=\$_${_url_type}_server_dir ask_until "Server directory?" "${resp:-pub/OpenBSD/$SETDIR}" eval _${_url_type}_server_dir=$resp if [[ $_url_type == ftp ]]; then _oifs=$IFS IFS= ask_until "Login?" "${_ftp_server_login:=anonymous}" _ftp_server_login=$resp _passwd=root@`hostname` if [[ $_ftp_server_login != anonymous ]]; then resp= while [[ -z $resp ]] ; do askpass "Password? (will not echo)" done _passwd=$resp fi IFS=$_oifs fi _url_base=$_url_type:// if [[ $_url_type == ftp && $_ftp_server_login != anonymous ]]; then _url_base=$_url_base$(encode_for_url "$_ftp_server_login"):$(encode_for_url "$_passwd")@ fi eval _url_base=$_url_base\$_${_url_type}_server_ip/\$_${_url_type}_server_dir ifconfig lo0 if [[ $_url_type == ftp && -z $ftp_proxy ]] ; then _file_list=$(ftp_list_files "$_ftp_server_ip" "$_ftp_server_login" "$_passwd" "$_ftp_server_dir") ftp_error "Login failed." "$_file_list" && return ftp_error "No such file or directory." "$_file_list" && return else _file_list=$(ftp -o - -V "$_url_base/index.txt" | sed 's/ //') fi install_files "$_url_base" "$_file_list" } install_mounted_fs() { local _dir while :; do ask_until "Pathname to the sets? (or 'done')" "$SETDIR" [[ $resp == done ]] && return [[ -d /mnt2/$resp ]] && { _dir=/mnt2/$resp ; break ; } [[ -d /mnt/$resp ]] && { _dir=/mnt/$resp ; break ; } [[ -d /$resp ]] && { _dir=/$resp ; break ; } echo "The directory '$resp' does not exist." done install_files "file://$_dir" "$(ls -l $_dir)" } install_cdrom() { local _drive _part=c _fstype get_drive "CD-ROM" "$CDDEVS" || return _drive=$resp set -- $(disklabel $_drive 2>&1 | grep '^ c: ') case $4 in ISO9660) _fstype=cd9660 ;; UDF) _fstype=udf ;; *) get_partition $_drive "cd9660" || return set -- $resp _part=$1 [[ -n $2 ]] && _fstype=$2 ;; esac mount -t $_fstype -o ro /dev/$_drive$_part /mnt2 || return install_mounted_fs } install_disk() { local _drive _dev _fstype _fsopts ask_yn "Is the disk partition already mounted?" if [[ $resp == n ]]; then get_drive "disk" "$DKDEVS" || return _drive=$resp get_partition $_drive "$MDFSTYPE" || return set -- $resp _dev=/dev/$_drive$1 [[ -n $2 ]] && _fstype="-t $2" [[ $_fstype == $MDFSTYPE ]] && _fsopts=$MDFSOPTS if [[ -z $(mount | grep "^$_dev") ]]; then mount $_fstype -o ro,$_fsopts $_dev /mnt2 || return fi fi install_mounted_fs } install_nfs() { local _tcp ask_until "Server IP address or hostname?" "$NFS_ADDR" NFS_ADDR=$resp ask_until "Filesystem on server to mount?" "$NFS_PATH" NFS_PATH=$resp ask_yn "Use TCP transport? (requires TCP-capable NFS server)" [[ $resp == y ]] && _tcp=-T mount_nfs $_tcp -o ro $NFS_ADDR:$NFS_PATH /mnt2 || return install_mounted_fs } install_tape() { local _z _bs get_drive "tape drive" "$MTDEVS" || return export TAPE=/dev/nr$resp if [[ ! -c $TAPE ]]; then echo "$TAPE is not a character special file." return fi echo -n "Rewinding $TAPE (mt rewind)..." mt rewind || return echo "done." while :; do ask_until "Skip how many files? (or 'done')" 0 [[ $resp == done ]] && return [[ $resp == +([0-9]) ]] || continue (($resp < 0)) && continue if (($resp > 0)); then echo -n "Skipping $resp file(s)..." mt fsf $resp || return echo "done." elif [[ -n $_bs ]]; then mt bsf ; mt fsf fi unset _z ask_yn "Is the file gzipped?" yes [[ $resp == y ]] && _z=z [[ $_z == z ]] || _bs=10240 ask_until "Blocksize for this file?" "${_bs:-8k}" [[ $resp == done ]] && return _bs=$resp dd if=$TAPE bs=$_bs | tar ${_z}xvphf - -C /mnt || return done } set_timezone() { local _zoneroot=/mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo/ _zonepath [[ ! -d $_zoneroot ]] && return if [[ -L /mnt/etc/localtime ]]; then TZ=$(ls -l /mnt/etc/localtime 2>/dev/null) TZ=${TZ#*${_zoneroot#/mnt}} fi : ${TZ:=GMT} while :; do _zonepath=$_zoneroot ask "What timezone are you in? ('?' for list)" "$TZ" if [[ $resp == ? ]]; then ls -F ${_zonepath} continue; fi _zonepath=${_zonepath}${resp} while [[ -d $_zonepath ]]; do ask "What sub-timezone of '${_zonepath#$_zoneroot}' are you in? ('?' for list)" case $resp in "") ;; ?) ls -F $_zonepath ;; *) _zonepath=$_zonepath/$resp ;; esac done if [[ -f $_zonepath ]]; then TZ=${_zonepath#$_zoneroot} echo -n "Setting local timezone to '$TZ'..." ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /mnt/etc/localtime echo "done." return fi echo -n "'${_zonepath#$_zoneroot}'" echo " is not a valid timezone on this system." done } sane_install() { local _s _m for _s in $SANESETS; do isin $_s $DEFAULTSETS || continue ask_yn "'$_s' was not installed.\nAre you *SURE* your $MODE is complete without '$_s'?" [[ $resp == n ]] && _m="$_m $_s" done [[ -n $_m ]] && return 1 return 0 } install_sets() { local _d=disk _locs="disk ftp http" [[ -n $CDDEVS ]] && { _locs="cd $_locs" ; _d=cd ; } [[ -x /sbin/mount_nfs ]] && _locs="$_locs nfs" [[ -n $MTDEVS && -x /bin/mt ]] && _locs="$_locs tape" echo "\nLet's $MODE the sets!" while :; do umount -f /mnt2 >/dev/null 2>&1 [[ -z $DEFAULTSETS ]] && _d=done ask "Location of sets? ($_locs or 'done')" "$_d" case $resp in done) sane_install && return ;; c*|C*) isin "cd" $_locs && install_cdrom ;; d*|D*) install_disk ;; f*|F*) isin "ftp" $_locs && install_url ftp ;; h*|H*) isin "http" $_locs && install_url http ;; n*|N*) isin "nfs" $_locs && install_nfs ;; t*|T*) isin "tape" $_locs && install_tape ;; esac done } munge_fstab() { local _dev _mp _fstype _opt _rest while read _dev _mp _fstype _opt _rest; do [[ $_dev == \#* || \ $_fstype == nfs || \ ! -f /sbin/mount_$_fstype || \ $_opt == *noauto* || \ $_opt == *xx* ]] && continue _opt=$(echo $_opt | sed -e 's/softdep//') [[ $_fstype == ffs ]] || _opt=$(echo $_opt | sed -e 's/rw/ro/') echo $_dev /mnt${_mp%/} $_fstype $_opt done /etc/fstab if [ ! -s /etc/fstab ]; then echo "Unable to create valid /etc/fstab." exit fi } mount_fs() { local _async=$1 _dev _mp _fstype _opt _rest while read _dev _mp _fstype _opt _rest; do [ "$_mp" = "/mnt" ] || mkdir -p $_mp if ! mount -v -t $_fstype $_async -o $_opt $_dev $_mp ; then cat <<__EOT FATAL ERROR: Cannot mount filesystems. Double-check your configuration and restart the $MODE. __EOT exit fi done /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "FAILED. You must fsck $_dev manually." _fail=y else echo "OK." fi done /tmp/resolv.conf for _ns in $resp; do echo "nameserver $_ns" >>/tmp/resolv.conf done ask_yn "Use the nameserver now?" yes [[ $resp == y ]] && cp /tmp/resolv.conf /tmp/resolv.conf.shadow fi [[ -n $(ifconfig -a | sed -ne '/[ ]inet .* broadcast /p') ]] && v4_defroute edit_tmp_file hosts manual_net_cfg } populateusrlocal() { if [ -f /mnt/etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist ]; then /mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt /usr/sbin/mtree -Uedqn -p /usr/local -f /etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist >/dev/null fi } questions() { local _bd _td ask_yn "Start sshd(8) by default?" yes if [[ $resp == n ]]; then echo "sshd_flags=NO # disabled during install" \ >>/mnt/etc/rc.conf.local fi ask_yn "Start ntpd(8) by default?" no if [[ $resp == y ]]; then echo "ntpd_flags= # enabled during install" \ >>/mnt/etc/rc.conf.local fi if [[ -n $MDXAPERTURE ]]; then ask_yn "Do you expect to run the X Window System?" yes if [[ $resp == y ]]; then sed -e "/^#\(machdep\.allowaperture=${MDXAPERTURE}\)/s//\1 /" \ /mnt/etc/sysctl.conf >/tmp/sysctl.conf cp /tmp/sysctl.conf /mnt/etc/sysctl.conf fi fi [[ -z $SERIALDEV ]] && return set -- $SERIALDEV _bd=$1 _td=$2 ask_yn "Change the default console to $_bd?" [[ $resp == n ]] && return ask_which "speed" "should $_bd use" "9600 19200 38400 57600 115200" [[ $resp == done ]] && return echo "stty $_bd $resp\nset tty $_bd" >>/mnt/etc/boot.conf sed -e "/^${_td}/s/std.9600/std.${resp}/" \ -e "/^${_td}/s/unknown/vt220 /" \ -e "/${_td}/s/off/on secure/" /mnt/etc/ttys >/tmp/ttys } finish_up() { local _dev _mp _fstype _rest if [[ -x /mnt/sbin/swapctl ]]; then /mnt/sbin/swapctl -a /dev/$SWAPDEV >/dev/null 2>&1 while read _dev _mp _fstype _rest; do [[ $_fstype == swap ]] && \ /mnt/sbin/swapctl -a $_dev >/dev/null 2>&1 done /tmp/sysctl.conf cp /tmp/sysctl.conf /mnt/etc/sysctl.conf fi echo -n "Making all device nodes..." cd /mnt/dev sh MAKEDEV all for _dev in $DKDEVS $CDDEVS $MTDEVS; do sh MAKEDEV $_dev done echo "done." cd / md_installboot $ROOTDISK populateusrlocal [ -x /mnt/$MODE.site ] && /mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt /$MODE.site cat <<__EOT CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD $MODE has been successfully completed! To boot the new system, enter halt at the command prompt. Once the system has halted, reset the machine and boot from the disk. __EOT md_congrats } ROOTDISK= ROOTDEV= VERSION=38 VNAME="$(( $VERSION / 10 )).$(( $VERSION % 10 ))" SETDIR="$VNAME/$ARCH" FTPDIR="pub/OpenBSD/$VNAME" OBSD="OpenBSD/$ARCH $VNAME" SERVERLIST=/tmp/serverlist for _opt in d f l m n p s; do ulimit -$_opt unlimited done dmesg | sed -ne '/^OpenBSD /h;/^OpenBSD /!H;${g;p;}' >/var/run/dmesg.boot DKDEVS=$(scan_dmesg "${MDDKDEVS:-/^[sw]d[0-9][0-9]* /s/ .*//p}") CDDEVS=$(scan_dmesg "${MDCDDEVS:-/^cd[0-9][0-9]* /s/ .*//p}") MTDEVS=$(scan_dmesg "${MDMTDEVS:-/^[cmsw]t[0-9][0-9]* /s/ .*//p}") IFDEVS=$(get_ifdevs) SERIALDEV=$(get_serialdev) THESETS="bsd bsd.rd bsd.mp $MDSETS" DEFAULTSETS="bsd bsd.rd" for _set in base etc misc comp man game xbase xetc xshare xfont xserv site ; do [[ $MODE == upgrade && ( $_set == etc || $_set == xetc ) ]] && continue THESETS="$THESETS ${_set}${VERSION}.tgz" isin $_set xbase xetc xshare xfont xserv site && continue DEFAULTSETS="$DEFAULTSETS ${_set}${VERSION}.tgz" done SANESETS="bsd base${VERSION}.tgz etc${VERSION}.tgz" : ${EDITOR:=ed} [[ -x /usr/bin/vi ]] && EDITOR=vi export EDITOR [[ -f /etc/fstab ]] && umount -av 1>/dev/null 2>&1 umount -v /mnt 1>/dev/null 2>&1 welcome if [[ $MODE == install && ! -f /etc/fstab ]]; then cat <<__EOT You will now initialize the disk(s) that OpenBSD will use. To enable all available security features you should configure0123456789abcdef])0M,+\+g,]X((X,((],V(((x(((]I-0P-N-X-Y-]:,0P-N-X-Y-+7,H,]<+]+8,],P+])(0P-X-Y-T(](0P-X-Y-]g,0P-X-Y-]I-0P-X-Y-I-f4]]&@t++@2X Xd$`p]t]] ]]]]]]$]]](] ʚ;5ym8@ E82(@AAA==(A*$](],]8]4]\]@]D]H]L]0]P]T]<]gQ ,],] 4am4a4a4a4aĀ4aȀ4à4aЀ4aԀ4a؀4a܀4 a4a4a4a4a4 a4$a4(a 4_f-4_f-4_g-]4q-]0t-t-L4du-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-w-w---8w--P-T----w- w-0w--Hw-lw-- -$-X----(-\--ċ--,-`--Ȍ--0-0|w-w-T4̢-h-p-----@--H-H-P-X-H-ĥ-L----H-@-Ȣ-`-Ȣ-Ȣ-<---,-P-,4@4L4X4p444zaurus---(-.-.ʏ#######m+########################################################################4//x/// /#####1!1!2!3!l0!t0!#########################..8.,...#####t....$..##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################!!|!!!!!#ܑ!\L$<#L$XM$M$<#N$#!$----L-##-<#<#Pm+m+########### $#!$#####<#####r#s#0s##v##t##u#X^"#######################################  \ $#!$########################4/////###########1!1!1!1!3!###########################]&^&|^&Pa&b&#j&#>??  ` ~ ^ "' AAA AA'CEEEEIIIINOOOOOUUUUYaaaa aa'ceeeeiiiinooooouuuuyy"A"E"I"O"U"a"e"i"o"u"yA^A`A*A~ACE^E`EI^I`I~NO^O`O~OU^U`UYa^a`a*a~ace^e`ei^i`i~no^o`o~ou^u`uy5000000000000Boldface.iso1 ^wfllllllll||| 0 `F8ll8vv0 000000 0 0f<0p000x6 0>p00p>p|`08l 8llF`0| 0|``f`?8`DDE9  2 2 a>wc`aaa?`  0  0f`vvf`    ` 00`000000006??a@ 0  @````@``@? !? ?1```@```0 00`gop``````p@??`@@000  000 ``````p?```<     `xx``88`9  ?0```g ollg`0? ? @@`@`````a``````````` `````` 0 @a``````````````````@a0@0@000?00000 0 0@0@000?000000x` ````a`` `0````````````````````````80acflxx|ngca`px00000000000 0 p`pppY`Y`Y`M`N`N`D`D`p` p x X L F G C A@@@`0 ````````````` @0@00`0`0`07000000x `````````````0@8@#a````|ngca`p0`` ` p<@`@``F p` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` p@?`@000 f f f v w@3@7@;;p` 0@8   @`p` 0@ ?   ?``00 || ||1`0009 ```gop````````p`xO1 ````p@0`````1 ````````p9`p0``````0`   1```1?`? `@ @ ?0p00790000000y 08````acf|x|ngcnf`f`f`f`f`f`f`p'y0000000y ````````p@8q``````````@p````  ````````p`8````s48000000x00@8 0?  @y00000009`p` 0@0@ pf f f 7@;@;@p@8  ` 0@0@  xp`A8 p`8    8 >`6gC0000~|V`s@ o`?0000?o`@ ``00`0?a00`0`00/@)@(@(@)@/@0``0`0`?` 6ll6 `??0/@)@/@*@*@+@0 33 ???<f0`~<ff< y00000009>`0000x?```?````````` 8<0`0`0`?l6 `` 6l08@@@@08 8D8D8@@@@ 000@9  ? @@` ? @@` ? @@`  ? @@` ? @@` ? @@`   # ##CCC` `````` 0 @  0@0@00?000 0 0@0@00?000 0 0@0@00?000 0 0@0@00?000 0  100`0`0``0`0`0`0`0@1 p` p X L F C A@@`0  ``````` @0@ ``````` @0@ ``````` @0@  ``````` @0@ ``````` @0@ 0`  0` `!!c`c`f`f`l`l`8@8@8o p` ` ` ` ` ` ` p@?p` ` ` ` ` ` ` p@?p` ` ` ` ` ` ` p@?p` ` ` ` ` ` ` p@?p` 0@ ``````````8```acc````````ac 000900090009 0009000900096@&``?fff v@;1 ````p@0  0``````0`0``````0`0``````0`0``````0` Dl88lF ````p@8 'y0000000y  ````````p@8 ````````p@8 ````````p@8  ````````p@8 ````````p@8``#c`f`f`l`|@8?`` y00000009`y00000009`y00000009`y00000009`` 0@0@  xp````aaaaa`` 0@0@  xp^^  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ͳɿپ̴ް8^9^29^)39^a\9^9^9^p:^:^:^:^:^:^:^  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~x;^o6<^<^<^<^<^  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     d=^a?d>^>^>^:^&<^!?^DC^455555t1185<U1 V1^1]1  % 3u Du u <u 8u 2u 0&'u 1&u 0&u  5 5{1|1{1hd"!5T"5*(&5)5# # +5,5-50w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-(.5{{.5/5s2u2`x2{2 }2|2h222202̉2/505222255 2L2226582d222<652@222X65<2h22265`2222652 222t752P2227542`222T8520222852 2228582d22285H3t322495\3d322P953322953322:5P 3| 322;53322H;5X3322;5^#$NetBSD: blockio.S,v 1.4 2001/06/02 11:15:56 bjh21 Exp $.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.start.data.sbss.bss.arm.atpcs.ident ; ! h>(5Ph(.hM^h>4hM^h>j9h>Dh>9>K>e  ?8  5hM^hM^  5( H$R$/x@"8:/DEaaR!]1$fP'+@2h 25 5<Pg-_%$K/l' !l0)<]5+tB#,JD2L^|`#lq-4~p&ȶ *4]5 5|-1"(5##̉2d2T]:%$C@$hR5h5w '\  /-lȻ5@"\ h2$52((&pP3%D(&18(e,dH?#XX5_.Tw\Z#xaaJ^2TP2.\u-x !/ M"\D$1L&4&+7)Gs`WD"hb{'r 11 a(13<0%5$$,y5P1X03. `|1@)0 8"\:T hJ5St <e+DuD5|t0<!<$!$-'܃-P&\#<,;0*/Tr-(!2U2dA+M"<UL^^5o2`|F 835i&$j` 5R 01pl 0\y s"T ̶/ (-. 54 4f1 ,P @%D ԯ!  {` -# V/8.H*#1/+<B,&O/axa.qܣ5t-_)x*1TTw& "@(A!1d8$D3(*L%$ "/,!8+I\5$[x*i/0ra%H}p`5'DP#dH%l A&l!$d!8Ȝ' | \y`lL^& X4*D|1@Y0`e#l.`|4P3b`3$!B/8-({ap$'$<+(0,t13pL#\'@--/;p0I%*U&\ "0hH=`tlI^{%'45X1$aw$/@-$h& |2tta%\a50,d?/Ll/hdaq1pa(91x|5^&hT5H1b)l#"\w$1&,j2T5؍1B C1$W5al2o ^21t'Ldh0 dg"`' .P.D*05"$%1T4,TB*RL>1_0xpq&z`"l%50"plo`P3%h-\0]a'4%@ 8/$W!*]70aF0-X5`c!$v 2P.1q'̙5L1<0`L^5T|+"04170aHv-X1i`#{H80$)Ԝ'T@"\n`6`"H`$t(_@"($*8"PEM. 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